Soul, Mind and Body Flashcards
What is Dualism?
The view that there are two different types of existence: mental and physical.
What is Substance Dualism?
Descartes’ version of dualism that the two different types of existence are two different substances, e.g. mental (characterised by thinking) and physical (characterised by extension). A substance is a type of existence which cannot be broken down into anything further.
What is Monism?
The view that there is one kind of existence.
What is Materialism?
The view that the one kind of existence is physical substance.
What is Plato’s Dualism?
Plato believed the body was like a prison for the soul, trapping it in this world of appearances. He thought our souls came from the world of forms and had a vague memory of the forms.
What is Plato’s argument from recollection?
The argument from recollection is one of Plato’s arguments for the existence of the world of forms and also the existence of the soul.
Plato points out that we somehow do have knowledge of perfect, eternal and unchanging concepts. These include concepts like perfect beauty and justice.
How does Plato believe we are born with these concepts, such as beauty and justice?
His answer is that we must have somehow gained these concepts before we were born, a priori. It follows that there must be a part of us (our soul) which existed in a realm where there were perfect forms. In the world of forms there are perfect mathematical forms and perfect forms like the form of beauty and the form of justice.
How are we born with a recollection of the forms, according to Plato?
Our soul apprehends them before becoming trapped in this world of appearances. Anamnesis is the process of re-remembering these forms through a posteriori sense experience.
How is beauty and justice subjective? A critique to Plato.
Beauty and morality are subjective; in the eye of the beholder. They seem like matters of opinion, not fact. It seems to be culture that determines and conditions what a person finds beautiful or just and as a result, views on what is beautiful or just change over time and differ cross-culturally.
What is Hume’s criticism of Plato?
We can actually create the idea of perfection in our minds even if we have never experienced it. We have take our concept of ‘imperfect’ and simply conceive of its negation: ‘not imperfect’ to gain the concept of ‘perfect’.
What is the final conclusion to Plato?
Even if Plato was correct that we were born with perfect concepts, it doesn’t mean a soul and world of forms is the only or even best explanation. Evolution could have programmed us to have a sense of morality, beauty and the evolution of intelligence could explain being born with mathematical ability.
What is Aristotle’s monist dualist?
Aristotle rejected the idea of the world of forms as lacking empirical validity, thus he also rejected the idea of some non-physical soul which could have come from such a world. Nonetheless, Aristotle still believes in the soul, but as the form of the physical body.
What is Aristotle referring to ‘form’ as?
Form means essence, which is a thing’s defining characteristic.
However, the essence of a human is not merely its shape. Aristotle claimed the defining feature of a human being is the ability to reason. Aristotle claimed that the soul was the formal cause of the body.
How is Aristotle’s from of causation unscientific?
F. Bacon was called the father of empiricism for establishing the modern scientific method. He claimed that formal causation is a metaphysical matter that was beyond empirical study. He gave the illustration of the ‘whiteness’ of snow and explained how science could investigate how snow results from air and water, but this only tells us about its efficient cause. So Bacon thought that form existed, but Aristotle was wrong to think science could study it it.
What do Neuroscientists believe about rationality and the material brain? A critique to Aristotle.
For Aristotle, the form of a human is a rational soul, but most neuroscientists would claim that rationality reduces to material brain structure and its physical processes. So again, what Aristotle thought of as ‘form’, actually reduces to material structure. There appears to be no room left in modern science for formal or final causation.
Why is it difficult to dismiss Aritotle’s argument of the soul?
The brain is so complicated and while some of it is understood a bit, processes like reason and consciousness have not even begun to be understood. So modern science cannot yet justifiably dismiss Aristotelian soul & form as the explanation of reason.
What is Descartes Substance Dualism?
Descartes’ substance dualism is the theory that there are two distinct substances, mental and physical. A substance is a fundamental type of existence which can’t be broken down into anything else. The essence of mental substance is thinking, the essence of physical substance is extension.
What is Descartes Indivisibility argument?
Descartes argued that the essential property of physical substance is extension. Anything that is extended in space can be divided, because there has to be some point along which it could conceivably be divided. The mind does not appear to be divisible.
What is Leibniz’ law?
Leibniz’ law is that identical things must have the same properties. The physical has the property of being divisible but the mental does not. If the body and mind were identical, then that one identical thing would be both divisible and indivisible, which is impossible. Therefore, the mind and body are not identical.
What is an issue with Descartes idea that the mind is indivisible?
The mind can be divided into perception, memory, emotions and so on. So, the mind and body share the same property of divisibility and thus could be identical.
What is Descartes response to the issue that the mind is indivisible?
By the mind he means consciousness. Perception, memory and feeling are not divisions of consciousness, they are different modes of consciousness. It is the same undivided mind that perceives, remembers or feels emotions.
What is the masked man fallacy?
Imagine someone heard about a masked man robbing a bank. They can conceive that it’s not their father, but if it really was their father then it’s impossible for it to not be their father, yet that was what they conceived. Therefore, we can conceive of the impossible. In that case, something’s being conceivable does not mean that it is possible.
What is a critique of the masked man fallacy?
We can conceive of the impossible due to ignorance. The person in the example is ignorant of who is under the mask which is what allows them to conceive of the impossible.
What is Descartes assuming through his theory?
That the way the mind appears to the mind is how the mind actually is. He thinks that a clear and distinct intellectual perception of the mind shows us what it really is; a mental substance with the essential property of thinking.
What is a criticism to Dualism?
If dualism is correct and the mind and body are separate fundamental types of existence, how is it possible for them to interact? This requires non-physical mental substance to causally affect and interact with physical substance, but it’s not clear how that would be possible.
Whys is Thermodynamics important when considering a soul?
Physicists say that the universe is ‘causally closed’ because of the second law of thermodynamics that energy can be neither created nor destroyed – only transferred from one state to another. This means that energy cannot come from outside the physical universe and affect things within it. However that seems to be how substance dualism would have to work since the mental is supposedly outside the physical universe. Therefore substance dualism is false.
What is Gilbert Ryle’s Categorical mistake?
“The dogma of the Ghost in the Machine“. I hope to prove that it is entirely false, and false not in detail but in principle. It is not merely an assemblage of particular mistakes. It is one big mistake and a mistake of a special kind. It is, namely, a category mistake.” – Ryle.
What did Gilbert Ryle claim Descartes was making?
Descartes was making a category mistake. Descartes says that physical things are extended, divisible and are non-thinking. Ryle argues that conclusion does not follow. Just because the mind is not a physical thing, that doesn’t mean it must be a non-physical thing. There could be another option – the mind might not be a ‘thing’ at all.
What is Gilbert Ryle’s thoughts on the language used to describe the soul?
Language confuses us about the logical category it belongs to. We use the word ‘state’ and ‘process’ to describe physical things, but also use those words to describe mental terms. Since only physical ‘things’ can be in physical states or undergo physical processes, we thereby confuse ourselves into thinking that the mind must also be a ‘thing’ as it can be in mental states or undergo mental processes.
What does Ryle propose the ‘mind’ actually is?
Ryle, being a philosophical behaviourist, proposes another option, our word ‘mind’ does not refer to a thing at all, it actually refers to a sets of behavioural dispositions.
What is a disposition?
A tendency for a thing to behave in a certain way under certain conditions. Ryle thinks that when we talk about the mind we are really talking about behavioural dispositions.
What is the main criticism to Gilbert Ryle?
It seems overly reductionist and minimal to regard it merely as existing as dispositions to behaviours.
Why is Ryle justified to point out Descartes assumption?
The mind is not a physical thing, the only option is for it to be a non-physical thing. Who knows what other options there could be, aside from dispositions. Descartes’ conclusion at the very least requires much more justification than he gives.
What is Dawkins view on the soul?
Dawkins is a scientist and materialist. He argues that our current scientific view of what we are is that we are merely material physical beings composed of DNA.
What is Dawkins’ definition of the first type of soul?
Soul 1 is the view that the soul is a real thing separate from our body, which Dawkins rejects due to lack of evidence.
What is Dawkins’ definition of the second type of soul?
Soul 2 is a metaphorical idea of the soul, as a metaphor for the deep part of our mind and personality where the essence of our humanity is.
What is David Chalmers ‘hard problem of consciousness’?
What brain process is responsible for consciousness itself?
What is David Chalmers solution to the ‘hard problem of consciousness’?
Neuroscience’s failure thus far to make any significant progress at solving the hard problem suggests that explaining consciousness will require discovery of something new which is radically different to anything we currently understand.
What is a criticism of Chalmers solution to ‘hard problem of consciousness’?
There are many things science cannot currently make much or any progress on, such as dark matter. This doesn’t give us grounds for supposing something non-physical might exist. We still have no evidence that anything non-physical exists.
What does Aristotle refer to the de amina as?
The intellect, like everything else, must have two parts: something analogous to matter and something analogous to form.
Can the Aristotle’s de amina survive without the body?
What is Aristotle’s analogy of the body and soul?
Uses the analogy of the eye, the soul of the eye is the sight, if the eye is not functioning there is no sight.
If the eye is not functioning there is no sight, equally if the body is not functioning there is no soul.
Who is an idealist?
H H Price.
What did H H Price believe?
Price believed that the dreamlike world of the afterlife exists in the psychic ether.
“Level of reality consisting of persisting dynamic images created by the mind and capable of being perceived by certain persons”.
What is Hicks Replica Theory?