Sonenshein (2010) We’re changing—or are we? Untangling the role of progressive, regressive, and stability narratives during strategic change implementation Flashcards
Narrative is used to shape own understanding (sensemaking), as a tool to influence other’s understanding (sensegiving) and the outcome is the collective construction of meaning
- Progressive: change leads to improved organization = GOOD
- Regressive: change leads to worse organization = BAD
- Stability narrative: organization is not undergoing major change, status quo remains Used to reduce uncertainty or to preserve existing org. meanings
Meanings can present change as preservational or transformational
o Preservational: small adjustments, preserve existing meanings. Insignificant change
Unfreeze through progressive narratives, moving meanings to new construct
o Transformational: wide in scope, new org. meanings. Significant change.
Freezing existing meaning by stability narratives
Meanings can be supportive or subversive
o Supportive: consistent with managerial intentions, positive
o Subversive: undermined managerial views of change, negative
Managers do unfreeze to construct new narratives for employees. Unfrozen employees add details to this narratives, so employee narratives might end up in different direction.
o However, managers could also decide to keep employees in freeze.