Soft tissue surgery of foals Flashcards
What is the most common route of synovial sepsis in foals
Haematogenous spread of local or systemic infection
Clinical signs of synovial sepsis in foals
Joint distension in key
Usually febrile
Often more than one joint affected
What are some predisposing factors to synovial sepsis in foals
Failure of passive transfer
Systemic illness
Key one = infection at another site; mostly umbilicus
What pot do we need to put synovial fluid into
Normal synovial fluid characteristics
- Straw coloured
- Viscous
- Low white cell count <10 x10^9/L
- <15% neutrophils [but NB can be higher ]
- Low total protein <10g/L
When might a normal joint shower higher neutrophil percentages ~50-60%
If recent joint injection
Characteristics of septic joint fluid
- Cloudy/turbid
- Serosanguinous
- Watery
- High white cell count >20 X 10^9/L with >90% neutrophils
- Total protein high >30g/L
Why do we always radiographs foals with septic joints
To look for signs of osteomyelitis in physis and epiphysis
This is a poor prognostic signs and must be addressed at surgery as it can continue to seed infection into the joint
Septic joint treatment in foals
1) Synovial lavage: arthroscopic/tenoscopic high volume 5-15L
+ debridement after lavage and closure
2) Antibiotics
Antibiotic protocol for synovial sepsis in foals
Pen/gent systemically, can do oxytet
Locally gentamycin; tends to be injected into synovial structure at the end of surgery so gives a high concentration for 1-2 days
Prognosis for septic joints in foals
Survival 60-80%
Racing ability 30-60%
How to tell if naso-gastric reflux in foals is normal or due to obstruction
Test the pH
- If acidic = reflux from stomach; normal
- If more basic = backing up from small intestine due to obstruction
What is a possible stomach disorder of foals
Gastric outlet obstruction
Pseudo obstruction
Tends to be the result of severe ulceration and most treated medically since surgery high risk and expensive
Aside from congenital factors what can lead to hernias in foals
high forces at parturition
What tends to be the cause of small intestinal obstructive lesions
Impaction of parascaris equiorum in weanlings following anthelmintic treatment by a few days
How to surgically deal with SI obstruction in foals
= indicated if complete obstruction present
Do enterotomy and evacuation then closing
May need to resect some if bowel devitalised
What is the most common surgical lesion in foals, esp when <3mo
Small intestinal volvulus
= where intestine rotates around long azis
Clinical signs of small intestinal volvulus
Severe pain, recumbent, SI and abdominal distension, no SI movement on U/S, increased RR/HR, injected MMs, may be pyrexic
What to do with atresia coli cases
What to do with atrexia ni
Incise the persistent anal membrane
Or remove circular piece of skin and suture the rectal wall to skin
= good prognosis for survival but poor for normal anal function