Religious Language Flashcards
What does the Via Negativa try to explain?
Since we cannot meaningfully say what God is, all we can meaningfully say is what God is not.
Negative language is meant to show us that God is beyond anything we could ever say.
Who proposed the Via Negativa?
Psuedo Dionysius.
What is a strength of the Via Negativa?
The Via Negative approach avoids anthropomorphising (describing God in human terms) by ensuring that we do not apply any concept we cannot truly understand to God.
What is a Weakness to the Via Negativa?
The bible describes God in positive terms, suggesting that Via Positiva language is valid.
The Via Negativa approach fails as it goes against the Bible.
What is Aquinas’ theory of analogy?
Although we cannot say what God is, we can say what God is like through using analogical language about God.
For example, ‘God is loving’ is replaced with, ‘God has the quality of love that is like human love but greater’.
Why does univocal language fail?
We aren’t the same as God.
Why does equivocal language fail?
We aren’t totally different to God, eg, in the Bible there is reference to humanity being made in the image of God.
What does analogy provide?
A middle ground between both equivocal and univocal language, we are analogous to God, therefore whatever Gods qualities are, are like humanities qualities.
Analogy communicates the meaning of something by comparing it to something else, whilst respecting that God is beyond the human understanding.
What is a weakness to Aquinas’ theory of analogy?
Could it be possible that the bad qualities of human nature can also be accounted for the qualities within God?
What is the defence to Aquinas theory of analogy, suggesting bad qualities are not reflected to God?
As a Catholic scholar, there is a great emphasis on the bad human qualities being derived from original sin, referring in Genesis to Adam and Eve’s prelapsarian state, before the corruption of human nature.
What does Tillich suggest about symbolic language?
Religious language is not literal, it doesn’t try to say what God is,
instead it is symbolic.
Why could it be argued that Tillich’s argument of symbolic language is meaningful?
When a religious person hears language such as ‘God be with you’, their mind feels connected to God in that moment.
The crucifix is a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice. It has symbolic meaning.
What is God a symbol for?
‘The ground of being’.
What is religion a symbol for?
‘Ultimate concern’.
How is Tillich’s argument non cognitive?
The phrase ‘God exists’ is rather a feeling or attitude.
What is logical positivism?
Positivism: Use of empirical data and generalisations.
Logical: imposition of precise clarity on language through analysis.
What is the main thought of logical positivism?
Only scientific language is meaningful as it alone can be shown through analysis to refer to reality.
What is verificationism?
Verificationism fits with the scientific understanding of reality.
Invented by Logical Positivists of the Vienna Circle who had attacked rationalism, the basis of religious beliefs.
They believed that synthetic knowledge is gained a posteriori, through empiricism.
What do Metaphysicians believe?
Derived from an a posteriori faculty of intellectual intuition enabling knowledge beyond sense or experience.
Yet, this fails to show their statements to have meaning.
What is the verification principle?
Analytic statements are meaningful, if a claim can not be verified through sense or experience then it cannot be shown to exist in reality or facts.
Therefore, claiming that metaphysical language such as religious language is meaningless.
Why according to the verification principle is religious language meaningless?
Language can only be meaningful is it connects to the world and is verifiable.
The word ‘God’ is therefore meaningless as it cannot be shown to what it exactly refers to.