soul mind and body Flashcards
what is dualism?
The soul exists and is seperate from the body
The soul is eternal
what is monism?
The soul exists
The soul cannot be seperated from the body and is therefore not eternal
what is materialism?
There is not a soul, we’re purley physical beings
Will and conciousness are wholly material
what did plato think the soul consisted of?
three basic instincts, reason, emotion, and appetite
explain the role of each instinct in the soul according to Plato
Reason is the highest of the three as it allows us to gain knowledge and understand the forms. Emotion allows us to love and makes up our disposition. Appetite encourages us to aid our physical needs.
what analogy does Plato use for the souls instincts?
what view did Plato have on the soul?
Plato’s understanding of the soul comes from a dualist perspective. He thought the soul was an essential, eternal part of a person which is only united with the body temporarily.
how did Plato reach the conclusion of dualism?
Plato reached this conclusion as he observed the constant change in matter in the world and believed that it cannot be trusted thus cannot be a true source of knowledge. after our body has passed. Knowledge gained through the reason is inferior as senses can be mistaken. Hence for Palto he believed we must attain knowledge from another place – The realm of forms. This is where our soul resides before birth and returns to after death.
what is the Phaedo of Plato?
describes a conversation between Socrates and Cebes. Aiming to how that Socrates mission to educate the youth had succeeded and his soul would carry on.
He argued that everything comes into being via an opposite. E.g., Tall and small. Linking to Augustine’s aesthetic quality of evil. We can conclude that life comes from death and death comes from life in a continuous loop.
what is the myth of ER
A legend that concludes Plato’s republic. It is an account of a solider named Er who died in battle and ten days after his death his body remains undecomposed. Two days later he is revived and tells the story of his journey in the afterlife including an account of reincarnation. He said that those who lived a moral life will be saved those who did not will be punished posthumously. He argued for the existence of a soul as this is what continues into the described after life.
what is Anthony’s flews criticism of Plato?
He argued that the idea of an eternal soul is nonsensical. To demonstrate his point, he uses the analogy of a Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland. He claims that as we would agree that the idea of the whole body of a cat disappearing and only its grin reaming is humorous and impossible, we should relate this to the idea of the soul leaving the body.
what view did Aristotle take?
Aristotle took a monistic approach towards the soul. He thought that the soul and body were inseparable. He also thought that the soul is a substance which remains the same and is not eternal.
who did Aristotle believed had soul?
plants, animals and humans
What is the soul of a plant?
vegetative or nutritive soul
Able to get basic needs for themselves and ensure reproduction of their specie but cannot reason
what is the soul of an animal?
Animals - perceptive soul
Can experience the world around them using senses
Can experience pain and pleasure
what is the soul of a human?
Humans - higher degree soul
A higher ability to reason and ability to rationalise and act morally
how did Aristotle relate purpose to soul?
Aristotle thought the soul is the telos of a person, it encompases the behaviour of the body. it is the formal cause. For example, if an axe were a soul would be to chop.
what is Aristotle’s analogy?
To signify this, he used the analogy of a stamp and its pattern.
what view did Dawkins take?
what did Dawkins think about the soul?
Humans are nothing more than matter. Consciousness cannot be separated from the brain. Once this dies, consciousness dies.
Humans are merely survival machines
we are the vehicles of genes
finish Dawkins quote “there is no …”
spirit driven life force … life is just bytes and bytes of digital information”
why is dualism convincing?
Myth of Er
existence of non-visible things for example Radiowaves
Kant we have to have a soul to reside in the afterlife to reach the summum Bonnum
fitting with modern day biblical teachings, Aquinas and the beatific vision and being with God in the afterlife
we cant trust our senses - descartes
leibniz law
why is dualism not convincing?
wishful thinking - Freud -
Existentialism, lie is inherently devoid of meaning the soul is just an attempt to cover this
Popper - Plato is having an existential crisis following the death of socrates
Anthony flew
comte - we are in a positive age - ethere is no room for belief in it now - there is too much chronological distance for belief in the soul it was a long time ago - fitting for its time
why is monism convincing?
it could answer why humans feel more than just matter, there is a part of this that lives until death giving us purpose but it does not continue
less wishful thinking since doesnt assume afterlife
answers why we have subjective experience and qualia
why is monism limited?
why is materialism convincing?
allows us to create our own meaning and purpose - free will - Camus
why is materialism flawed?
liebniz law - for two entities to be the same they must have the same properties but descartes defines the soul/mind as having extension and the body not, this would mean they cannot be the same. Theyre different and there may be more.
Qualia, how do we all have our own subjective experience??
And nagel , a bat, if we knew everything about a bat we would still not be able to be a bat.
What was Ryles argument?
argues that dualists make a ‘category mistake’ through wrongly analysing the relationship between body and soul. They are of the same. Also, they act as though without a soul we are a mere ghost in the machine but we are much more without a soul.
what is substance dualism?
mind and body are seperate substances
what is a substance?
has its own properties
what are the properties of the mind?
emotions and reason
what properties does the body have?
extension, takes up space
what book does decsartes speak of dualism?
how did descartes conclude the mind and body are different?
he realised the greatness of his mind through cartesian skepticism. He realised doubt requires a doubter and thus his mind must be superior towards his body. Because of this his body only be a an illusion fabricated by the mind. This makes it inferior and different to the mind.
how did descartes think the soul and body were connected?
pineal gland
strengths of descartes?
doesn’t assume afterlife
explans why we feel more than mere matter
weaknesses of Descartes?
- immaterial and material in the same composition how does this work
- Hume
- science - hormones - brain
- how do mind and body interact
what is a category error?
this is when things that belong to one category are presented as if they belong to a different one.
Ryle said that the souls definition from cartesian metaphysics does this
explain the chariot analogy
- tripartite model that explains the role of the soul
- chariot steers two horses
one horse( dark and mortal) = evil, physical needs, sex, food,
second horse (white and immortal) = glory, thumos, love,
the charioteer = highest knowledge, steers the others two basic instincts so that they work harmoniously
what is the role of the charioteer
to steer and harness the two horses so they work harmoniously and return to the world of forms and allowing men to become eudaemon
what does thumos mean
what is hylomorphism?
an aristotelian doctrine that states everything consists of matter and form
what is ryles university example?
AN example of a category error -> for example, a man goes on a tour around oxford univesity he goes around various buildings he sees museums and librarys. At the end of the tour he then asks ‘where is the university?’
THIS is a category error because the man has assumed the university is in the same category as the museums and libraries when it is not. the museum etc belong to the category of buildings. But the uni is a different catgeory, an institution pehaps
apply univesity category error to Descartes
much like the man on the tour assigns the uni to wrong category Descartes does with the mind
Cartesian Dualism begins with the premise that the mind and body are from the same category of things that exist, a substance,
Yet the body is physical and has different properties. The mind is non-physical. Therefore they are different substances and must exist.
ryle argues just because the mind is not physical does not mean it has to be a non-physical substance , it could belong to another category or be nothing at all.
what was ryles book?
the concept of mind
what did ryle call descartes theory?
- the official doctrine
- the dogma of the ghost in the machine
what are descartes two arguments?
- argument divisibility
- argument from concievability
what is the concievability argument?
- a substance is something that is not contingent on something else to exist it has its own properties
- mind can exist without body
- if mind can exist without body b=must be its own distinct property
divisbility argument
mind and body have different properties
what is eliminative materialism?
there are no mental states
mental states is a folk psychology
should be replaced with science
what is reductive materialism?
mental states should be reduced to biology/physical sates
neurtransmitters etc
what is chalmers problem
the hard problem of consciousness
- if we are purley physical why do we feel like more
- how do we have subjective experince/ qualia
what are descartes arguments?
argument from oncievability
argument of indivisbility
what is the concievability argument?
we can concieve of mind without body so they are not identical
cartesian skepticism and doutbing etc
what is the indivisbile argument
we can devise them giving them different properties so they must be different
lebniz law