Software Development Flashcards
A programming language is a set of keywords and grammar rules used to create ___________ for a computer.
Examples of programming languages include C, C++, Pascal, Java, BASIC and assembly.
A _______ has a predefined meaning for the compiler which translates each line of programming code into the machine language that the computer can understand.
Examples of keywords include READ, WRITE, IF, and THEN.
A ______ converts source code (the original code written by the programmer) into object code (an executable file).
The compiled program is saved as object code for later execution. Examples of compiler programs include C, C++, visual basic, and Pascal.
Punctuation programming rules are called ______.
Syntax refers to the format in which computer programming commands must be entered. Syntax involves a combination of keywords, punctuation, numbers and sequence.
What does syntax include?
A combination of keywords, punctuation, numbers and sequence.
In computer programming, ______ errors refer to typographical errors and incorrect use of the programming language.
Common syntax errors include incorrect or missing punctuation, spelling errors, and omitting keywords.
Commands written for a specific CPU or microprocessor are _________ languages.
low level
________ and assembly languages are low level languages.
__________ languages are based on human languages and include C, C++ and FORTRAN.
High level
High level languages make programming easier by replacing cryptic low level commands (i.e. strings of 0s and 1s) with commands like READ and WRITE.
Programmers use assembly languages to write ______ software.
System software include device drivers, operating systems, and compilers.
______ generation languages are typically used for database applications.
SQL and RPG-I are examples of fourth generation languages.
OOP allows a block of program code to be ______ in other programs.
The major advantage of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is that it allows for the recycling of blocks of program code. Examples of OOP languages include C++ and Java.
What does OOP stand for?
Object Oriented Programming
A programming _________________ defines the scope of the problem, spells out the known information, and specifies when the problem has been solved.
problem statement
In programming, a variable represents a value that can ______.
The opposite of a variable is a constant, which is a factor that remains the same throughout the program.
In programming, an _____ is defined as an action.
Examples of an event include a key press or a mouse click.
Remarks are _____ included in the program code by the programmer.
Remarks or comments are notes included in the program and are written by the programmer to document the purpose of the program and to explain the purpose of sections of code which may not be clear.
They are for human use only and are ignored by the compiler when it processes the code.
An iteration control structure directs the computer to repeat one or more instructions until a certain _________ is met.
The section of code that repeats is called a loop or an iteration. DO UNTIL and DO WHILE are two types of iteration control structures.
In programming, a component is a __________ module designed for a specific task.
Components save programmers time by eliminating the need for creating all of the code from scratch.
A flowchart is a graphical representation of a series of ______ needed to solve a problem.
Reading through a program to make sure it is logical and free of errors is called desk ________.
When troubleshooting a computer program, ________ software is used to help identify and solve problems.
Debugger software is used to help a programmer find faults and errors in a program. Syntax errors can be found with a debugger.
______ testing involves desk checking and debugging.
____ testing involves checking a program by running it with real world data.
LISP is a programming language used primarily for creating _______________________ programs.
artificial intelligence
Javascript is widely supported by web browsers and adds interactive functions to ____ pages.
A _________ is a limited working system, developed to test design concepts.
With a parallel implementation, the old and new systems are operated side by side until the new system is proven to be ________.
With a ______ implementation, parts of the new system are implemented separately.
_______ implementation involves converting files, software and hardware to the new system.
_______________ is a computer generated artificial reality which projects a person into a sensation of three dimensional space.
Virtual reality
Virtual reality is used in arcade games and in training simulators (example: flight simulators).