maximum rate of pumpage that can be allowed while ensuring that water-level declines are kept with acceptable limits.
Groundwater yield
maximum pumping rate that can be supplied by a well without lowering the water level in the well below the pump intake
Well yield
maximum rate of withdrawal that can be sustained by an aquifer without causing an unacceptable decline in the hydraulic head in the aquifer
Aquifer yield
maximum rate of withdrawal that can be sustained by the complete hydrogeologic system in a groundwater basin without causing unacceptable declines in hydraulic head in the system or causing unacceptable changes to any other component of the hydrologic cycle in the basin.
Basin yield
is the artificial application of water to soil or land to assist in the growth of crops and vegetation, typically to supplement insufficient rainfall and ensure optimal agricultural productivity.
is the process of removing or lowering the water table in soil or construction areas through pumping or other techniques, typically to create a dry and stable environment for construction, mining, or excavation activities.
a model refers to the process of defining and assigning specific values to the parameters within a mathematical or computational model.
who said that groundwater science is like trying to read a textbook with a hole punch…”
D. Irvine
K and transmissivity properties can be determined from single well tests
At least one pumping well…
To determine storage properties
At least one observation well
Better estimates of storage and transmissivity
Multiple observation wells
-record the pump rate and know the location of the pumping
well, and observation wells
From the test
Solved transient flow (accounting for storage) to a well in an infinitely extending aquifer
Theis Solution
affects the slope of the time drawdown curve
Higher transmissivity,
lower slope