Sociology Final Flashcards
that institution in society that helps people adjust to those things that are both undesirable and inescapable
Durkheim’s definition of religion
a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
-which unities into one single moral community called a church all those who adhere to them
signs to which we attach generalized meaning
Binary opposition
things set apart, forbidden, awe and reverence
all that isn’t sacred; the mundane, every day aspects of life
required practices, forbidden acts
Shared beliefs
purpose and meaning of existence, commonly held moral code
Sociological Conceptions of Religion
Durkheim vs Marx vs Weber
Advantages and Disadvantages of Bureaucracy
Scientific Management- Frederick W. Taylor
attempt to apply principles of formal rationality to all industrial production
Hawthorne Studies
tested Taylorism (scientific management)
- the lighting experiment
- bank-wiring experiment
***Humans control the production process
Three Waves of Migration
- Classical (Rural to Urban)
- From Europe
- Classical part 2, Rural Black Farmers
Increased Pluralism added importance to:
race and ethnicity
a social category based upon some inherited biological characteristic
a social category based upon some cultural trait or characteristic
Increased pluralism contributes to:
stereotypes and discrimination
simplified, rigid mental images of what members of certain groups are like
the unequal treatment of certain people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender
Concentric Zones in Chicago
- Central Business District
- Zone in Transition
- Working Class Zone (single family tenements)
- Residential Zone (single family homes)
- Commuter Zone (suburbs)
a process of cooperation in which one ethnic group loses it’s identity
establishing that x comes before y
Thorstein Sellin’s theory on Crime and Deviance
cultural conflict
Frederick Thrasher’s theory on Crime and Deviance
gang activity
Daniel Bell’s theory on Crime and Deviance
“Crime as an American Way of Life”
Cesarare Lombrose’s theory on Crime and Deviance
inherited inferiorities or abnormalities
Inherited Inferiorities/Abnormalities thought to cause deviance
- Physique- “Atavistic anomalies”
- Phrenology- feeling bumps of people’s skulls
Edwin Sutherland’s theory on Crime and Deviance
differential association (depends on who you hang out with)
Things Criminals learn (3):
- Definition of Situation
- “Skills”
- Rationalize
Gresham Sykes and David Matza’s theories on Crime and Deviance
Techniques of neutralization
Robert Merton’s theories on Crime and Deviance
- strain between cultural goals and legitimate access to goals
- anomie
______ believes that crime and deviance are functional
Labeling Theory
Howard Becker and Edwin Lemert
- **not the act, but the societal reaction
- **no criminal act that is ALWAYS considered deviant
secondary deviance
Deviance varies across:
Time, Situation, Culture
Negative label is know as a ______
stigma (Spoiled social identity)
Sex is a __________ fact
Gender is a _____ fact
cultural and social-psychological
biological characteristics that differentiate women and men
the socially constructed patterning of masculinity and femininity and of relations between women and men
“Doing Gender”
the ongoing process through which people create gender for themselves and others by acting and appearing the way we “should” as men and women
institution in society that arranges for:
- Regulation of Sexual Relations
- Household Composition
- Child-rearing
Divorce rates
Factors predicting success and failure of marriage:
- Education- 1/3 to 1/4 the rate of non grads
- Age- nearly 1/2 under 18, 40% under 20, 24% over 25
- Religion- same as gen pop
- Region- highest in South and Midwest
- Cohabitation- higher risk if cohabiting before marriage
______% of custodial parents were mothers
Lineality vs Locality
know difference
blood and property lines are traced
where his are raised
trace blood and property lines along father
Matrilocal and Patrilineal Society
dads name, mom raised
3 Great Revolutions
- Scientific
- Political
- Industrial
inherited norms and values of a society
Social structure
repeated and predictable patterns of behavior
broad general standards about how things ought to be done
rules for how things ought to be done
rewards for abiding by the norm/punishments for violating it
a social position
behavior expected of a person because of the social position they occupy
Ascribed vs Achieved Status
born with it vs earned
Role Sets
all the social positions a person occupies
Role Strain
roles expect contradicting things
process by which people learn culture and social structure
Self emerges through a process of ____________.
Who said this?
symbolic interaction; George Herbert Mead
Mead’s Theories of Socialization
- Play Stage- experimenting with a role (imitating, not taking on role)
- Game stage- purposeful acting out a role (taking on role, not just acting)
Freud’s Theories of Socialization vs Mead
*****see notes
symbolic interaction
how we interact with symbols that carry meaning (language, waving, etc)
4 Major Institutions of Society
- Economy
- Government
- Family
- Religion
arranges for production and distribution of goods
distributes power and control
Importance of Industrialization for Society?
Social Differentiation
different Classes
Adam Smith’s Specialization Theories
large middle class
Marx’s theories on Specialization
few wealthy, many poor, no middle class
- *Unstable
- **Alienation
Durkheim’s theories on Specialization
cautiously optimistic
- few wealthy, few poor, a lot of working class
- **could produce anomie
Weber vs Marx on stratification
Household Economy
orientation away from market, produced subsistence, barter/trade of items, ec
3 Essential Characteristics of Capitalism
- The Market
- Distinct Economic Institutions
- Profit Orientation
impersonal buying and selling of commodities
Profit Orientation
allows accumulation of wealth
Impact of Specialization on Stratification:
Marx vs Smith
Marx: 2 class society Smith: large middle class
Marx’s view on religion
“Opiate of the Masses”
- controls people
- force used to keep people in line
Durkheim’s view on religion
- way to produce solidarity
- used to serve functions, convey cultural norms and values, etc
Significance of Weber’s work?
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Ideal-typical bureaucracy
maximizes efficiency, no nepotism, maximizes productivity
Scientific Management vs Hawthorne Studies
- Scientific Management doesn’t account for fact that workers are human
- People can change behavior in experiment