Solar Cells Flashcards
For what kind of missions are solar cells suited?
earth satellites and space probes for all plants up to Jupitar
What are the ranges of the power outputs of the pv cells?
a few watts up to tens of kW
In the electric power versus use duration plot, what does the plot for solar arrays look like
curves around from bottom middle to middle right, occupying a quadrant
What’s the base material resistivity of solar cells?
10^-3 - 10^-2 Ohm cm
What are semi conductor junctions doped with to make p and n type junctions? What are there electrical compositions?
p type: boron doped, electron deficiency
n type: phosphorous doped, electron excess
What happens to IR photons incident on the single cell solar cell? What about UV photons?
IR: passes through without interaction (transparent)
UV: dissipate as heat within the cell reducing efficiency
Describe the structure of a basic triple junction solar cell and the materials used
- n-junction is always closest to the sun as p-junction on top of cells suffer more degradation from radiation damage
- shortest wavelength cells are closest to the sun
- the materials are GaInP, GaAs, Ge
- conductors between the layers are called tunnel junctions
What is the profile of the Absorption versus wavelength for a triple junction cell
- peak in the visible (90% EQE)
- a ridge peak from 700 to 900 nm (90 % EQE)
- a slow rise from 900 to 1600 nm then sharp fall off ( 60 to 80 % EQE)
What is the current state of the art triple junction solar cell?
How thick is the state of the art solar cell?
150 microns +/- 20 micron
How to calculate power output of 1000 cell with efficiency 28 % (BoL SotA)
Solar flux x area x efficiency x 1000
What are the three benefits from the CdTe thin film PV cell developed by Swansea
- High specific power (W/kg)
- Radiation hard
- Flexible so glass can be rolled allowing for different storage methods meaning larger cell arrays can be carried
What is the main property of the CdTe that makes it a promising technology from a power perspective?
It is lightweight compared to silicon and triple junction
What is cover glass manufactured from?
Quartz, sapphire or cerium-doped silica
what is the job of the cover glass?
Provide some protection against radiation and micrometeorite damage
Between the cover glass adhesive and the pv cell, what else is on the stackup diagram
Anti-reflective coating about 0.6 micron thick
What do back-surface radiators do?
reflect unabsorbed radiation back through the cell to reduce cell heating
On the output current versus cell voltage what features indicate the following:
- Maximum power output
- Optimum load resistance
- Maximum power output is the area which is bound by the maximum power point
- Optimum load resistance is the gradient that joins the origin to the maximum power point
Considering the IV plot of the solar cell, what is the role of the PCU?
Keep the array operating at maximum power using a max power point tracking system
at grazing angles, what happens to the cell’s reflectivity? how does the pwoer produced fall off?
- It tends towards 1
- the power falls of as cos theta
What happens to the maximum power point as the cell temperature increases?
It decreases
What are the consequences of a solar cell leaving eclipse? How is this handled?
The solar cell is at its most efficient as it is at its coolest after leaving eclipse. By disconnecting portions of the array until it warms up again, current surges can be avoided. More prominent after GEO
What particles cause displacement damage in the crystal structure of semiconductor materials?
Ions, neutrons, high-energy photons and electrons
What happens to the electrical properties of the solar cell when is is affected by displacement damage? What happens to the gain?
- more defects
- decreased carrier lifetime
- decreased carrier mobility
lower current gain, non-ionising damage
is displacement damage cumulative or single event?
cumulative with exposure (dose)
How is radiation hardness calculated and how is it different between silicon and GaAs?
efficiency_irradiated / efficiency_init
- Silicon is less resilient to efficienct changes over time
What do the GEO and LEO plots look like for Si and GaAs cells?
Falloff is worse for GEO with both cell falling from max sharply at during the first years of operation and then flattening out Si -> 55 %, GaAs -> 75 %
Small falloff for LEO with Si worse but going flat quick with Si at 90 % and GaAs at 95 %
How are solar panels protected against reverse bias zener breakdown?
Diodes (need more info)
What causes thermal cycling on the solar cells? What effect does that have on the cell
- Entry and departure into eclipse
- higher failure rates as the different materials in the cell expand contract at different rates and rupture
How are solar panels deployed?
Either as wings or body-mounted