souls: "Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t" Flashcards
This deck parallels the briefing at
About this deck: “Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t”
This deck parallels the briefing at:
There are no formal citations here, although sources may be mentioned. Full citations with links are provided in the briefing.
It would be best to read the briefing before studying these cards. Reading the briefing first provides understanding and context.
What is the briefing titled “Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t” about?
The briefing provides several points to consider when countering the objection to veganism and animal rights based on the presence or absence of a soul.
Summarize the briefing titled Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t
The ability to suffer is independent of having a soul, and cruelty is unjustifiable regardless of whether souls are present.
While some spiritual traditions and Christian thinkers believe animals have souls, theologian C.S. Lewis suggests that animals, lacking the chance to enjoy an afterlife, are entitled to even greater compassion during their earthly lives.
How does religion influence people’s views on the relationship between humans and animals?
(briefing on souls)
Religion shapes perspectives on human-animal relationships, with some beliefs emphasizing human dominion and others promoting compassion and interconnectedness.
What are two contrasting religious perspectives on the treatment of animals as outlined in the briefing “Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t”?
Some religious views prioritize human dominion over animals, while others emphasize compassion and interconnectedness with all living beings.
What are the key points in the briefing “Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t”?
- The existence of a soul is not relevant.
- Some believe that animals do have souls.
- The absence of a soul could elicit better treatment, not worse.
Why is having a soul not a logical requirement for moral consideration?
Because morality concerns how living beings are treated, regardless of whether they have a soul or immortality.
How does the act of harming animals challenge the idea that only beings with souls deserve moral consideration?
The cruelty of harming sentient beings, like slitting a cow’s throat or beating a pig, is morally wrong regardless of whether they have a soul.
What does Elijah D. Buckner argue in The Immortality of Animals (1903)?
(briefing on souls)
He argues the Bible recognizes animals as having living souls, just like humans.
What did Pope John Paul II state about animal souls in 1990?
He declared animals possess souls and that humans must love and show solidarity with them.
How does Job 12:10 support the belief that animals have souls?
The verse states that in God’s hand is “the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.”
What verse in the Bible states that in God’s hand is “the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.”
(briefing on souls)
Job 12:10
How do some Native American tribes view the afterlife of animal souls?
They believe that animal spirits either remain in this world or journey to another after death.
How did philosopher Tom Regan interpret C. S. Lewis’s view on animals?
(briefing on souls)
Regan stated that Lewis “turned the topic on its head” by arguing that animals deserve more moral concern due to their lack of an afterlife.
Why does the briefing “Humans Have Souls; Animals Don’t” address the concept of souls despite considering it irrelevant tot he argument for veganism?
It responds to objections to veganism and animal rights from those who believe humans have souls, making the discussion relevant to them.
How does Merriam-Webster define “soul”?
“The immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.”
How does the Cambridge Dictionary define “soul”?
“The spiritual part of a person that some people believe continues to exist after death, or the part that is not physical and experiences deep feelings and emotions.”
What does the article “Have Animals Souls? The Late-Nineteenth Century Spiritual Revival and Animal Welfare” discuss?
It explores how various religious and philosophical influences led to the belief that animals have rational souls and deserve compassionate treatment.
What aspect of C. S. Lewis’ view on animals’ souls does Jon Miltimore examine?
He examines Lewis’ belief that higher forms of life, especially domestic animals, might experience an afterlife.
What topics does the Wikipedia article on Souls cover?
It explores how different religions, philosophies, and cultures understand the immaterial essence or animating force of living beings, particularly in relation to consciousness, identity, and immortality.
Why can religious objections to veganism be difficult to overcome?
They stem from deeply held beliefs about existence and humanity’s place in the world.
Why is it unproductive to challenge the existence of a soul when discussing veganism with believers?
Because such beliefs are deeply held and unlikely to change.
What is the most effective approach when discussing veganism with those who believe in a soul?
To explain why the existence or non-existence of a soul is irrelevant to the issue.
In discussing the souls argument, how can you segue the conversation back to animal ethic?
—“If a cow screams in pain while being killed, does it matter whether it has a soul?”
—“If someone was kicking a dog, would you stop them? Or would you say, ‘It’s fine, the dog doesn’t have a soul’?”
—“Even if we accept that animals don’t have souls, does that mean we can mistreat them?”
Why? This forces them to confront the moral inconsistency of their position.
In discussing the souls argument, what questions could you ask to get them to challenge their assumptions on their own terms?
If they are religious, challenge their assumption within their own belief system:
—“Actually, some Christian teachings say animals have souls. Pope John Paul II stated that ‘animals possess a soul, and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren.’”
—“If animals don’t have souls and no chance of an afterlife, wouldn’t that mean we owe them even greater kindness in this life? C.S. Lewis thought so.”
—“Job 12:10 says that in God’s hand ‘is the soul of every living thing.’ So, does that mean animals have souls too?”
Why? This shakes their confidence in their argument without direct confrontation.
What can you ask to show them the the existence of a soul is irrelevant?
—“If we discovered tomorrow that humans don’t have souls, would that mean it’s okay to kill us?”
Why? This exposes the moral irrelevance of the existence of a soul.
When discussing the soul argument, what can you say to get them thinking?
If they start getting defensive, don’t push—leave them with a thought-provoking question:
—“I get that you believe animals don’t have souls. But if avoiding their suffering is easy, why not choose kindness?”
—“If it were proven tomorrow that animals have souls, would that change your view on veganism?”
—“If animals don’t have souls and no afterlife, wouldn’t that mean we owe them even greater kindness in this life?”
Why? This keeps them thinking rather than shutting down.