SOP's Flashcards
Reporting of On-The-Job Injuries/Illness req what forms/documents to be completed
- time of incident
- NFIRS (basic)
- NFIRS (fire service casualty report)
First Report of Injury/Illness form
- ♦1/3 faxed to Risk Management
Release of Personal Info form
- ♦2/3 faxed to Risk Management
Receipt of Social Security # Collection Disclosure
- ♦2/3 faxed to Risk Management
Employer Information form
- only if being seen by doctor - given to hospital staff
Supervisor’s Memo
- capt/batt/immediate supervisor - completed at time of incident
- FMLA forms (meets criteria for serious health condition - out > 2 shifts)
Safety Supervisor Report
- completed at time of review - OPS Chief
Status Report
- if being released from ED - will include work status - if/and/or when employee can return)
If additional Tx is necessary for an injured employee, a follow up appt will be made through whom?
OPS Division and Risk Management
Form that needs to be completed each time an employee is Tx by a physician
Work Status form
Fowarded to OPS Division
Provide a mechanism to deal w/ the emotions, fears, and anxieties felt by emergency workers whenever said personnel experience situations and/or circumstances which may affect their mental or emotional well being
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
To ensure all members have access to critical incident stress management. This may help members deal with and overcome situations and circumstances related to the stressful nature faced by today’s emergency workers
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
Captains shall:
Gather and report the following information:
- nature of the call
- person or persons involved
- final outcome of the call, if known
- any further recommendations for help in dealing with the situation
- any significant symptoms the employee is demonstrating
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
- Should the need to activate the CISM Team be determined, the Batt shall contact whom?
- Contact info?
Communications Supervisor and request CISM Team Response
- North Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4720
- Central Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4730
- South Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4740
Any incident faced by emergency personnel that causes them to experience unusual strong emotional involvement or response
Critical Incident
Employee Evaluations - Annual and Probationary SOP 1.3.11
Lieutenants shall:
- Complete Annual Evals for FFs and assist w/ Interim Evals of Probationary FFs
- Add coments regarding an employee’s strengths and suggestions for improvement for the rank of FF as immediate supervisor
- Review all evals for accuracy and ensure free from errors (name, FDID#, rank, scores, spelling and grammer)
- Save all Evals in: S\Fire\Shift\Lts\EVALS\yr
- Forward electronically to Capt for review and processing
Employee Evaluations - Annual and Probationary SOP 1.3.11
Captains shall:
- Complete Annual Evals for ranks of D.E. and LT
- Complete Interim Evals for promoted LT’s, D.E.’s and Probationary FF’s
- Add comments regarding employees strengths and suggestion for improvement for ranks of LT and DE as the immediate supervisor
- Add overall coments regarding employees performance for rank of FF as secondary supervisor
- Review all evals for accuracy and ensure free from errors (name, FDID#, rank, scores, spelling and grammer)
- Save all evals in: S\Fire\Shift\Capt\EVALS\Yr
- Forward evals electronically to Batt for review and processing
A digital report of a pt encounter which containts med and Tx info. An EHR may also be used to document scene info in which the Rescue Unit was dispatched and no pt was encountered
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
The process that encompasses the overall improvement of performance through personnel and policy development, which includes QA and QI
Quality Management (QM)
The process of reviewing an EHR or incident for compliance against Protocols, Proceduress and Policies. Often foucused on the Tx provided or actions taken by personnel
Quality Assurance (QA) / EHR Review
The process of gathering info regarding performance measures to help guide training, procedures and processes
Quality Improvement (QI)
The documentation of unsupported deviations from protocols, procedures or policies using a QA Review Form in conjunction with counseling and training to correct behavior related to documentation practices and/or performance measures
Formal QA Review
What does it mean when EHR is Reassigned
The EHR meets the minimum standards and requires an additional audit
Reassigned reports will remain in INFO NEEDED status
Lieutenants shall ensure all reports requiring attention via the QM Process are reviews and corrected by when?
next ON-DUTY shift
Lts shall initiate a Formal QA Review when ?
reoccuring substandard performance is identified related to pt care
Who maintains the PRIMARY responsibility for initiating QA Reviews of EHRs?
When substandard performance is identifed regarding clinical Tx and/or documentation, Captains shall:
Initiate Formal QA Review
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Battalion Chief Shall:
- Provide oversight and ensure all EHRs are reviewed in accordance with these procedures
- Review all EHRs assigned to them and provide feedback as necessary
- Ensure Formal QA Reviews are initiated when necessary
- Routinely review EHRs NOT SPECIFIED in Section IV-D, i.e., refusals, cancels, non-transport, etc., for complaince
- Notify Rescue Division of any defiencies, i.e., skill, Tx errors, protocol deviations, reoccuring documentation errors, etc., identified during the QM process
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Rescue Division Shall:
- Provide oversight and ensure compliance
- Participate in QM activities as needed
- Maintain all records related to QM process
- Update Med Director as needed regarding QM activities
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Medical Director
- May participate in QM activities as needed
- May provide quidance and leadership regarding the QM process
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Captains must review all EHRs generated by their current station from previous shift. All errors, ommisions or discrepancies will be addressed via:
ESO QM module
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Station 101 Captains are responsible for EHR generated from the previous shift by what Rescues?
R269 and R89
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
The EHR review will include a thorough evaluation for complaince with:
protocols and procedures
proper grammer and spelling
time stamps
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
When EHR meets all requirements and standards and requires Batt Chief review, what should happen next?
Leave status as INFO NEEDED and REASSIGN to on-duty Batt Chief
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
EHRs meeting one or more of the following criteria shall be Reassigned to the Batt Chief for further review:
- Level 1 or 2 Trauma
- Cardiac Alert (Code Heart)
- Stroke Alert
- Sepsis Alert
- Cardiac Arrest
- Respiratory Arrest
- Electrical Therapy
- Toxicology / Hazmat Exposure
- Advanced Airway
- Drowning
- Child Birth
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Batt 99 shall Reassign what 3 types of calls (EHRs) to the Rescue Division?
- Level 1 and 2 Trauma Alert
- Cardiac Arrest
- Respiratory Arrest
- Any Section IV-D that deemed worthy of further review
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
QM activities deal with pt care and documentation practices, are ______ and ______ under Florida Statute
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
The Formal QA review process is not a substitute for _______ ______
Disciplinary Action
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
When should a Reviewing Officer initiate the Formal QA Review process?
Recognizes a DEFIENCY and deems it to be SIGNIFICANT or REPETITIVE
(i.e. unsupported protocol deviations, omissions, incomplete reports, lacking pertinent info, etc)
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
All Formal QA Reviews will be reviewed by whom?
Rescue Division Chief or designee
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
(10 steps)
- Via ESO QM Module, notify EHR author of defciency and include Batt and Rescue Division in messaging
- Complete Formal QA Form and attach supporting documentation, i.e., EHR, protocol, related publications, etc
- The QA Review Form located in S:/Fire/Everyone/EMS/Shared/EMS forms, will be used exclusively for documentating QA activities.
- QA form shall be filled out on computer, printed, and deleted
- Dept. memorandum and other forms of written docs will NOT be used for activities pertaining to QA Process
- When performing Formal QA Review, the QA Review Form will be used as a cover and all corresponding docs attached to form
- Reviewing officer will meet with the individual req. remediation to review deficiencies and take corrective action, may include remedial training and proffesional developement
- Entire packet placed in Personal QA folder and filed in Rescue Division
- When deficiency pertains to interventions and/or remedial training is req, schedule and log training in Firehouse upon completion
- Foward all documentation to Rescue Division records custodian
- All docs related to QM process SHALL NOT be emailed or stored in station computer or computer files
- Docs related to the QM process and NOT forwarded to Rescue Division, shall be shredded.
Annual Peformance Appraisal w/ Rank appropriate supplement shall be completed when?
- 30 days prior to the current rank anniversary date
- Except probationary FFs - completed 1 week prior to anniversary date
Employee Evals - Annual and Probationary
SOP 1.3.11
Dating Evaluation:
- Review date will be the date of the evaluations _____ and should not be dated more than _ weeks prior to employees anniversary
- Evaluation period is 1 year from the employee’s rank anniversary date to current year’s rank anniversary date
Employee Evals - Annual and Probationary
SOP 1.3.11
Ratings < or > what must have explanation w/ supporting details documented in comment section
Employee Evals - Annual and Probationary
SOP 1.3.11
Promoted interims and Completion of Probation Evals completed when?
- 1 week prior to 3 and 6 month periods.
- Min standards met: 9 month eval + Completion of Probation Review Form
- Min standards NOT met: Extension of Probation Form completed w/ supporting details outlining deficiences
Employee Evals - Annual and Probationary
SOP 1.3.11
Probationary FF Interim Performance Review completed when?
1 week prior to 3, 6, 9, 12 month eval periods from employees hire date
Min standards met: 12 month eval + completion of Probation Review form
Min standards not met: Ext of Probation form w/ supporting detais
Employee Evals - Annual and Probationary
SOP 1.3.11
What is the Flow Path of an Eval
- reviews i.e., math, spelling, comments forwards to
- views and forwards to
- prints eval + eval flow sheet + FIREHOUSE “personnel roster” info sheet and forwards to
- reviews and forwards according to flow sheet
- reviews comments/score w/ employee
- discuss eval categories and oppurtunities for improvement. Employee may add comments
- employee and supervisor sign each page
- return signed eval via chain of command
- recieves from Batt forwards to clerical assistant for final processing
- makes copy and places in Fire Admin Personnel files
- Scan eval and upload to OnBase
- Sends orginal completed eval to HR dept
- Updates FIREHOUSE employee eval screen with score and date finalized
To ensure employees are aware that the maintenance of immunity is an essential part of prevention
INTENT of Exposure Control and Management SOP 1.3.12
Emergency Medical and public safety employees (“workers”) are at risk for exposure to and possible transmission of “vaccine preventable” diseases
PURPOSE of Exposure Control and Management SOP 1.3.12
Non-significant Exposures need to be documented on what form?
Infectious Disease Exposure Report Form
so that at later date should said occupation exposure be reported by CDC as having high risk, its documented
Type of exposure that has increased risk of transmission and aquiring of diseases. This type needs documentation and medical follow up
Significant Exposure
Significant Exposure
Type of Exposure
examples of routes:
Whenever there is contact w/ blood or body fluids thru open wounds, mucous membranes or parenteral routes and include:
- Contaminated needle-stick injury
- Blood/body fluid contact w/ rescuer’s mucous membrane of eye/nose/mouth
- Cuts w/ sharp instruments covered w/ blood or body fluid
- Any injury sustained while cleaning contaminated equipment
Significant Exposure
Action Required:
- Document in exposure are of EMS run report
- Notify Batt Chief
- Notify Infectious Disease Officer (Rescue Chief or designee)
- Complete Infectious Disease Exposure Report Form
- Submit Employer Info Form
- Present both forms to the infectious disease Nurse or ED staff
- Follow PPFD SOP 1.3.02 Reporting of on the job inj.
Types of Exposures that are considered Non-Significant
Occupational exposures that have little or no risk of transmission of diseases known at this time and includes exposure of bodily fluids to:
- Healthy intact skin
- Personnel uniform, clothing, or PPE
- If unsure of skin status, or PPE’s effectiveness, Tx as a significant exposure and follow approp guideline
Action Req for Non-Significant Exposures
- Documet in EMS run report
- Complete Infectious Disease Exposure Report Form
- Foward to infectious Disease Officer (Division Chief of Rescue)
Exposure Control and Management
SOP 1.3.12
How should injured area be washed?
If area involves eyes/nose/mouth?
Thoroughly w/ soup and water or personal protective solution
Flush thoroughly w/ large amounts of water
Exposure Control and Management
SOP 1.3.12
What Forms should be completed and submitted and to whom?
Employer Info Form
Infectious Disease Exposure Form
Submitted to Infection Control Officer for both FD and ED staff
What is the Employer Info Form
has been completed by employer and is intended to communicate current info about employer, Workers comp and Occupational Medical Provider assist recieving medical facility in managing admissions. DONT SUBMIT PERSONAL INSURANCE
What is Infectious Disease Exposure Report Form
intended to document info about employee and source as well as type of exposure.
Documents tests administered and Tx given.
Should be signed by both worker and agency’s designated Infection Control Officer/nurse.
Copy should be given to worker w/ orginal filed into the workers infection control (medical records)
A Significantly exposed worker should be transported to a designated facility within how long?
2 hours
(preferably one that offers Rapid HIV testing if blood or body fluids)
Both pt and source should go to same ED
Exposure Control and Management
SOP 1.3.12
Post Exposure Testing for Blood and Body Fluids Exposures:
What test should facility perform?
Acute Hep Panel (CPT 80074)
Rapid HIV
RPR (Syphilis)
Exposure Control and Management
SOP 1.3.12
When should HIV test be conducted?
How long does test take?
How long before results?
In HOURS, but NOT days from time of exposure
30min - 1 hour
as soon as 2 weeks after exposure
PPD shouldnt be performed if worker has had within how long?
PPD must be done within how many days
12 weeks
10 days
If med facility determines through testing that there is increased risk of disease transmission that may have occured, the ED must notify agency of such event within how long?
Ryan White Act
When should follow up testing to detect seroconversion be performed after the initial exposure
6 week
12 week
26 week
testing at 1 year after exposure is optional and may be indicated for high risk exposures
When should HIV-antibody testing be done post exposure
For atleast 6 months post exposure at:
6 weeks (baseline)
3 months
6 months
Post Exposure HIV Testing
Evaluate exposed persons course of post exposure meds within __ hours after exposure and monitor for drug toxicity for at least __ weeks
72 hours
2 weeks
Perform follow-up anti-HB testing in persons who recieve hep B vacinne - Test for anti-HB __ months after last dose of vaccine.
Anti-HB response vaccine cannot be ascertained if HBIG (Hep B Immune globulin) was recieved in the previous __ months. Check again at __ months if no antibody is detected
1-2 months
3-4 months
6 months
Perform baseline and follow-up testing for anti-HSV and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) __ months after exposure.
Perform HCV RNA at __ weeks if earlier diagnosis of HCV infection desired.
Confirm repeated reactive anti-HCV enzyme immunoassays (EIA’s) w/ supplemental tests
4-6 weeks
Within __ days perform baseline PPD, at __ weeks, perform follow-up testing for TB exposure as indicated by development of symptoms of active disease or PPD skin test conversion.
10 days
10-12 weeks
Vehicles operated in compliance w/ FL MV Code, FS Chapter __
This code provides specific legal exceptions to regulate emergency fire/rescue vehicles responding code 3 to an emergency or when transporting a pt to med facility
FS 316
Prompt, safe responses shall be maintained by:
- Ensuring all exterior doors to veh are secured
- Ensure bay door is fully opened
- Knowing where you are going and quickest route
- Ensuring that all passenger seat belts are secured
- Responding to emergency by driving defensively, safely and professionally at reasonable speeds
- Use warning devices to move around traffic and to request the right-of-way in a safe predictable manner