Soil water, potential and flow Flashcards
What ate 7 things determined by soil-water interactions?
- Balance between air and water in soil pores.
- The rate of water loss by leaching, runoff, and evaporation.
- The capacity of soil to store and provide water for plant growth and other biological activities.
- The rate and kind of metabolism for soil organisms.
- The rate of change in temperature.
- The continuity of soil formation and development
- The ability of the soil to withstand mechanical stresses
What is energy in terms of soil water content?
Energy is the capacity to do work.
What is potential energy and how is it calculated?
Energy a body contains due to its position.
Potential Energy = mass x energy x height.
What is kinetic energy =
Energy a body contains due to it’s motion.
Kinetic Energy =
1/2 (mass x velocity^2)
Is the total energy state of water defined by its potential or kinetic energy?
potential energy
What is water in a standard state?
Water in a standard state in pure (no solutes), free water, (no external forces other than gravity) at some reference pressure (usually atmospheric pressure), reference temperature and reference elevation.
Is water hydrostatic under saturated or unsaturated conditions?
Saturated conditions.
What is soil water retention?
It is the ability of the soil to retain water against the pull of gravity.
What is the saturated soil water retention condition?
It is when the soil retains water above the gravitational pull due to flow impediment thereby creating water lodging effects.
What is the unsaturated water retention condition dependent on?
Matric potential
What are capillary and adsorptive forces?
Capillary forces draw water up and adsorptive forces bind water to clay mineral surfaces and to cations in solution.
What is the formula to determine Plant Available Water (PAW)?
Filed capacity (FC) - Permanent wilting point (PWP)
What is Field capacity (FC)?
FC is soil water content after 2- 3 days of draining without the influence of evaporation.
What is Permanent Wilting point (PWP)?
It is soil water content at which 50% of the plants will permanently wilt.
What does water infiltration determine?
It determines how much water from rainfall, snowmelt, irrigation, or a spill will enter the soil and how much becomes runoff.
What is the soil’s infiltrability or infiltration capacity?
It is the rate of water infiltration at the surface of the soil.
What is the steady infiltration rate?
Infiltrability reaches a constant rate after a prolonged period known as steady infiltration rate.
What is the preferential flow of water movement?
It describes the rapid flow of water through large pores in the soil via direct pathways that constitute only a fraction of the soil’s total volume. Ex: Big cracks in the soil due to the swelling and shrinking of clay, burrowing animals, and human activity.