SOWK3018 Social Research Flashcards
‘Empirical’ Definition
Based on observation
‘Systematic’ Definition
Follow Behaviours and Rules
‘Theory-driven’ Definition
Testing a theory
‘Provisional’ Definition
Can be altered with new evidence
‘objective’ Definition
Free from bias
Ex-post facto hypothesizing
The practice of forming hypotheses or conclusions after the fact in order to explain away unexpected findings and stop there
Central Limit Theorem
States that with a large enough sample, the sample mean will be normally distributed.
A normally distributed sample mean is necessary to apply the t-test
Control Group
Test subjects randomly assigned to not receive the experimental treatment.
Control Variable
- aka constant variable
- Any variable that does not change during an experiment
Dependent Variable
- aka Dependent Measure or Responding Variable
- responds to the independent variable
- is the one being measured in the experiment
Workers / Participants don’t know the identities within the interview, whether they are in control group or variable group
Experimental Group
Test subjects randomly assigned to receive the experimental treatment.
Extraneous Variable
- Extra variables that may influence an experiment but are not accounted for or measured or are beyond control.
- e.g. factors that you consider unimportant
a statement that
- predicts something that ought to be observed in the real world if a theory is correct
- how changes in one thing are expected to explain changes in something else
Independent Variable
- manipulated or changed by the researcher.
- explains or causes something else
p < 0.05
- An indication of how often chance alone could account for the effect of the experimental treatment.
- means that five times out of a hundred, you could expect this difference between the two groups purely by chance
A fake treatment that should have no effect outside the power of suggestion.
- Either the experimenter or subject is unaware whether the subject is getting the treatment or a placebo.
- Researcher –> prevent biases when results are analyzed
- Subjects –> prevent biased reaction
Key feature of Social Research
Open Mind, Empirical, Objectivity, Replication
What does a scientific theory describes?
the logical relationships that appear to exist among parts of the world, and research offers means for observing whether those relationships exist in the real world.
Idiographic Model of Explanation
- to describe a peculiarity
- try to explain a person’s behavior by enumerating the many reasons for it which might be unique to that individual.
Nomothetic Causal Models Of Explanation
- ‘to lay down the law’
- concern about the general tendency of the cases
- explain objective phenomena iin general
The Nomothetic Fallacy
The belief that naming a problem effectively solves it.
→ leads to neglect of unique circumstances of the cases
The science of Knowing
The science of finding out
5 Types of social research
Exploration, Description, Explanation, Evaluation, Constructing Measurement Instrument
Repeating what is said