LI and LU Meridians Flashcards
LI-1 *
Dorsomedial aspect of the thoracic hoof 0.5 cun proximal to the coronet band
On the dorsomedial side of the thoracic limb, distal to the fetlock joint in the depression dorsal to the junction of the medial extensor branch of the suspensory ligament and the common digital extensor tendon
On the dorsomedial aspect of the thoracic limb just distal to the distal end of the medial splint bone dorsal to the suspensory ligament
LI-4 *
Distal and dorsal to the base of the medial splint dorsal in the depression between the cannon and medial splint bones
In a depression between the 2nd and 3rd carpal bones on the dorsomedial aspect of the carpus
3 cun proximal to the antebrachiocarpal joint on the caudal aspect of the extensor carpi radialis between the extensor carpi radialis and the common digital extensor muscles
LI-10 *
2 cun distal to LI-11 in the groove between the extensor carpi radialis and the common digital extensor muscles
LI-11 *
In a depression cranial to the lateral aspect of the elbow in the groove between the extensor carpi radialis and the common digital extensor just ventral to the lateral head of the triceps muscle
LI-15 *
Dorsal to the greater tubercle of the humerus, lateral to the tendon of origin of the biceps brachii, between the subclavius and the supraspinatus muscles
Cranial to the scapula, on the cranial border of the subclavius muscle, at the junction of the subclavius and the omotransversarius muscles
In a depression between the serratus ventralis cervicus and the omotransversarius muscles 2 cun craniodorsal to LI-16
LI-18 *
On the ventral aspect of the brachiocephalic muscle at the level of C2-C3, dorsal to the jugular groove
LI-20 *
Along the lateral edge of the nares ⅔ of the way from the rostral to the dorsal edge, 1 cun caudal to the nares
LU-1 *
Depression in the middle of the pectoralis descendens muscle, 1.5 cun lateral to the pectoral sulcus (in the 1st intercostal space)
LU-5 *
In the depression on the craniomedial aspect of the radius just lateral to the tendon of insertion of the biceps brachii