Soil Water Flashcards
Soil Moisture Active Passive
- New satellite
- Will produce global maps of soil moisture to help improve knowledge of water and carbon cycles and water management
- Can access 1st few cm’s of surface, even through thick vegetation
- Radar is already broken but radiometer still functions
- ~3 days to cover the planet with a large swath
Vadose Zone
- Unsaturated Zone
- Zone of aeration
- Realm of soil moisture
Phreatic Zone
- Zone of saturation
- Realm of Ground water
How is soil the 1st line of defense?
It filters contaminants such as pathogens from water before it enters groundwater
What are the possible pathways for rain?
- Evaporate
- Runoff
- Infiltrate
- Drawn by plants and transpired by weeds, crops, and trees
- Soil moisture
- Soil Water
- Ground water
- Groundwater flow
Why study soil water?
- Flood prediction
- Contaminant migration (mitigation?)
- Erosion
What does soil water have to become in order to reach the ground water zone?
Gravitational water
Why is soil water study important for agriculture?
Knowing the soil type and how it interacts with water can help understand how much the plants require and if the soil water is enough or if irrigation is necessary
Why is soil water study important for Geotechnical engineering?
Water content and how it relates to hazards (sink holes, etc)
What is soil made of?
- Mineral ~45%
- Air ~20-30% (air can be displaced by water, saturated soil has 0% air)
- Water ~20-30%
- Organics ~5%
What are the 3 main particle sizes in soil? What are other less common sizes?
Common: - Clay - Silt - Sand Less Common: - Pebbles - Rocks
What is the organic matter in soil composed of?
- Organisms 10%
- Roots 10%
- Humus 80%
- -> Content can vary significantly
What is the clay fraction?
- Highly weathered particles
- Mostly clay minerals, plagioclase
- Adsorbs soil water very effectively
- determines a soils hydrological properties
Water in a surface layer, stuck through electromagnetic forces (more or less hydrogen bonds)
What, above all, determines a soil’s hydrological properties?
The clay fraction
What is the sand and silt fractions?
- Less weathered particles
- Less reactive/charged particles
- Retains less soil water
- Larger pores, higher hydraulic conductivity
Clay soil vs. Sandy soil
Greater total pore volume = Greater porosity, less permeable
Less total pore volume = Less porosity, more permeable
Components of Soil Texture
Soil triangle can be used anywhere on the planet
- lithology
- angularity vs. roundness
- complexity
- Particle size
- Mineral layers
- Sorting
Soil properties
- Grain size, type
- Sorting, variability in size
- Bulk density, packing
- Water content, degree of saturation
- Hydraulic conductivity
- Thermal state
What is the Gravimetric water content?
The mass fraction of water in the soil
θg = Mass water / Mass soil
Gravitational water
The water in a soil that is freely available for gravitational drainage
i. e. free water in the pore space
- Saturated
Hygroscopic water
Held tightly to a particle
- Unavailable to plants, but possible a little available to the atmosphere
Field Capacity
- The maximum water content that a soil can hold against gravity
- Gravitational power exceeds capillary power and the water moves down/drains through
- Water in a soil that can be retained against gravity through adsorbed water and capillary pressure
Matric Potential
= capillary pressure = suction (negative pressure)
- Equivalent term fro pressure head from Bernoulli’s equation and is often used to describe negative pressure in the unsaturated zone
- Commonly associated with capillary pressure due to surface tension from the soil minerals/grains. This capillary pressure is a form of suction or “negative pressure” which draws water up into the soil