soft tissue treatment: Flashcards
Soft Tissue Technique
a direct technique that usually involves kneading, stretching, deep pressure, traction and/or inhibition while monitoring tissue response and motion changes by palpation
what is soft tissue good for
- Relaxes hypertonic muscles / reduces spasm
- Stretches and increases the elasticity of shortened fascial structures
- Identifies areas of restricted motion, tissue texture changes, and sensitivity * Enhances circulation to local myofascial structures
- Improves local and systemic immune response
- Optimizes overall autonomic tone
- Provides a general state of relaxation
when should i do soft tissue
- Somatic dysfunction including: o hypertonic muscles
o excessive tension in fascial structures
o abnormal vicerosomatic, somatosomatic and somatovisceral reflexes - Any clinical conditions that would benefit from improving circulation
- As an adjunct to additional manipulative treatment in order to: o observe tissue response to the application of manipulative technique
o prepare tissues for other types of manipulation
______ mechanism of soft tissue
i. Sustained linear force acting to draw structures apart
ii. Originandinsertionofthemyofascialstructuresbeingtreatedarelongitudinally separated
- Traction
______ mechanism of soft tissue
i. A rhythmic, kneading motion
ii. Originandinsertionarestationary,andthecentralportionofthestructureis
stretched perpendicular to the long axis (bowstringing)
Lateral Stretching
i. A rhythmic, kneading motion
ii. Originandinsertionarestationary,andthecentralportionofthestructureis
stretched perpendicular to the long axis (bowstringing)
______ mechanism of soft tissue
i. A rhythmic, kneading motion
ii. Directionofforceisappliedparalleltothelongaxisofthestructure
Linear Stretching
______ mechanism of soft tissue
i. sustained inhibitory pressure over a hypertonic myofascial structure
Deep pressure
i. sustained inhibitory pressure over a hypertonic myofascial structure
______ mechanism of soft tissue
stroking movement used to move fluid
-lymphatic treatment superficially from distal to proximal and peripheral to central
- stroking movement used to move fluid
§ lymphatic treatment superficially from distal to proximal and peripheral to central
______ mechanism of soft tissue
deep kneading or squeezing action to express fluid
Petrissage - deep kneading or squeezing action to express fluid
______ mechanism of soft tissue
striking the belly of a muscle with the hypothenar edge of the open
hand in rapid succession in an attempt to increase its tone and arterial perfusion
Tapotement - striking the belly of a muscle with the hypothenar edge of the open
hand in rapid succession in an attempt to increase its tone and arterial perfusion
______ mechanism of soft tissue
a myofascial release massage therapy technique used to break adhesive bands from the skin to deeper tissue by lifting the skin and rolling it between fingers and thumbs of both hands
Skin rolling;
a myofascial release massage therapy technique used to break adhesive bands from the skin to deeper tissue by lifting the skin and rolling it between fingers and thumbs of both hands