is the contamination of the atmosphere by harmful substances,which can arise fromboth natural sources and human activities.
air pollution
It refers to any physical,chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically.
Air pollution
Substances not naturally found in the air or at greater concentrations or indifferent locations from usual are referred to as _____________.
air pollutants
The pollutants that directly cause airpollution are known as __________________.
primary pollutants
_____________ especially ___________ are emited from burning pollutants of coal and oil.
Sulfure oxides, sulfur dioxide
______________ especially ______________ are emited from high temperature combustion.Can be seen as the brownhaze dome above or plume downwind of cities.
Nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide
________________, agreenhouse gas emittedfrom energy production,including burning coal, oil,or natural gas
Carbon Dioxide
Colorless, odorless, and nonirritating, ________________ isan extremely toxic gas. It is abyproduct offuels like coal,wood, or natural gas burning INCOMPLETELY. One of the main sources of carbon monoxide is ______________.
carbon monoxide, vehicle exhaust
___________ (NH3) emited from agricultural processes.It is a colorless highlyirritating gas with a sharpsuffocating odor.
PM, or particulate matter, is quantified by dust and smoke. _______ is the percentage of suspended particles that will penetrate the nasal cavity andhave a diameter of 10 micrometers or less. With amaximum particle size of _______ can penetrate the lungs and bronchi.
PM10, PM2.5
War munitions, nuclear explosions, and naturalprocesses like radon’s radioactive decay all produce _________________..
radioactive pollution
___________, such as fromgarbage, sewage,and industrial processes.
Products that are currently prohibited from usage release ______________________,which are detrimental to theozone layer.
The pollutants formed bythe intermingling andreaction of primarypollutants are known as ________________.
secondary pollutants
Particulate mater formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in ___________________, such as nitrogen dioxide
photochemical smog
________________ (O3 )formed from NOx andVOCs. It is a colorless andhighly irritating gas thatforms just above the earth’ssurface.
Ground level ozone
____________________ (PAN) similarly formed fromNOx and VOCs, present inphotochemical smog.
Peroxyacetyl nitrate
Problems with human-caused air pollution began inthe mid-1700s, whenEurope and NorthAmerica entered theperiod of time knownas the _________________.
Industrial Revolution
Most air pollution iscreated by people burning _________________, which includecoal, natural gasand oil.
fossil fuels
wild fires create ______________
carbon monoxide
Acid rain forms when _____________ and ____________ mix with water droplets in theatmosphere to make sulfuricacid and nitric acid. Winds cancarry these pollutants forthousands of miles, until theyfall to the Earth’s surface asacid rain
sulfure dioxide, nitrogen dioxide
Chemicals likechlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), commonly used as _________________ , containchlorine atoms. Whenthese chlorine atoms arereleased into theatmosphere, they damageozone