Solubility Table Flashcards
All Sulfates are soluble except..?
SuBaCaPb - insoluble
All sulfates are soluble except calcium, barium, lead(II) sulfate
All Carbonates are insoluble except…?
All Carbonates are insoluble except Group I carbonates and Ammonium carbonate
SPAN what does it mean?
Sodium, Potassium, Ammonium and Nitrate salts are ALL soluble!
is Silver chloride soluble?
no! all chloride are soluble except lead(II) and silver
is Potassium Chloride, KCl soluble?
yes all chlorides are soluble except lead II and silver
All Chlorides and Iodides are soluble except…?
All iodides and Chlorides are soluble except lead II and silver iodide/chlorides
is Calcium Sulfate, CaSO4 soluble?
no! all sulfates are soluble EXCEPT SuBaCaPb
is Sodium Carbonate, Na2Co3 soluble?
- All carbonates are insoluble except group I carbonates and Ammonium carbonates!
is Ammonium Carbonate, (NH4)2CO3 soluble?
Yes, all carbonates are insoluble except ammonium carbonate and group I carbonates!!
is lead(II) chloride soluble?
no! all chloride are soluble except Lead(II) and Silver