Engine Company Ops Manual Flashcards
Whenever possible avoid a layout that places “______” in the route of travel.
The Space between both handrails in a stairwell is called?
A Well-Hole
What does the Fire Tetrahedron consist of?
Oxygen,Heat,Fuel, Chain Reaction
What are the 4 stages of fire growth? And, explain them?
- Incipient Stage (Heat,oxygen, and fuel source combine to form a chemical reaction.
- Growth Stage (Fire increases in size from small flames to full fire)
- Fully-Developed Stage (Entire room and contents are on fire)
- Decay Stage- All available oxygen is consumed.
Warning signs of backdraft?
- Heavy dense smoke with no flames seen
- Black smoke pushing around closed doors
- Glass stained with smoke condensation and pulsating,
- Smoke being pulled back into a building.
What is Hydralic Ventilation & how is it achieved?
Using a Fog pattern to remove smoke from a compartment or building via a opening.
Place nozzle 2 feet away into a fog pattern covering 80% of the opening and flow.
The intorduction of ANY additional “________” into the structure will increase fire intensity and fire spread.
Fast moving smoke tells you what about a fire?
Where the fire may be located.
How long can you flow water from a master stream (ie: Deck Gun, Mercury Monitor) without a water supply?
Between 60-90 seconds.
When flowing a Mercury Monitor or Deck Gun at 80 psi for smooth bore or 100psi for Fog Nozzle between 500-1000gpm, how far can the stream reach?
185 ft.
How far will a stream reach with a fog nozzle at 100 psi using the medium fog pattern?
50 ft
How far will a stream reach of fog nozzle at 100 psi, in a wide fog pattern?
What is a Forward Lay?
Laying of Supply Line from the hydrant to the scene.
What is a Reverse Lay?
Laying Supply hose from the scene to the hydrant.
Typically from the Engine already on-scene, to the hydrant
What is a split lay?
When both engines layout from a identified point. Attack Engine proceeds to scene, Supply Engine to the hydrant.
When performing the split lay, connecting each engine’s supply lines together remains the responsibility of the?
Water Supply Engine
Engine company drivers ultimate responsibility is?
Safe delivery of personnel to and from the scene.
Define Blitz attack
When inital attack is defensive, then transitions to offensive once the fire is knocked down by the exterior streams.