SOP's Flashcards
Reporting of On-The-Job Injuries/Illness req what forms/documents to be completed
- time of incident
- NFIRS (basic)
- NFIRS (fire service casualty report)
First Report of Injury/Illness form
- ♦1/3 faxed to Risk Management
Release of Personal Info form
- ♦2/3 faxed to Risk Management
Receipt of Social Security # Collection Disclosure
- ♦2/3 faxed to Risk Management
Employer Information form
- only if being seen by doctor - given to hospital staff
Supervisor’s Memo
- capt/batt/immediate supervisor - completed at time of incident
- FMLA forms (meets criteria for serious health condition - out > 2 shifts)
Safety Supervisor Report
- completed at time of review - OPS Chief
Status Report
- if being released from ED - will include work status - if/and/or when employee can return)
If additional Tx is necessary for an injured employee, a follow up appt will be made through whom?
OPS Division and Risk Management
Form that needs to be completed each time an employee is Tx by a physician
Work Status form
Fowarded to OPS Division
Provide a mechanism to deal w/ the emotions, fears, and anxieties felt by emergency workers whenever said personnel experience situations and/or circumstances which may affect their mental or emotional well being
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
To ensure all members have access to critical incident stress management. This may help members deal with and overcome situations and circumstances related to the stressful nature faced by today’s emergency workers
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
Captains shall:
Gather and report the following information:
- nature of the call
- person or persons involved
- final outcome of the call, if known
- any further recommendations for help in dealing with the situation
- any significant symptoms the employee is demonstrating
Critical Incident Stress Management SOP 1.3.06
- Should the need to activate the CISM Team be determined, the Batt shall contact whom?
- Contact info?
Communications Supervisor and request CISM Team Response
- North Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4720
- Central Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4730
- South Regional Communications Center
- (954) 476-4740
Any incident faced by emergency personnel that causes them to experience unusual strong emotional involvement or response
Critical Incident
Employee Evaluations - Annual and Probationary SOP 1.3.11
Lieutenants shall:
- Complete Annual Evals for FFs and assist w/ Interim Evals of Probationary FFs
- Add coments regarding an employee’s strengths and suggestions for improvement for the rank of FF as immediate supervisor
- Review all evals for accuracy and ensure free from errors (name, FDID#, rank, scores, spelling and grammer)
- Save all Evals in: S\Fire\Shift\Lts\EVALS\yr
- Forward electronically to Capt for review and processing
Employee Evaluations - Annual and Probationary SOP 1.3.11
Captains shall:
- Complete Annual Evals for ranks of D.E. and LT
- Complete Interim Evals for promoted LT’s, D.E.’s and Probationary FF’s
- Add comments regarding employees strengths and suggestion for improvement for ranks of LT and DE as the immediate supervisor
- Add overall coments regarding employees performance for rank of FF as secondary supervisor
- Review all evals for accuracy and ensure free from errors (name, FDID#, rank, scores, spelling and grammer)
- Save all evals in: S\Fire\Shift\Capt\EVALS\Yr
- Forward evals electronically to Batt for review and processing
A digital report of a pt encounter which containts med and Tx info. An EHR may also be used to document scene info in which the Rescue Unit was dispatched and no pt was encountered
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
The process that encompasses the overall improvement of performance through personnel and policy development, which includes QA and QI
Quality Management (QM)
The process of reviewing an EHR or incident for compliance against Protocols, Proceduress and Policies. Often foucused on the Tx provided or actions taken by personnel
Quality Assurance (QA) / EHR Review
The process of gathering info regarding performance measures to help guide training, procedures and processes
Quality Improvement (QI)
The documentation of unsupported deviations from protocols, procedures or policies using a QA Review Form in conjunction with counseling and training to correct behavior related to documentation practices and/or performance measures
Formal QA Review
What does it mean when EHR is Reassigned
The EHR meets the minimum standards and requires an additional audit
Reassigned reports will remain in INFO NEEDED status
Lieutenants shall ensure all reports requiring attention via the QM Process are reviews and corrected by when?
next ON-DUTY shift
Lts shall initiate a Formal QA Review when ?
reoccuring substandard performance is identified related to pt care
Who maintains the PRIMARY responsibility for initiating QA Reviews of EHRs?
When substandard performance is identifed regarding clinical Tx and/or documentation, Captains shall:
Initiate Formal QA Review
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Battalion Chief Shall:
- Provide oversight and ensure all EHRs are reviewed in accordance with these procedures
- Review all EHRs assigned to them and provide feedback as necessary
- Ensure Formal QA Reviews are initiated when necessary
- Routinely review EHRs NOT SPECIFIED in Section IV-D, i.e., refusals, cancels, non-transport, etc., for complaince
- Notify Rescue Division of any defiencies, i.e., skill, Tx errors, protocol deviations, reoccuring documentation errors, etc., identified during the QM process
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Rescue Division Shall:
- Provide oversight and ensure compliance
- Participate in QM activities as needed
- Maintain all records related to QM process
- Update Med Director as needed regarding QM activities
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Medical Director
- May participate in QM activities as needed
- May provide quidance and leadership regarding the QM process
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Captains must review all EHRs generated by their current station from previous shift. All errors, ommisions or discrepancies will be addressed via:
ESO QM module
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
Station 101 Captains are responsible for EHR generated from the previous shift by what Rescues?
R269 and R89
Medical Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement SOP 1.2.05
The EHR review will include a thorough evaluation for complaince with:
protocols and procedures
proper grammer and spelling
time stamps