Soil acidity and management Flashcards
One of the most important soil properties is pH
The pH optimum range for most plants is near neutral
Most of the areas on Earth that are not acid are mountains, drylands, permafrost or deserts / semideserts
Places with little rain
High rainfall increases soil acidity through leaching of base cations
Highly leached acid soils are rich in aluminium and iron oxides which strongly sorb phosphorus
Soil acidity is measured by pH which is a log scale of units of H+ moles in a solution
pH 4 to 3 = 9 x 10^-4 moles H+
pH 7 to 6 = 9 x 10^-7 moles H+
Three orders of magnitude different
H+ is a cation - very strongly attracted to negatively charged sites on clays and organic matter
The acidity of soil is comprised in two components
1) Active acidity in soil solution
2) Exchange acidity/reserve acidity associated with colloids
(1) H+ ion release by plant roots and micro-organisms (2) Organic acids (3) Base depletion and leaching (4) Aluminium chemistry (5) Weathering and oxidation (6) Acid rain and anthropogenic emissions
Plants release H+ ions into the soil via their roots and micro-organisms
The process whereby ammonium is oxidized to nitrate is called nitrification:
NH4+ NO3- This can release H+ ions.
In acid soils (pH <4.5) nitrification is normally inhibited
Since N is the mineral nutrient required in largest amounts by plants, and NH4+ is a cation, where NH4+ is the main N source there is ongoing release of H+ linked to NH4+ uptake.
Most plant roots release substantial amounts of organic acids as exudates and decomposition products.
Carboxylic acids
Amino acids
Phenolic acids
These weak acids are important components of acidity especially in organic soils.
They are the main acid components of humic substances – which have exchange acidity of 500-14000 moles H+ per Kg dry weight.
Base Depletion –
(often linked to rainfall and flushing out of ions)
Processes leading to loss of bases e.g. leaching by high rainfall causes acidification
Where soil exchange sites are occupied by Ca, Mg, K and Na and other base cations (not Al and H), the sites will have little or no exchange acidity.
Percentage base saturation = % cation exchange sites occupied by base cations.
In strongly acid mineral soils Al is present mainly as Al3+ and AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2+ cations which are often associated with the cation exchanges sites on colloids
When mixed with water can release H+, increasing acidity of soil
At pH below 4.5 in mineral soils Al3+ becomes soluble.
Al3+ is highly toxic to roots of most plants and binds to PO42- making phosphorus unavailable.
Most plants have intermediate pH and AL3+
(5) Weathering and oxidation of acid-generating minerals like pyrite
“Acid sulphate soils are the nastiest soils in the world”
These are soils that contain minerals such as pyrite which oxidizes to release sulphuric acid- and can have pH values as low as 2.0
Highly acid soils suffer toxic concentrations of Fe, Al, Mn, and other trace metals, and
are very low in available and exchangeable nutrients N, P, Ca, Mg.
Acid rain –an anthropogenic impact on soil pH
Non-marine sulphur –
Historically a major component of acid rain due to coal burning.
It forms sulphuric acid: H2SO4
Soil acidification results in loss of species diversity
Soil acidification in the UK from late 1950’s to 1990 increased by 1.8 pH
Soils with high base saturation often support very diverse plant communities
and harbour many of our rarest species.
Growth of legumes and their nitrogen fixation is sensitive to pH.
Adding lime can increase N fixation where the soil acidity is a problem causing Al or Mn toxicity.
Applying aglime to soils reacts
with nitric acid and other acid sources to release CO2 in the atmosphere
Lime improves yield by improving acidity at surface level
but is’t getting mixed in and is slow in ameliorating subsoil activity
Use of Ca silicate rock instead of lime to reduce soil acidity and decrease CO2 emissions
Volcanic soils are
fertile soils because volcanic ash and basaltic lava are rich in plant nutrients and rapidly weather.
Most areas with high rainfall – and therefore where water for crop growing is plentiful suffer from acid soils.
Acid soils present a syndrome of problems-
Low nutrient (N, P, K , Ca, Mg) content,
Often toxic concentrations elements like Al, Mn and Fe
Crops vary in their sensitivity to acid soils
Adding lime has traditionally been a cheap and effective way of raising soil pH but it contributes to CO2 release and does not replenish nutrients other than Ca.
Adding Ca-rich volcanic rock dust such as basalt has the potential to reduce soil acidity, supply nutrients and improve crop yields. With less greenhouse gas releases