SI and HT Meridians Flashcards
SI-1 *
Dorsolateral aspect of the thoracic hoof 0.5 cun proximal to the coronet band
Lateral aspect of the Pastern in the depression distal to the fetlock joint, palmar to the extensor branch of the suspensory ligament
In a depression proximolateral to the fetlock joint on the palmarolateral aspect of the cannon bone just distal to the end of the lateral splint, dorsal to the suspensory ligament
Distal and dorsal to the base of the lateral splint bone in the depression between the splint and cannon bones (opposite LI-4)
On lateral aspect of the carpus in a depression between the ulnar carpal bone and 4th carpal bone on a line connecting SI-4 and SI-6
In a depression caudal to the lateral styloid process of the radius, proximodorsal to the accessory carpal bone, caudal to the tendon of the extensor digitorum lateralis
5 cun proximal to SI-6 on the caudolateral aspect of the forelimb, cranial to the lateral ulnar muscle
SI-8 *
In a depression between the olecranon and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus ventral to the lateral head of the triceps brachii muscle
SI-9 *
Large depression at the junction of the deltoideus, the lateral head and the long head of the triceps brachii
2 cun craniodorsal to SI-9
Dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus muscle at the level of C2-C3
SI-19 *
Indentation at the rostral lateral corner of the ear base (dorsal to zygomatic arch at the TMJ
HT-1 *
At the center of the axillary space, over the transverse pectoral muscle between the trunk and the forelimb
Between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus, ventral to the medial head of the triceps
On the caudolateral border if the forelimb 1.5 cun proximal to HT-7 on the caudal aspect of the ulnaris lateralis muscle
On the caudolateral border of the forelimb, 1 cun proximal to HT-7 on the caudal aspect of the ulnaris lateralis muscle
On the caudolateral border of the forelimb, 0.5 cun proximal to HT-7 on the caudal aspect of the ulnaris lateralis muscle
HT-7 *
On the caudolateral aspect of the radius in the depression on the caudal aspect of the ulnaris lateralis muscle at the level of the proximal aspect of the accessory carpal bone.
On the palmarolateral aspect of the cannon bone, half the distance from the carpus to the fetlock between the suspensory ligament and the DDFT
HT-9 *
Palmarolateral aspect of the thoracic hoof 0.5 cun proximal to the coronet band