Sops Flashcards
When does sterile flight deck commence and end takeoff
Last door closed to seatbelt sign on
When does sterile flight deck start, landing
Prepare cabin pa to aircraft at terminal
When is the no contact period take off
Commence takeoff roll to gear up
When is the no contact period landing
Gear down to aircraft stops or turns off runway
What does OLDABCS stand for
operation of exit
Location of equipment
Able bodied and disabled passengers
Brace position
What number is flight crew
What number is cabin crew
How often should you contact the flight crew
Every 20-30 min
What do you do if flight crew is not responding
1.Wait one minute then make another csm and proceed to flight deck
3. Enter emergency code
4. Wait for flight crew to respond
5. If no response emergency access code the flight deck will unlock
Bags with rigid frame max dimension
115 linear cms
When is the ‘cabin crew prepare cabin for landing’ pa made
At least 10 min prior to seatbelts illuminating
When is the ‘cabin crew prepare cabin for landing’ pa made
At least 10 min prior to seatbelts illuminating
What are the 4 pauses in a lane preparation pa
1.stay in zone
2.move through zone, ensure seatbelts are done/brace position
3.indicate nearest exit
4. Place sharp object in seat pocket,remove heels
Where is the streaming master power switch
Located above coat locker at level 1
Where are the normal light switches located
Left one and left two
As the last passengers board the aircraft the csm will make the following pa
Cabin crew prepare for departure
The cabin secure for take off call is made when
Approximately 1 min after the completion of the safety demonstration video or pushback (whatever is later)
What must be done if a defib is displaying a blank grey screen and a new defib can not be brought to the aircraft
Make an entry into the cabin/ife log
When should landing prep commence
At an opportune time after top of decent but prior to prepare cabin pa
When is it permittted for a staff members beneficiary to occupy an assist cabin jumpseat?
Only when they are travelling with an air crew member operating that same flight sector
When might flight crew make the ‘intermediate level off pa’
During a depressurisation when there is high terrain
No single piece may weigh more than what in the cabin?
Where is the location of the jony belt, slide board and sling?
In the lockable stowage
When pace policy is being applied, who must be consulted?
Integrated operations centre (ioc)
An animal without special handling approval is found in the aircraft cabin, what action need to be taken?
Contact flight deck and complete ccsir
If stairs are used for disembarkation what door is opened first