sociology paper 2 Flashcards
memorise sociologist names and studies
What was Weber’s definition of class
A group that share a similar market situation.
what does weber mean by social mobility
individuals could move between classes, influenced by education, occupation, and social networks, highlighting the potential for social mobility within his framework.
What do Beck and Gernsheim say about class?
That society is too risky and it has been drawing away from the idea of classes
Fragmentation of Identity
Postmodernists argue that identities are fragmented and fluid, meaning that class is not a fixed category. People can belong to multiple social categories (e.g., race, gender, and class) that interact in complex ways.
Social Construction of Class
They emphasize that class is socially constructed rather than a purely economic condition. Class identities and experiences can vary widely based on cultural, social, and historical contexts.
Critique of Meta-Narratives
Postmodernists question grand narratives (like Marxism) that seek to explain social phenomena solely through class struggle. They argue that such narratives oversimplify the complexities of social life and ignore other forms of inequality
Postmodern perspectives often align with intersectional approaches, recognizing that class interacts with other social categories, leading to diverse experiences of inequality.
Focus on Discourse
Postmodernism highlights the role of language and discourse in shaping perceptions of class. How class is talked about and represented can influence social realities and individual experiences.
Some postmodernists discuss the idea of hyper-reality, where media representations and consumer culture can blur the lines between reality and simulation, impacting how people understand their class positions
Critsism of postmodernist
Still shown that class effects opportunities.
critisim 2
People are still economically deprived and in poverty.
What term did Davidsons coin with definition
glass ceiling-
The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that restricts the advancement of women and minorities in the workplace, despite their qualifications.
emotion work
members of households carry out emotion work giving love, understanding praise, reassurance and attention
Horixontal segregation
the diffrences in the number of males and females present across and between occupations
Vertical segregation
Mens domination of the highest ranking jobs in both traditionally male and traditionally female occupations
The glass cliff
women in leadership roles are likleier then men to achieve these roles during crisis
invisible labour
women do more of the interlectual mental working child care and household maintance more learning and info processing
time poverty
women are experiencing time poverty they get underpaid or not at all
glass elevator effect
how men often rise higher and faster up the career ladder then women
glass cellar
male inequalities taking the lower worse jobs which are more dangerous
tripple shift
women carrying out domestic emotional and paid labour
functional uniquness
someone has a unique set of skills that are highly valued in society
Degree of dependence on others
doctors are reliant on nurses-the situation in which you need something or someone all the time, especially in order to continue existing
crtiquws of human capital theory
pay gap can be due to men aving more hguman capital rather then women
Instrumental role
men being the bread winner doing more manual labour work then women, being there to provide the family with money- link to ons job health inequality
expressive role
women staying at home doing domestic work being a housewife providing for the family with emotional work
Davis and moore critisised
people are reliant on lower paying jobs which do not require or have any functional uniquness yet society is dependent and rely on them - bin men
human capital theory
the stock of knowldedge skills habits values and creativity embodied in the ability to preform work that produce real economic value
What are murdocks 4 functions of the family
critques of functionalism
socialisation differences helps identify inequality
ignores intersectionality
biological factors
does not take into account of the glass cellar
Critiques of murdock
ignores family diversity
sue sharp- pushing back having kids
benefits replacing economic factors
what is polarisation of classes ?
The splitting of a society into two distinct groups that are different ends of a spectrum
points on polarisation of classes
marx expected capitalist to maintain their profits by driving down wages or by replacing workers with machines
Marx thought s of alienation
workers ned to fell conected to the fruits of their labour
What did marx see the capitalist working society as ?
the low labour exploitation of the prolateriats is sold at a high price and made cheap which marx saw as theft.
Antonio gramsci-hegemony+ dual class consciousness
argues against false class consciousness and instead said that there is a experience if dual class cosciousness
Critiques of marxism
dismisses he importance of classes situated between the bourgiose and proletariat
ignores other kinds of inequalities
what does Anne oakley say about - gender roles in the family
gender inequality roots from a young age, through manipulation+canalisation+cahnneling behaviour along with verbal appeliations
What does sue sharp discuss about - just like a girl
women were more confident, assertive, ambitous and more committed to gender equality.
in 1972 women wanted to leave school
later 1990 67% of women wanted to stay in education past 18.
what does millet say about - biological origins of patriarchy
men aquired power over women because of biological factors
being constantly pregnant not allowing them to contribute towards society like men
critiques of liberal femenism
post modernst suggest that gender roles are no longer fixed
there is a range of gender to choose from
delphy and leonard - Familial exploitation
family based households have social structure inolving two types of roles head of house and dependents
What does atkinson say about - political lesbianism
men use compulsory hetrosexuality as a way of maintaining here control.
critiques of radical femenism
ignores intersectionality of family life
ignores variations in the family life between social classes and different ethnic groups
diane feeley (marxist demenist)
family reproduces the next generation of workers and socialises into norms+values to benefit capitalist -(links to murdock)
It encourages children to be obidient and hard working
men to be breadwinners and women to be house wifes
bendton(marxist fem)
unpaid domestic wor of women helps to support the capitalist system
women help reproduce labour power for capitalist
support the male workforce and reproduction of the labour force
functionalist theory of ethnic inequality
Sheila patterson shared view with new right
assimilation taes time to occour for minorities especislly to assimilate into norms and values.
Ansley(marxist fem)
women soothe the stresses and frustration of prolatariat men after a hard work day
The family is a safety valve
opportunities that effect life chances according to weberian
they possotivley corrolate with ones socio economic statues
webers defenition of life chances
the oppurtunity each individual has to improve their quality of life
what limits a minorities life chances
lack of assimilation
How does weber define class in terms of market+work situation
some have more sought after knowledge+skills compared to others which leads to higher economic rewards
what is party?
A group that forms in aim to gain power
ons study that support webers view on class and ethnic inequalities .
2/5 of people from ethnic minorities live in low income households
can minorities till face racisim of they have fully assimilated into society with its norms and values?
critiques of the dual labour market theory
the question omn how does the theory explain succesful ethic minorities.
How does the dual labour market theory explain racial prejudice and discrimination in the work force?
employes subscribe into racist beliefs about unstability of black and Asian people
according to barron and norris why are ethnic minorities often concentrated in the secondary labour market ?
They have low cultural status