Rural Water Supply Flashcards
Non-Hydrant is defined as an area or sturcture with the closest water supply over ______ ft away.
2,000 Ft
Nursing Operation is defined as?
First arriving Engine and Tanker will be positioned in front of the address on fire for attack, while another tanker will be at the dump site supplying water to the attack apparatus via a clappered siamese valve.
Define the Nurse Tanker?
The tanker that proceeds with the attack engine to the scene, and provides water for the inital attack. It acts as an extension of the attack engines booster tank.
Define Relay Operations
Using 3 or fewer Engines to supply attack pumper directly from water source, through a supply not exceeding a total of 3,000 ft.
Define a Siamese Valve?
Designed to bring 2 or more supply lines together into one.
What is on a Tanker Task Force?
3 Tankers
1 Engine
1 Command Officer
What is NNOVA’s recommendation for Tankers in our area with regard to the pump and the tank?
1,000 GPM Pump
2,000 Gallon Tank
Who has priority at both the FILL and DUMP sites?
Who is responsible for setting up and maintaining the fill site?
5th Engine
What must be done when drafting on an Engine with an electronic governor?
Must be in RPM mode.
If your within ____ ft of an open water source, PFD’s required.
Roles and Responsibilities of First Engine
During Nursing Ops:
Arrive & Layout LDH with Siamese (If equipped on Engine)
First Tanker Roles and Responsibilities during Nursing Operation
Position close to First Engine
Connect LDH supply line to attack engine & supply
If 1st Engine doesn’t drop a Siamese, tanker shall drop theirs.
2nd Engine Roles and Responsibilities on Nursing Operations
Arrive at incident and complete setup of Nursing operations.
Engine will supply their water into system when no tankers are available.
2nd Tanker Roles and Responsibilities on Nursing Operation
Arrive at nurse site and supply water
Join shuttle operations
If Combo operation anticipated, drop rural water gear
Third Engine Nursing Operations Roles and Respomsibolities
Officer becomes dump site leader
Engine supplies water to system if no tankers present
Position out of way
4th Engine Nursing Ops Roles and Responsibilities
Supply water to system if no tankers available
Position out of way
5th Engine Nursing Operation Roles and Responsibilities
Arrive at fill site
Establish 2 Fill Stations positioned sufficiently apart to aid in smooth transition to and from.
Any additional Tankers Roles and Responsibilites
on a Nursing Operation
Arrive at incident, transfer water into the system
After supplying water, unit will become part of the water shuttle.operation
First Engine Roles and Responsibilities during Shuttle Operations
Arrive and layout LDH with Siamese from point suitable for selected rural.water operations.
First Tanker Roles and Responsibilities during shuttle operations.
Arrive and position close proximity of attack engine.
Connect LDH supply line to attack Engine and supply water
Drop their Siamese if 1st Engine did not.
2nd Engine Roles and Responsibilities on Shuttle Operations
Complete Water Supply
Establish Nurse Ops to minimize water supply interruptions while setting up dump site.
Establish Dump site but leave nurse operation in place as a backup
2nd Tanker Roles and Responsibilities during Shuttle Operations
Arrive at nurse site, supplu water to system
Join water shuttle operation
3rd Engine Roles and Responsibilites durinf Shuttle Operations
Complete setup of and staffs dump site.
Supply water to system if no tankers.
Park out of way
4th Engine Roles and Responsibilites during Shuttle Operations
Supply Water to system if no tankers available
Position out of way
5th Engine Roles and Responsibilites during Shuttle Operations
Arrive at fill site, establish 2 different fill stations, leaving room for easy access in and out for incoming units in the operation.
If using a dry hydrant for a water source what should be done before pulling a draft?
Backflush, clearing of any debris.
Low-Level Suction Strainers are used to draft in dump tanks, they can draft down a level of ____ inches, with the maxflow being ____ gpm.
2 inches, 750 GPM
Low-Profile Jet Siphon strainer drafts water without having to pull a draft. How does it do this?
By charging a 1 3/4 handline a continous flow is established.
What is the max distance between Engines during a relay operation?
1,000 ft
During Nursing Operations, all tankers shall supply the Clappered Siamese at __ psi.
During Fill operations, the fill engine shall supply the tankers at ___ psi.
100 psi (One Tanker At A Time)