SP and ST Meridians Flashcards
SP-1 *
Plantaromedial aspect of the pelvic limb 0.5 cun proximal to the coronet band
Distal to the medial sesamoid bone, caudal to the interosseus muscle
On plantaromedial aspect of the pelvic limb just distal to the distal end of the medial splint bone, caudal to the suspensory ligament
In a depression on the pelvic limb plantarodistal to the base of the medial splint bone, dorsal to the flexor digitorum profundus tendon and plantar to LIV-3
In depression plantar to the medial malleolus of the tibia, plantar to LIV-4
SP-6 *
3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus, caudal to the tibia
On the caudal border of the tibia, 3 cun distal to SP-9, cranial to the flexor digitorum longus
SP-9 *
In a depression at the level of the tibial tuberosity, 0.5 cun cranial to the saphenous vein on the ventral border of the gracilis muscle
SP-10 *
2 cun proximal to the proximomedial border of the patella in the belly of the vastus medialis muscle. Flexing the stifle aids in location.
In depression 1.5 cun cranioventral to the ventral border of the tuber coxa
SP-12 *
In a depression ventral to the curve of the cranial aspect of the tuber coxa, ventral to the tendon of the internal abdominal oblique muscle
SP-13 *
0.5 cun cranioventral to the craniodorsal aspect of the tuber coxa dorsal to the tendon of the internal abdominal oblique muscle
At the 4th intercostal space at the level of the elbow
SP-21 *
At the 10th intercostal space at the same level as the point of the shoulder
ST-1 *
Lower eyelid ⅓ of the way from the medial canthus
ST-2 *
Ventral to the medial canthus at the bifurcation of the angular vein
0.5 cun caudal to the lateral commissure of the mouth
5 cun caudal to the lateral commissure of the mouth along the rostral border of the masseter muscle at the level of the medial canthus of the eye.
In the center of the masseter muscle belly at the level of the lateral canthus of the eye, located in a depression when the jaw is open
ST-7 *
In a depression ventral to the TMJ
In the depression caudal to the jaw, lateral to the larynx ventral to the tendon of the sternocephalicus muscle (middle of the triangle that connects jaw to neck)
ST-10 *
In a depression dorsal to the jugular groove in the ventral aspect of the brachiocephalic muscle at the caudal edge of the cutaneous colli muscle
(Palm the point of the shoulder and grab the brachiocephalic)
2 cun lateral to the umbilicus in the belly of the rectus abdominus muscle
In the depression 1.5 cun caudoventral to the ventral border of the tuber coxa over the tensor fascia lata
2 cun proximolateral to the patella in the belly of the vastus lateralis muscle
Between the distal border of the patella and the proximal border of the tibia in a depression between middle and lateral patellar ligament
ST-36 *
3 cun distal to ST-35, 0.5 cun distolateral to the cranial aspect of the tibial tuberosity, over the extensor digitorum longus muscle
Halfway between ST-36 and ST-38, 0.5 cun lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia over the extensor digitorum longus muscle
At the middle of the gaskin 0.5 cun lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia over extensor digitorum longus muscle
1 cun distal to ST-38 0.5 cun lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia over the tibialis cranial is muscle
Lateral to ST-38 in the muscular groove between the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor digitorum lateralis
At the level of the distal aspect of the lateral malleolus of the tibia, between the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor digitorum lateralis, proximal to the tarsal retinaculum
On the dorsal aspect of the cannon bone just distal to the tarsometatarsal joint and the metatarsal retinaculum, lateral to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus
Proximodorsal to the fetlock joint just lateral to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus muscle
Distal to the fetlock joint directly lateral to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus muscle
ST-45 *
On the dorsal midline of the pelvic limb 0.5 cun proximal to the coronet band