Solution Focused Therapy Flashcards
What is the miracle question in Solution Focused Counseling?
What would you notice happening differently in your life if the problem was miraculously solved overnight without your knowledge?
3 Steps:
Phase 1: Setup for the Miracle
Phase 2: Delivery of the Miracle Question
Phase 3: Facilitation of the Answer
What are some scaling questions?
Assess strengths and solutions Set goals Design homework tasks Measure progress Manage crisis with safety plans
What is the counselor’s role?
1) Motivation to take action steps
2) Asks questions and offers observations that shift how clients think about their situation without talking about the problem- new perspective (resources, strengths, abilities, possibilities and the future
3) Promote positive, action motivation be complimentary and encouraging
4) Encouragement (believing in the client)
What is the purpose of Solution Focused Therapy
Solution building opposed to solving problems (the problem is not necessarily related to the solution.
Brief assessment then developing small, practical, measurable, homework action steps the client will fulfill between sessions
What is Optimism and Hope grounded in within SBT?
Ontology (The branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being,reality, or ultimate substance) and Epistemology (The study of knowledge: What distinguishes belief from opinion )
True or False: Change is inevitable
What are some counselor procedures in SFT?
1) Have a beginner’s mind, listen to the client’s story as if you are hearing it for the first time.
2) Pay attention to and echo the clients word choice, rather than use professional jargon.
What are the three levels of client motivation?
What is the visitor type of motivation in SFT?
Visitors are clients that come in because someone else thinks they have a problem
What is the complainant type of motivation in SFT?
Client identifies a problem but wants the counselor to do the work and fix the problem for them
What is the Customer type of motivation in SFT?
The client takes ownership of the problem and is motivated to take action
What does goal setting look like in SFT?
Goals must be meaningful to the client, not just a good idea
Goals are interactional: How will the goal help to improve interactions with others
Goals are situation, not global
Goals are framed in a Small step fashion: Short term
Goals will have a clear role for the client: The goal is for the client, not for others
Goals are realistic: The goals are realistic for the client, at this time
Goals must conform to legal and conform to ethical guidelines.
What are the tenets in Solution based counseling?
If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it: Don’t go looking for a problem
It it works, do more it: Build on things that are currently working
Small steps can lead to big changes: Begin with small doable changes
The solution is not necessarily related to the problem: Forward looking. The problem represents the past
The language for solution development is different from what is needed to describe a problem: Problem talk is negative; solution talk is hopeful positive and future focused
No problem happens all the time; there are always exceptions that can be utilized: A minor exception can lead to potent solutions
The future is both created and negotiable: Clients can and do design their own future
What is the facilitation role of the therapist?
Help client access resources and strength they already have but are not aware of
Presuppositional question – Stress positive assumptions, such as, “what positive things have you all done since we last met”
Positive blame – Recognition of competence and increasing positivity
Solutions – The client’s desired outcome
Challenging the client to envision a future with possibility for change
Who is Milton Erickson?
was a master clinician, well known for his brief, rapid, and creative interventions, and whose work greatly influenced the solution-based work of Steve de Shazer and Bill O’Hanlon
Who is Steve de Shazer?
laying much of the philosophical and theoretical foundations for the solution-focused approach. With Insoo Kim Berg, he founded the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center and the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association
Who is Insoo Kim Berg?
Insoo Kim Berg was an energetic devel- oper and leading practitioner of SFBT, cofounding the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy
Who is Bill O’Hanlon?
Solution Oriented Therapy
A former student of Milton Erickson, Bill O’Hanlon is an energetic and popular leader in solution-oriented, strength-based counseling, including solution- oriented therapy and possibility therapy
What do goals look like in SFT?
Meaningful to client: Goals must be personally important to the client, not just a “good idea.” Interactional: Rather than reflect a general feeling (e.g., “feeling better”), the goals should describe how interactions with others will change.
Situational: Rather than global terms, goals are stated in situational terms (e.g., improved mood at work). Small steps: Goals should be short-term and with identifiable small steps. Clear role for client: Goals should identify a clear role for the client rather than for others.
Realistic: Goals need to be realistic for this client at this time. Legal and ethical: Goals should be legal and adhere to client, counselor, and professional ethics.
What are the interventions in SFT?
Scaling and Miracle Questions Formula First Session Task Presuppositional Questions and Assuming Future Solution Videotalk Utilization Coping Questions Compliments and encouragement Homework and Experiments
What is the main role of a solution focused counselor?