English - - 7th Period Meltebrink (2017) Flashcards
Which position are Brain and Gale competing for?
Running back
Which team do Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo play for?
Chicago Bears
Who wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jain in 1963?
Martin Luther King
Which city experienced a bus boycott after Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955?
Montgomery, Alabama
Which supreme court case determined that segregated schools were unconstitutional?
Brown vs Board of Education
Where id Brian Piccolo go to college?
Wake Forest
What nickname did Brain use for Gale?
Black Magic
Which award does Gale win during his first season?
Rookie of the year
Which king of cancer is Brian diagnosed with?
Who tells the team about Brian’s illness??
Which relative is Esperanza named after?
Great grandmother
What trait does Esperanza share with her sister?
What color was the Cadillac driven by Louie’s cousin?
Why does Esperanza’s father go to Mexico?
He wants to go to his father’s funeral
Which job does Elenita use to make money?
Fortune teller
What is so strange about sire’s girlfriend?
She cannot tie her shoes
What does Rafaela ask the girls to buy for her?
Coconut and papaya juice
Who was assaulted while waiting for Sally at the carnival?
Which worker is the most trusted and respected on the ranch?
Which of the following is true about Crooks?
He is black
What does Slim give to Lennie?
Who wants to help Goerge and Lennie when they get their own land?
What does Curley’s wife threaten to do to Crooks?
Kill him
Who steals Carlson’s Luger pistol?
Who consoles George after Lennie’s death?
Did Martin Luther King promote black nationalism?
Is Coach Halas deaf in his left ear?
Does Gale break his ankle in a game against the 49ers?
Does Gale place chocolate pudding on Brian’s chair during a team meeting?
Does Brian install a leg-lift machine in Gale’s house?
Does Patti Lucas call Gale her hero when he gives her an autograph?
Do high heels make men look at the girls in a dangerous way?
Does Esperanza take a rice sandwich to school?
Does Sister Superior eat lunch with Esperanza in the canteen every day?
Does Esperanza feel guilty because her aunt finds out about the imitation game?
Does the Earl of Tennessee physically abuse his wife?
Did Esperanza’s father only eat fried chicken when he arrived in America?
Is Curley the best horseshoe player on the ranch?
Does Lennie like to eat beans with mustard?
Is Curley the son of the boss?
Does Crooks have an injured back because a horse kicked him?
Does Crooks read books in his spare time?
Does George drown Lennie before Curley can find him?
What is the term for salty in taste or unpleasant to drink?
What is the term for indirect, underhanded or sneaky?
What is the term for flammable?
What is the term for a violent storm or whirlpool?
What is the term for disrespect for something sacred?
What is the term for speech honoring someone who has died?
What is the term for unstoppable?
What is the term for behead?
What is the term for harmful?
What is the term for discourage?
What did Malcolm X want to accomplish - How did he plan to achieve his goals?
Independent black nation
Use of violence if necessary
Why is Brian jealous of Gale?
Gale is a better football player so he has job security
Why is Gale’s roommate significant?
Brain is a white man
This is the first time that a white player has roomed with a black player
What does Gale say when Brian says - - It’s fourth and eight, but they won’t let me punt”?
That he should go for it then
What is Esperanza’s favorite item in the junk store - why does she hesitate to look at it?
An old music box
The music box is old and Nenny wants it
Why does Esperanza decide to kiss the old man on the cheek - how does he respond?
It was his birthday
He kissed her on the lips and would not let go
What happened in Weed? How did George and Lennie leave?
Lennie scared a woman by grabbing her soft dress
George and Lennie fled for their lives
Whom does Curley attack in the bunk house? Why
Curley thinks that Lennie is laughing at him
Who kills Curley’s wife? - - How and why does he kill her?
He would not let go of her hair and broke her neck when she tried to scream
Why does George kill Lennie - Is it a selfish act or an act of mercy?
Spare him from torture at the hands of Curley and others
Rid himself of Lennie or give him a peaceful death
You will pick the Most Valuable Protagonist - - is it Brian Piccolo, Gale Sayers, Esperanza, and George Milton?
Who? Why??
Use your notes - - make sure you use examples from the book to support your answer.