BUDGETS Flashcards
What is budget
Budget: A monetary target set to enable a business to achieve their corporate objectives.
What can budget be based on
A budget can be based on:
Expenditure - Amount to be spent
Income - Amount to be received
Profit - Amount of surplus acquired from sales revenue after all expenses have been payed
What is “income budget”
A monetary target for revenues to be received in a given period of time
What are income budgets used for
Used to set sales targets for the company, departments and individuals
Informed by past data, seasonality and market research
Can be used to generate cash flow forecast
What is “expenditure budget”
A monetary target for all costs to be spent in a given period of time
What are expenditure budgets used for
Set clear expenditure targets for different cost centres within the business (i.e. marketing/ north eastern area)
Informed by past data and predicted sales
Can be used to generate the cash flow forecast
What is profit budget
A monetary target set for the surplus revenue to be earned over expenditure in a given period of time
What can profit budget be used for
Can be used as part of a business plan to secure investment
Why do businesses set budgets
Provides clear targets for the company, teams and individuals
Motivational for staff (if the budget can be achieved, then it will be a good target for the staff to work towards)
Allows purchasing decisions to be made by the experts in that area
Enhances the credibility of a business plan (helps gain investors or bank loans etc)
Allows for performance to be reviews through variance analysis, to see if the budgets have been adhered to - That shoulds make the future process of setting budgets easier