Sodium Flashcards
Na normal range
Where is sodium found?
extracellular fluid
Mild hyponatraemia level
Hyponatraemia Mx
Treat underlying cause
Hyponatraemia symptom thresholds
Causes of hyponatraemia by osmolality
What is TURP syndrome?
Compare true and pseudo hyponatraemia
Hyponatraemia Mx
How to distinguish causes of true hyponatraemia
Hydration status and urinary Na+
What needs to be checked and sorted before measuring the urine sodium?
Stop diuretics
Why is there hyponatraemia in cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis → poor breakdown of vasodilators e.g. nitric oxide → low blood pressure → baroreceptors stimulate ADH release → fluid retention and dilutional hyponatraemia
Management of hyponatraemia
Why is rapid correction of sodium dangerous?
What electrolyte abnormality can occur post-surgery and why?
SIADH causes
What are the key features of Hypernatraemia
Why is rapid correction of hypernatraemia dangerous?
Cerebral oedema
Hypernatraemia causes
Hypernatraemia management
Clinical features of ADH resistance/deficiency
Summarise ADH deficiency
Summarise ADH resistance
ADH deficiency/resistance Dx