Sophomore - English - Melt - Final Exam Flashcards
Who was the narrator who came from the Midwest?
Nick Carraway
Who was the Jewish gambler who fixed the 1919 World Series?
Meyer Wolfshiem
Who the the pretty woman driving the car that kills Myrtle?
Daisy Bucanan
Who is the self-made man who throws lavish parties?
Jay Gatsby
Who is the former football player who cheats on his wife?
Tom Buchanan
Who is the professional golfer?
Jordan Baker
Who is the owner of a garage in the valley of ashes?
George Wilson
Who was the millionaire who became a mentor for Gatsby?
Dan Cody
What is the name of the woman whose nose is broken by her lover?
Myrtle Wilson
Who are the characters that introduce Macbeth in the play?
Witches (Mrs. Krumpelman)
Who is the tragic hero who becomes a brutal tyrant?
Who is the great Scottish king who was murdered?
Who was the dominant woman who pressures her husband?
Lady Macbeth
Who was Duncan’s oldest son and the true heir to the throne?
Who was the brave Scottish captain who is murdered?
Who is the Scottish noble who avenges his dead family?
What is the desolate land between West Egg and new York City called?
Valley of Ashes
Why does Catherine say that Daisy will not divorce Tom?
She is Catholic
What is the Toulomee?
Dan Cody’s boat
Who is in the photograph that Nick finds in Gatsby’s things?
Dan Cody
What suspicious item does George find in Myrtle’s drawer?
Dog collar
How old is Nick on his birthday?
Who arrived at the house after reading about the death in a Chicago newspaper?
Henry Gatz
Where does Nick go after that summer in New York?
Who is executed for treason?
Thane of Cawdor
What predictions come true in Macbeth?
Macbeth should Macduff
No man born of woman will harm Macbeth
Macbeth will not be defeated until the Birnam Wood marches on Dunsinane Hill
Why is lady Macduff upset with her husband?
He abandoned his family when he left for England
Was George Wilson arrested after he killed Gatsby?
Does Gatsby call Tom the polo player?
Do Nick and Gatsby both live in West Egg?
Does Gatsby carry a picture of Daisy in his pocket?
Did Daisy every love Tom?
Does Myrtle kill herself when George discovers her affair?
Does Gatsby fall in love with Daisy because other men had already loved her?
Doe Klipspringer call Gatsby’s house to ask about the funeral?
Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Why does Macbeth hesitate to kill Duncan?
Duncan is a popular king
Duncan should be protected as his guest
Duncan is his kinsman
Does Macbeth jump from the tower when he learns that his wife is dead?
Do Macbeth’s men fight for him because they admire and respect him?
Does the ghost of Duncan sit in Macbeth’s seat at the banquet?
Does Lady Macbeth kill Duncan because he looks like her father?
Does Macbeth see a bloody dagger leading the way toward Duncan?
How does Gatsby react when he meets Daisy’s daughter?
Surprised - - he did not believe that she really existed
How does Daisy react when she learns about Gatsby’s death?
She doesn’t answer Nick’s call - does not go to the funeral - doesn’t send even flowers
Why does Nick have conflicted feelings about Gatsby?
He is a kind man and an interesting neighbor - - He made his fortune through illegal activities - - he wastes five years and ultimately dies for a superficial woman
Why will Malcolm be a better king than Macbeth? What are his plans?
He will reward all of his loyal allies
He will bring back all the exiled
He will bring Macbeth’s allies to justice
What is the “spot” that lady Macbeth is worried about?
King Duncan’s blood
She is not able to wash it away
What does Macbeth do to the Macduff family?
Murders the entire family and the servants
because Macduff is an enemy who has left his family UNdefended
Why does Macbeth want to kill Banquo and Fleance?
Because the witches predicted that Banquo’s sons who become king and Banquo is smart and he could become an enemy
Why does Macbeth Kill Duncan’s guards?
To prevent them from saying anything that they might remember - - he explains that his rage as a loyal subject of the king could not be controlled
What is Gatsby’s funeral like - why is it surprising?
Only Henry Gatz, Nick ad Owl Eyes show up
His house was always filled with hundreds of party guests
Daisy did not even acknowledge the funeral of the main she “loved”