SOP'S Flashcards
Always complete the FRD 162 (Vehicle Inspection Report) ______ , complete the paper copy if system is down and keep in station file for ____ years?
Online, 3 Years
FRD-036 SCBA Inspection to be signed by user and placed in Logbook for ___ month, then removed and kept in station file for __ years. Then sent to airshop for archiving.
1 month, 1 year
Unit shall carry a minimum of how many personnel injury kits?
Inspection and inventory of cable, heavy and on-spot snow chains occurs when?
During month of March
If On-Spot drop chains need service, the request shall be sent through?
M5 system
Ensure the Snow Chain Query is filled out by ________ , surplus chains and materials should be returned to LDC with a _____?
April 30th, FRD-008
Maintain inventory to provide each vehicle with a MINIMUM of ______ complete sets of cable and heavy chains.
Maintain enough cable and heavy chain cross links to ensure each set can be rebuilt?
For Tandem Axle vehicles (Trucks and Towers) a complete set is defined as enough sets to install chains on _________.
Both Axles
On-spot chains, ie drop chains, can be used on up to ___ inches of snow, ice , or packed sand.
6 inches
Do not exceed ____ mph while using any type of chain?
When dropping off Engines, what shall be done before leaving the vehicle?
Tank and pump shall be DRAINED, all valves open, caps and adapters removed.
Testing of reserve apparatus hose takes places when?
May and June
Stations shall maintain a minimum of __ horizontal and __ vertical vehicle identification placards.
8 horizontal
4 vertical
Whenever the temp is predicted to be under ____ degrees the pump, intake and discharge plumbing, deck gun, elbows, blind caps, and water pressure gauges must be completely drained.
20 degrees
When on-scene of an incident in cold weather for an extended period of time, always do what with the pump?
Circulate water in the pump to prevent freezing
At ___ degrees or below, drain plumbing between shut-off valve and connections.
Whenever pumps are completely drained, it will be necessary to ____ the pump before use.
Each Engine shall carry a minimum how many feet of 4” hose?
1,000 ft
Tankers shall carry a mimimum how much 4” hose?
1,000 ft
Engines shall carry a minimum of how much 3” hose?
300 ft
Engines shall carry a mimimum of how much 2 1/2” hose?
300 ft (Blitz and Hose pack)
Engines shall carry a minimum of how much 1 3/4” hose?
1,150 ft
How much reserve hose is kept in station?
4” 200’ plus an extra set for pony sleeve
3” 200’
2 1/2”
1 3/4” 400’ White 200’ yellow 200’ Red
Hose number:
What are the first two digits?
3rd digit:
Last two:
Station number, size hose, hose number
What is the max amount of hose to be laid out for hose testing?
300 ft
When raising pressures for hose testing what is the max pressure for anything up to 3”?
300 psi
For 4” hose what is the max pressure to test hose? And how are hose repairs sent in?
200 psi for 3 minutes, and fill out an asset repair request frd 84
What forms shall be filled out after a vehicle accident involving county property?
FRD-072 and FRD-317
When entering repairs into the m5 system what must be done?
All entries shall be done individually.
All Electoronically controlled nozzles on Engines and Trucks shall have what nozzle attached until deployed?
Corresponding Fog Nozzle.
Any unit being relocated shall be enroute to designated location within _____ minutes?
How far from the each end shall the hose be numbered?
2 feet
Personnel shall not stand closer than ___ ft to any hose once pressure exceeds 100 psi.
15 ft
Hard Suction Testing procedures
- Hose is attached to electric vacuum pump and gauge, free end sealed with a transparent disk, and a __in mercury vacuum shall be developed.
- Hold vacuum for __ minutes, interior of hose inspected through translarent disk.
- Make sure their are no signs of physical damage or collapse of lining.
22 in of mercury
Hold vacuum for 10 minutes.
Hose shall be washed with ___ water.
_____ and water mixture may be used on extremely dirty hose.
Mild Soap