Macbeth - - Sheridan Flashcards
Who is the person that is crowned king at the end of the play?
Who is the leader of the witches?
Who was the brave English soldier, in his first military campaign, fighting alongside his warlike father and discovers Macbeth in his castle and is killed by Macbeth?
Young Siward
Who is the noble and brave captain in the Scottish army who shall “get kings” though “he be none”?
What is the name of Duncan’s oldest son and the rightful heir to the throne?
Who is the wife of a powerful and sell-respected thane - she has a very strong personality and decides what is best for their future in Act 1?
Lady Macbeth
Who was a great King of Scotland is well loved and wrongfully killed?
Who is the wife of a Scottish thane who is viciously murdered alongside her helpless children and all who cross paths with the hired murderers?
Lady Macduff
Who is the tragic hero who starts the play noble but deteriorates into a vile and tyrannical figure?
Who is the Scottish thane who travels to England and leaves his family to ask the rightful heir of the Scottish throne to fight against Macbeth?
Who is the doctor who said that to cure a diseased mind “therein the patient must minister to himself”?
Scottish Doctor
Who is the son of a second slaughtered man who flees the country following the examples of two other orphaned sons before him?
What is the name of the characters that introduce Macbeth in the play?
Weird sisters
Who was the Scottish nobleman who is a minor character but acts as the messenger to the other major characters?
Who chants spells and dance around cauldrons?
Weird sisters
Who orders his Scottish and English troops to cut down trees to disguise their numbers?
Who orders the murders of several people after putting his faith in supernatural predictions?
Who is the warlike English lord who alongside Malcolm and his son, leads the charge against Macbeth at Dusinane?
Who is the doctor who praises the English King Edward and his healing powers?
English Doctor
Who carries a candle out of fear?
Lady Macbeth
Who is the drunken gate-keeper at Inverness who says he is the “gate-keeper to hell”?
Who is consumed by guilt and sleepwalks in Act 5 - eventually commits suicide?
Lady Macbeth
Who is Macbeth’s enemy - according to the first apparition?
What is the name of Duncan’s younger son who fled the country after his father’s murder?
Who are the men hired to do Macbeth’s dirty work in relations to Banquo and the Macduff’s
What quality does Macbeth possess that pushes him to murder over all objections?
Who is Scotland at war with at the beginning of Macbeth?
What does Lady Macbeth carry with her at all times after Act III especially at night when she is in one of her fits?
Who committed treason at the beginning of the play?
The Thane of Cawdor
What is the punishment for the Thane of Cawdor for treason?
What does Lady Macbeth pray to supernatural powers to take away from her so that she may be able to do what needs to be done?
What is the name of the Scottish noblemen who led the Scots to victory in the beginning of the play?
Macbeth and Banquo
Finish the following: “By the pricking of my thumbs something ______ this way comes”?
What does Lady Macbeth call her husband that pushes him toward certainty - when he wants to cancel the murder?
What does Macbeth envisions before him pointing the way toward Duncan?
A bloody Dagger
What is the plan with the murder weapon?
To plant it one the guards
Why won’t the guards remember anything about the night of the murder?
Lady Macbeth drugged their wine
Where does Donalbain flee to after the murder of his father?
What does Lady do when the murder of Duncan is discovered by Macduff?
She faints
What does King Edward supple the Scottish rebels with?
10,000 soldiers
What does Macbeth see sitting at his place at the banquet table?
What does Banquo wish to do after the murder of Duncan?
Put his trust in Macbeth to solve the murder
What are some reasons that Macbeth has to NOT kill Duncan?
Too risky - - he could lose everything
King Duncan is like a father to him
King Duncan is well-loved by the people
What are the predictions made by the witches in Act 1 for Macbeth?
Will be King in the hereafter
Will be the Thane of Cawdor
What is the climax of the play?
The death or murder of Duncan
Why is Macbeth’s reaction to Lady Macbeth’s death so understated?
He is in the middle of an attack
He lost all humanity at this point
What does the candle symbolize for Lady Macbeth and Macbeth?
The light through the evil or darkness
What does Macbeth do to the Macduff’s and why?
He has them killed because of the 1st apparition - claiming that Macduff is his enemy
What reason did Macbeth give for viciously killing Duncan’s guard?
His anger and loyalty
Why does Macbeth need to kill Banquo and Fleance?
The prediction of the witches that Banquo’s sons will be the kings
How does Lady Macbeth explain away Macbeth’s hallucination during the dinner party?
Because he hasn’t go much sleep
How does Shakespeare incorporate real historical context into Macbeth - how and why did Shakespeare change the details of history in Macbeth?
Macbeth is a real person
King Duncan is a real person
Real Macbeth ruled for 14 years and was well liked
King Duncan was murdered in history
Real Macbeth lived during King Duncan’s reign
There was a war between Scotland and Norway
Was said to be written for King James
Banquo is ancestor of King James
King James was interested in witches
In the space provided describe each one of the three apparitions and what they tell Macbeth in Act IV - describe how each of these apparitions came to life?
1st apparitions - - Armed head - - beware of Macduff
Macduff eventually killed Macbeth
2nd apparitions - - Bloody child - - no man born of woman shall harm Macbeth
Macduff was ripped or C-section from his mother’s womb
3rd apparition - - Child crowned holding tree - - Macbeth will not be defeated until Birnam woods march up against Dunsinane - - Malcolm has his soldiers cut down trees to disguise the number of soldier and march on Dunsiname
Who was at fault for Macbeth’s actions?
Be able to defend your position
Lady Macbeth