By 2050, global waste production is expected to increase by ____% reaching ____ billion metric tons annually.
70%, 3.4
The world generates 2.01 bilion tonnes of solid waste annually, with atleast ___% not managed safely. On average a person produces _____ kg of waste daily.
33, 0.74
What is Republic Act 9003
Philippines Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2002
According to RA 9003, all discarded household, commercial, industrial, and agricultural wastes, including bulky wastes, including hazardous and toxic wastes are SOLID WASTE
Factors contributing to solid waste pollution
- population and urbanization
- economic growth and consumption patterns
- poor waste management practices
- lack of public awareness
- industrial activities
- technological advancements
- environmental conditions
_________________ often outpaces waste management systems, making it difficult to handle the rising volume of waste.
As living standards rise, ___________ intensifies, worsening the solid wase problem, with minimal waste variation across income brackets.
Inefficient waste management,including ____________ and poor infrastructure, causes unsanitary conditions and environmental pollution, particularly through __________ contamination of soil and water.
open dumping, leachate
Industries generate substantial amounts of solid waste through _____________ processes and product _____________. Construction and demolition activities also contribute significantly to overall waste volumes, with debris often ending up inlandfills without proper treatment.
Industrial Activities
manufacturing, packaging
Although technology has boosted efficiency in many areas, it has also resulted in a rise in ___________________, which presents major disposal challenges due to hazardous substances like _____ and _______ in electronic devices.
electronic waste, e- waste, lead, mercury
Severe weather conditions can exacerbate waste management issues by hindering _________ efforts and leading to improper disposal practices during emergencies or natural disasters.
Environmental conditions
waste generated by households and household activities
household/domestic/residential waste
Waste produced by businesses and activities on their premises manufacturing, (e.g.,retail/ecommerce, food service,healthcare, construction)
commercial waste
Waste produced byinstitutions such as schools,hospitals, or prisons
institutional waste
Waste generated by ships andother activities in a harbor orport (e.g., waste, etc.)fish waste, food
port/harbor waste
Waste generated by industrial activities (e.g., manufacturing, sourcing, assembly, maintenance, storage) processing,repair,transportation,
industrial waste
Paper, cardboard,plastics, wood, foodwastes, glass, metals,and special wastes
commercial and institutional
Housekeeping wastes,packaging, food wastes,construction and demolition materials,hazardous wastes, andashes
Food wastes, paper,cardboard, plastics,textiles, leather, yardwastes, wood, glass,metals, ashes, andhousehold hazardous waste
Spoiled foodwastes,agriculturalwastes,and hazardouse wastes
Industrial process wastes,scrapmaterials,off-specificationproducts,slag,tailings
Streetsweepings, landscape and treetrimmings,and general wastes fromparks,beachesandsludge
municipal services
_________________ from landfills , liquid that seeps through waste materials can contaminate groundwater and surface water bodies
What are the environmental and health impacts of solid wastes
- air pollution
- water contamination
- soil degradation
- biodiversity loss
- public health risks
improper management of solid waste, particularly through ______________ and poorly maintained ______________, releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.
open burning, landfill
_____________ from landfills liquid that seeps through waste materials can contaminate groundwater and surface water bodies. This ___________ may contain toxic substances, including heavy ______ and organic pollutants, leading to serious health risks for communities relying on this water sources.
leachate x2, metals
____________ can lead to toxic soil contamination with heavy metals and other toxic substances that persist in the environment, affecting agriculture and natural ecosystems
soil degradation
The improper disposal of solid waste can lead to __________________ and _____________, which negatively impacts local wildlife.
habitat destruction, fragmentation
What are the Health Risks of Solid Waste
- Waterborne Disease
- Vector - Borne Disease
- Respiratory issues
- Skin and other infections
- mental health impacts
Globally, most waste is currently dumped or disposed of in some form of a _____________. Almost 37 percent of waste is disposed of in some form of a landfill, _______ of which is disposed of in sanitary landfillswith landfill gas collection systems. Open dumping accounts for about ___ %of waste, ____ % is recovered through recycling and composting, and _______ percent is incinerated for final disposal.
landfill, 7.7%, 33%, 19%, 11.1%
It is estimated that ____ billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent greenhouse gas emissions were generated from _______________ disposal in 2016, or 5 percent of global emissions.
1.6, soild waste treatment disposal
_______________ refers to a plant that separates and prepares single-stream recycling materialsto be sold to end buyers.
Materials Recovery Facility
It is the biological decomposition of biodegradable solid waste under controlled predominantly ____________ conditions to a state that is sufficiently stable for nuisance-free storage and handlingand is satisfactorily matured for safe use in agriculture.
3 examples of small scale composting
compost pits
tire towers
coconut shell stack
An example of large scale composting
vermi or worm composting
in vessel
An example of large scale composting
vermi or worm composting
The important role of _____________ in achieving the mandatory WASTE DIVERSION requirements is recognized under RA 9003.
___________ may either be a component of an MRF or established as a stand-alone processing facility.
_____________, particularly those with high commercial value such as paper, scrap metals and plastics are typically sold to junk dealers, consolidators and recyclers.
Recycling 2x, Recyclables
_______________ refers to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any solid waste into or in any land while ______________ refer to areas where solid waste is finally discharged and deposited.
It is regarded as the LEAST PREFFERED METHOD of managing solid waste although it plays an important role in dealing with residual waste.
waste disposal, disposal sites
_____________ are raw, open spaces designated as local disposal areas that lack engineering measures and pollution control systems.
RA 9003 prohibits the establishment and operation of open dumps or any practices involving the use of open dumps. However, open dumps were allowed to be converted into _____________ only until 2006 as a temporary and remedial measure.
Nevertheless, controlled dumps, which were required to meet basic waste managementguidelines, should have been phased out in 2006 infavor of sanitary landfills.
Since __________ , the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has reported that all 355 opendumpsites across the country have been successfully shut down.
Dumpsites, controlled dumps, 2021
A ______________ (SLF) refers to a waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that experts engineering control oversignificant potential environmental impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility.
sanitary landfill
__________ is an option in which small LGUs can pool their resources into setting up a common solid waste disposal facility.
It also enables them to attain large economies of scale and reduce the cost per unit of solid waste disposal.
The main constraints, however, are finding a host LGU and the social acceptability of the proposed facility.
Forms of ___________ in the Philippines include private sector-led ventures that offer their landfills where LGUs dispose their residual waste upon payment of tipping fees.
Clustering 2x
_______________ (WtE) refers to waste treatment technologies that convert waste into energy by using heat, most commonly ______________.
It is considered a _________ waste management method alongside landfilling and recycling.
waste to energy, inceneration
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2002, RA 9003
As provided for under RA 2003, the ____________ outlines the preffered approach to support the adoption of a systematic, comprehensive and ecologocal solid waste management PROGRAM.
It focuses on the waste management hierarchy that emphasizes waste avoidance and minimization through resuse, recycling, composting and resource recovery
National Solid Waste Management Framework (2004)
The act states that the provinve city, or municipality, through its local soild waste management boards, shall prepare its respective 10 - year _________ consistet with the National Solid Waste Management Framework
9003, solid waste management 10 year plan
What is the most preffered to the least preffered way of handling soild waste
Philippine clean water act of 2004
RA 9275
Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000) defines _________ or basura as all discarded household, commercial waste, NON - HAZARDOUS institutional, ports/ harbor and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agriculture waste,and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
solid waste
Soild waste does not include
a.) waste identified or listed as hazardous waste;
b.) infectious wastes fromhospitals such as equipment, instruments, utensils, and fomites of adisposable nature from patients; and
c.) waste resulting from miningactivities, including contaminated soil and debris
_______________ and ___________ along roads, open fields, drainage canals and waterways are threats to the environment and public health as these do not only cause aesthetic problem but also pollute air, water and soil
Solid waste burning, open dumping
In terms of health impacts, _________, diarrhea, _________, pneumonia,___________, malaria and _________ are attributed to poor sanitary practices including improper waste disposal
bronchitis, influenza, tuberculosis, measles
In the Philippines, solid wastes are generated primarily from __________ and __________ establishment
household, commercial
FOOD WASTES, paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, leather, YARD WASTES, wood, glass, metals, ashes, and household hazardouswast
HOUSEKEEPING WASTES, packaging, food wastes, CONSTRUCTION and DEMOLITION materials, hazardous wastes, and ashe
Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass, metals, SPECIAL WASTE, and hazardous waste
commercial and institutional
This shall refer to the systematic adminisration of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the environment
ecological solid waste management