three phase system
solid, liquid, gas
is the depression or the rise of a liquid in a small capillary passage tube having a small cross-sectional area such as openings in the porous materials.
is the subsurface layer in which groundwater seeps up from a water table by capillary action to fill pores.
The capillary fringe
Capillarity- results from 2 force: mutual attraction (_________) between water molecules and the molecular attraction (__________) between water and different soil materials
can provide a means of direct evaporation of ground water if the water table is close enough to the surface
The capillary fringe
-measuring instrument used to determine water potential (soil moisture tension) in the vadose zone.
- H20 in the vadose zone available to growing plants, found in belt of soil water
Soil water
Zone extends from land surface to depth of plant roots
Soil water
Top of capillary fringe may be below the belt of soil water.
- Intermediate zone (bet. BSW and CF)
Soil water
Soil moisture at a location varies with changes in the _______________ and ______________
amount of precipitation
-when soil-moisture content of a layer reaches to the point at which the force of gravity acting on the water = the surface tension, gravity drainage cease.
Field capacity
the remaining moisture is too tightly bound to the soil particles
Wilting Point