What are some forces of finance
Short term uses (revenue expenditure)
Long term uses (capital expenditure)
What is internal
Sources of finance generated within the business, or by their current owners
What is external
Sources of finance that are obtained from outside the business
What is short term uses (revenue expenditure)
To pay for running costs, like stock, wages, electricity etc
What is long term uses (capital expenditure)
To fund the purchase of asset, like machinery and property etc.
What is debt factoring
Debt factoring is the process of selling the right to collect sales made on credit to another business
What are the short term/ internal uses of debt factoring
Most businesses would only use in an emergency to cover urgent costs
What are the advantages of debt factoring
Provides cash in the short term
Reduced risk of bad debts
Fewer costs involved in changing up payments
What are the disadvantages of debt factoring
May only receive 80% of sale value
Reputational damage if customers are chased for payment by a factoring company
What is an overdraft
An overdraft is an arrangement with a bank to overspend on a current account up to a set limit
What are the short term/ internal uses of overdraft
Cover seasonal changes in demand
Cover short term short falls of cash i.e. awaiting payment from a customer
What are the advantages of an overdraft
Flexible - allows a business to go below £0 in advance
Helps to deal with seasonal fluctuations in demand
Bales a business to respond to unforeseen events