Sociology, Anthropology, and Research Flashcards
To prevent ethnocentrism, anthropologists and sociologists advocate crosscultural understanding through a concept known as _______.
a. Cultural relativism
b. Xenocentrism
c. Cultural imperialism
d. Culture shock
Answer: A. Cultural relativism
Cultural relativism
it is the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it
through the lens of one’s own culture.
“He who does not know to look to the past will never reach his destination.” To
which Filipino trait does this point?
a. Pakikiisa
b. Kanya-Kanya
c. Pakikipag kapwa-tao
d. Utang na loob
Answer: D. Utang na loob
Utang na loob is recognition of one’s indebtedness. This trait portrays the spirit
behind the Filipino saying, “He who does not know how to look to the past will
never reach his destination.”
Which Filipino trait is laziness disguised in religious garb?
a. Utang na loob
b. Mañana habit
c. Bahala na
d. Pakikisama
Answer: C. Bahala na
Bahala na or (Resignation) - one leaves everything to chance under the pretext
of trusting in Divine providence. This trait is really laziness disguised in religious
According to one another, we Filipinos do not learn because our messages
create what psychologists call cognitive dissonance. Which behavior
demonstrates cognitive dissonance?
a. Our political leaders spend most of their time arguing
b. Parents act as role models for their children
c. Teacher tells students to come on time but comes late
d. There is so much division in the country
Answer: C. Teacher tells students to come on time but comes lat
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or
behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in
one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore
Which refers to the total way of life shared by members of society?
a. Sociology
b. Biosociology
c. Race
d. Culture
Answer: D. Culture
Culture – the total way of life shared by members of a society, including
language, values, and material objects.
Which are the shared rules of conduct that specify how people ought to think and
act called?
a. Norms
b. Mores
c. Laws
d. Institutions
Answer: A. Norms
Norms are shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific
Which of the following does not accurately describe the true nature of culture?
a. Culture is learned from interaction with other people
b. Culture tells us how we ought to act and believe
c. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance
d. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to our environment
Answer: C. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance
Cultural inheritance refers to the storage and transmission of information by
communication, imitation, teaching and learning. It is transmitted by the brain
rather than by genes
Social institutions are enduring social structures that provide ready-made
arrangements to meet basic human problems. Which of these basic social
institutions provides community coordination, law and order, and defense?
a. The family
b. Economic Institution
c. Religion
d. Government
Answer: D. Government
Government is an institution entrusted with making and enforcing the rules of a
society as well as with regulating relations with other societies. In order to be
considered a government, a ruling body must be recognized as such by the
people it purports to govern.
Which element of social structure refers to set of norms specifying the rights and
obligations associated with status?
a. Norms
b. Culture
c. Role
d. Status
Answer: C. Role
Role is the set of norms, values, behaviors, and personality characteristics
attached to a status. An individual may occupy the statuses of student,
employee, and club president and play one or more roles with each one.
What social process occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals?
a. Exchange
b. Conflict
c. Competition
d. Cooperation
Answer: D. Cooperation
Answer: Cooperation
is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain
a common end.
Competition is, in general, a contest or rivalry between two or more organisms,
animals, individuals, economic groups or social groups.
What do you call the feeling of disorganization and frustration that an overseas
contact worker may experience when he encounters entirely different patterns of
behaviors, ideas, and artifacts as his destination in a foreign country?
a. Cultural Relativism
b. Culture shock
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Xenocentrism
Answer: B. Culture shock
Culture shock is often associated with traveling abroad, although it can happen in
one’s own country, state, or even hometown. Anthropologist Kalervo Oberg
(1960) is credited with first coining the term “culture shock.” In his studies, Oberg
found that most people found encountering a new culture to be exciting at first.
But bit by bit, they became stressed by interacting with people from a different
culture who spoke another language and used different regional expressions.
Punishment is a form of social control. If death penalty is imposed to scare
offenders and the rest of society into following the rules, the purpose of
punishment is ______.
a. Retribution
b. Deterrence
c. Reformation
d. Reparation
Answer: B. Deterrence
Deterrence prevents future crime by frightening the defendant or the public
Wealth, prestige, and power – much unequally distributed in third world countries
like the Philippines – are the bases of divisions into social classes. This patterned
inequality is called ______.
a. Social movement
b. Social stratification
c. Social problem
d. Social mobility
Answer: B. Social stratification
Answer: Social stratification
refers to the unequal distribution around the world of the three Ps: property,
power, and prestige. This stratification forms the basis of the divisions of society
and categorizations of people. In the case of the latter, social classes of people
develop, and moving from one stratum to another becomes difficult
Social Movement - loosely organized but sustained campaign in support of a
social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in
society’s structure or values.
Social problem - is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for
large numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or
behavior that needs to be addressed.
Social mobility - movement of individuals, families, or groups through a system of
social hierarchy or stratification.
There is a revival through cooperatives of social unity, neighborliness and mutual
helpfulness of Filipinos where they voluntarily work together and pool their
resources to achieve shared goals. This Filipino practice is known as:
a. Compadre system
b. Barangay
c. Amor propio
d. Bayanihan
Answer: D. Bayanihan
Bayanihan is a core essence of the Filipino culture. It is helping out one’s
neighbor as a community, and doing a task together, thus lessening the workload
and making the job easier. It is also called the ‘community spirit’. It is best
exhibited when people wish to move locations in the rural area.
Emile Durkheim believed that a major cause of suicide in industrialized nations
was the situation where the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable
to current conditions. He called this situation ______.
a. Taboo
b. Anomie
c. Tecnic way
d. Deviance
Answer: b. Anomie
Anomie occurs during periods of serious social, economic, or political upheaval,
which result in quick and extreme changes to society and everyday life. In such
circumstances, a person might feel so confused and disconnected that they
choose to commit suicide
There is a growing number of advocates of gender sensitivity. In sociology,
gender means:
a. A biological characteristic, male or female
b. The expected dispositions and behaviors that cultures assign to each sex
c. The rights and obligations for women as provided by the Constitution
d. Homosexuality as a deviant behavior
Answer: B. The expected dispositions and behaviors that cultures assign to each
Gender is defined as the socially constructed roles and behaviors that a society
typically associates with males and females.
A branch of Philosophy that studies the morality of human action
a. Epistemology
b. Metaphysics
c. Ethics
d. Cosmology
Answer: C. Ethics
Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is
morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to
any system or theory of moral values or principles.
Which of the following may result at the departure country when Filipino
professionals emigrate to other countries?
a. Brain drain
b. Ethnic diversity
c. Population increase
d. Culture shock
Answer: A. Brain drain
Brain drain is a slang term indicating substantial emigration or migration of
individuals. A brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, the existence of
favorable professional opportunities in other countries, or from a desire to seek a
higher standard of living.
If a Catholic researcher makes a study on polygamy as practices in Islam, what
influence will likely add subjectivity to his/her findings?
a. Cultural Gap
b. Economic difference
c. Religious bias
d. Class distinction
Answer: C. Religious bias
Religious bias is simple the bias against individuals on the basis of religion or
belief. And if you will let a Catholic researcher make a study on polygamy it will
likely be affected by their belief that union between man and woman should only
be in a form of monogamy.
How should social scientists view culture?
a. Difference in mores of people
b. Refinement in the arts
c. All facets of social life
d. Ways of ethical conduct
Answer: C. All facets of social life
Culture is a term used by social scientists, like anthropologists and sociologists,
to encompass all the facets of human experience that extend beyond our
physical fact
He is considered Father of Modern Sociology.
a. Charles Cooley
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Auguste Comte
Answer: C. Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkiem is the man behind modern Sociology. He is known as father of
modern sociology because he was the first man who laid emphasis on social
reality and said it can’t be reduced to psychological reality and therefore, an
independent study of sociology is required.
Who embraced the theory of natural selection and became an influential
proponent of Social Darwinism and coined the phrase “survival of the fittest”?
a. Franz Boas
b. Auguste Comte
c. Charles Cooley
d. Herbert Spencer
Answer: D. Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer (1820–1903) was an English philosopher who initiated a
philosophy called ‘Social Darwinism’. He coined the term ‘survival of the fittest’
seven years before Darwin’s publication of his theory of natural history, The
Origin of the Species in 1859.
.It is the scientific study of biological, social and cultural development of
humankind and seeks to find answers to questions why people are different and
how similar they are
a. Social science
b. Sociology
c. Archaeology
d. Anthropology
Answer: D. Anthropology
Answer: Anthropology came from the Greek Anthropos (“human”) and logia (“study”), it is the study of
humankind, from its beginnings millions of years ago to the present day.
Social science - any discipline or branch of science that deals with human
behavior in its social and cultural aspects. The social sciences include cultural (or
social) anthropology, sociology, social psychology, political science, and
Sociology - a social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and
the processes that preserve and change them.
Archaeology - is the study of the societies and peoples of the past by examining
the remains of their buildings, tools, and other objects.
Who used the terms gemeinschaft and gesellschaft to distinguish types of
a. Robert Mclver
b. Ferdinand Toennies
c. Robert Redfield
d. Wright Mills
Answer: B. Ferdinand Toennies
Early German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies introduced the concepts of
Gemeinschaft (Gay-mine-shaft) and Gesellschaft (Gay-zel-shaft) in his 1887
book Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft.
Which of the following is NOT true
a. The deviant behavior of one generation may become the norm of the next
b. All forms of deviance are bad
c. Deviant behavior is one way of adapting a culture to a social change
d. Some deviation are due to the failure of the socialization process to integrate
the cultural norms into individual’s personality
Answer: B. All forms of deviance are bad
Although deviance may have a negative connotation, the violation of social
norms is not always a negative action; positive deviation exists in some
situations. Although a norm is violated, a behavior can still be classified as
positive or acceptable.
Nora Aunor became a legend in the show business because of her talent,
determination and hard work. What role does this illustrate?
a. Achieved role
b. Hereditary role
c. Ascribed role
d. Temporary role
Answer: A. Achieved Role
Achieved status is something we accomplish in the course of our lives. To some
extent, achieved status reflects our work and effort
This theory emphasizes consensus, integration, and stability of the social
a. Functionalist theory
b. Consensus theory
c. Conflict theory
d. Social Integration theory
Answer: A. Functionalist theory
Answer: Functionalist perspective sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote
solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level
orientation and broadly focuses on the social structures that shape society as a
Consensus theory - is the belief that members of a society or culture have the
same values and norms, creating a social consensus.
Conflict theory - states that tensions and conflicts arise when resources, status,
and power are unevenly distributed between groups in society and that these
conflicts become the engine for social change.
Social Integration - social integration refers to the ways that different groups
come together to form a whole in society.
Which group would most likely have a counter culture?
a. Musician
b. Drugs users
c. Singers
d. Dancers
Answer: B. Drug users
Countercultures are shared identities among a group of people that directly
oppose and do not fit in with mainstream culture. And being a Drug user is
against the mainstream culture because drugs are perceived as harmful
If apes can be taught to use language, it denies the views that:
. Only humans can think
b. Only humans have culture
c. Apes do not have history to pass on
d. Apes are stupid
Answer: B. Only humans have culture
Culture in humans and apes has the same evolutionary roots, researchers show.
Summary: Culture is not a trait that is unique to humans. By studying orangutan
populations, researchers have demonstrated that great apes also have the ability
to learn socially and pass them down through a great many generations.
Lucy a whole skeleton of a teenage girl was named after what Beatles song?
a. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
b. Oh Lucy! My Lucy!
c. Lucy and the world of Adventures
d. Lucy in the new world
Answer: A. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Researchers named fossil AL 288-1 “Lucy”, after the Beatles’ song “Lucy in the
Sky with Diamonds”, which was being played loudly and repeatedly on a tape
recorder in the camp
Karl Marx, one of the fathers of Communism says that religion is
a. Game of life
b. The opium of the people
c. The bread of life
d. Form of harassment
Answer: B. The opium of the people
Karl Marx famously disparaged religion as “the opium of the people”
Who among the following was referred to as “Upright Man”?
a. Homo Sapien
b. Homo Erectus
c. Hominid
d. Homo Habilis
Answer: B. Homo Erectus
Homo erectus, (Latin: “upright man”) extinct species of the human genus (Homo),
perhaps an ancestor of modern humans (Homo sapiens).
Homo Sapien – Wise man
Hominid – Manlike primates
Homo Habilis – Handy man
Which among the following are examples of material culture?
a. Clothing
b. Folkways
c. Mores
d. Norms
Answer: A. Clothing
Material culture refers to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people
use to define their culture.
Options B, C, and D are examples of Non-material culture.
Where does Tagalog and other Philippine languages originated?
a. Malayo-Polynesian
b. Indo-Iranian
c. Teutonic or Germanic
d. Semitic
Answer: A. Malayo-Polynesian
Malayo-Polynesian languages have official status in five important states:
Malagasy, in Madagascar; Malay, in Malaysia; Indonesian (also called Bahasa
Indonesia, and based on Malay), in Indonesia; Pilipino (based on Tagalog), in the
Philippines; and Maori, in New Zealand.
What is said to be the world’s largest race?
a. Negritos
b. Caucasoid
c. Australoid
d. Mongoloid
Answer: D. Mongoloid
Mongoloid is the largest race, constituting roughly half of the world’s population. It
includes the peoples of Central Asia, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Japanese,
the Eskimos, and the Indians of the Americas.
According to modern science, mankind evolved through four different stages of
life. Chose the correct order
a. Hominid, Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo sapien
b. Hominid, Homo sapien, Homo habilis, Homo erectus
c. Hominid, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapien
d. Homo habilis, Hominid, Homo erectus, Homo sapien
Answer: C. Hominid, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapien
Hominid, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapien
The greatest achievement of New Stone age was dugouts. What are dugouts?
a. Water systems
b. Wooden House
c. Boats
d. Hunting Weapon
Answer: C. Boats
Dugout, as the name suggests, is a boat made by digging the wood out of a
tree’s trunk. Dugouts or hollow tree trunk boats were a kind of primitive boats,
which unlike any other type of boats, took months in the construction process
What is the focal point of anthropological investigation and analysis?
a. Culture
b. Man
c. Time and Space
d. Scientific Method
Answer: B. Man
Anthropology - “Man” – Focal point of anthropological investigation and analysis
– Regardless of color, affiliation, belief, technology.
What age/period did men learn how to make tools and weapons out of rough
a. Paleolithic Period
b. New Stone Age
c. Age of Metals
d. Neolithic Period
Answer: A. Paleolithic Period
Paleolithic Period, also spelled Palaeolithic Period, also called Old Stone Age,
ancient cultural stage, or level, of human development, characterized by the use
of rudimentary chipped stone tools.
It refers to marriage between one person of one sex and a minimum of two
persons of the other sex.
a. Polygamy
b. Monogamy
c. Polyandry
d. Polygyny
Answer: A. Polygamy
Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse.
The law that protects the privacy of a respondent.
a. Data Privacy Act of 2012
b. Privacy Protection Act of 2003
c. National Research Policy of 2007
d. National Data Privacy of 2001
Answer: A. Data Privacy Act of 2012
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Data Privacy Act of
This refers to the formal acknowledgement by research subjects that they
understand the purpose of the research and agree to be studied
a. Confidentiality Lette
b. Approval Letter
c. Informed Consent
d. Subjects’ Consent
Answer: C. Informed Consent
Informed Consent means that subjects are well informed about the study, the
potential risks and benefits of their participation and that it is research, not
therapy, in which they will participate.
This is the systematic, rigorous investigation of a situation or problem in order to
generate new knowledge or validate existing knowledge.
a. Correlational Research
b. Applied Research
c. Research
d. Ethnographic Research
Answer: C. Research
Research is the systematic, rigorous investigation of a situation or problem in
order to generate new knowledge or validate existing knowledge
What research method will you use if you want to know the specific genetic code
of the fruit fly?
a. Pure Research
b. Applied Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Ethnographic
Answer: A. Pure Research
Pure Research - The main motivation is to expand knowledge, rather than to
create or invent something.
What research method will you use if you want to test the hypothesis “Listening
to music lowers blood pressure levels”?
a. Pure Research
b. Applied Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Ethnographic
Answer: C. Correlational Research
Correlational Research - refers to the systematic investigation or statistical study
of relationships among two or more variables, without necessarily determining
cause and effect. It seeks to establish an association between two or more
What research method will you use if you want to treat or cure a specific
a. Pure Research
b. Applied Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Ethnographic
Answer: B. Applied Research
Applied Research - refers to scientific study and research that seeks to solve
practical problems and develop innovative technologies, rather than to acquire
knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Applied researchers may investigate ways
to improve agricultural crop production, cure illness or improve the energy
efficiency of homes.
What is a type of research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly
a. Experimental Research
b. Exploratory Research
c. Phenomenological Research
d. Qualitative Research
Answer: B. Exploratory Research
Exploratory research - these types of research are conducted for a problem that
is unclearly defined. The results of exploratory research are not usually useful for
decision-making by themselves, but they can provide significant insight into a
given situation.
All birds have feathers. This animal has feathers. Therefore, this animal is a bird.
a. Inductive
b. Deductive
c. Generalization
d. Inferring
Answer: B. Deductive
Deductive reasoning is a basic form of valid reasoning. Deductive reasoning, or
deduction, starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examines the
possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion.
What is a type of research conducted where its aim is to describe an experience
as it is actually lived by the person?
a. Experimental Research
b. Exploratory Research
c. Phenomenological Research
d. Qualitative Research
Answer: C. Phenomenological Research
Phenomenological research - aims to describe an experience as it is actually
lived by the person. They are powerful for understanding subjective experience,
gaining insights into people’s motivations and actions
Which of the following is not cost-effective?
a. Longitudinal Study
b. Panel Study
c. Cohort Study
d. Retrospective Study
Answer: A. Longitudinal Study
Longitudinal studies require enormous amounts of time and are often quite
Which can serve as explanation as to why people feel guilty in not observing
Church mores?
a. We are human (Tao lamang)
b. People are onion-skinned
c. Filipinos are religious by nature
d. Guilt is central to religious belief
Answer: D. Guilt is central to religious belief
It is believed that when a person is conscious about religion, they are more likely
to experience feelings of shame and guilty after engaging in behaviors deemed
Philippine society has turned secular away from culture of Hispanic religiosity?
What does this prove?
a. Culture is not static
b. Culture is secular
c. Culture is not deeply rooted
d. Culture is folkloric
Answer: A. Culture is not static
Culture is fluid rather than static, which means that culture changes all the time,
every day, in subtle and tangible ways.
What would you accept as true form the varied propositions of Herbert Spencer?
a. Societies compete by way of survival of the fittest
b. Societies develop from simplicity to complexity
c. Social development should not be interfered by legislators
d. Planned change will disrupt the evolution of society
Answer: B. Societies develop from simplicity to complexity
Herbert Spencer, applied the principle of evolution to the social world and called
it “social evolution.” He saw social evolution as “a set of stages through which all
the societies moved from simple to the complex and from the homogeneous to
the heterogeneous.”
When are laws said to be unscientific? When laws ______.
a. Serve political interest
b. Are not supported by research
c. Focus on funding allocation
d. Are irrelevant
Answer: B. Are not supported by research
Unscientific means not based on or exhibiting scientific knowledge or scientific
methodology and not in accord with the principles and methods of science.
What attitude is a need before one engages in data-gathering for research?
a. Prejudgement on result
b. Bias on hypothesis
c. Open-minded
d. Inedequacy in time
Answer: C. Open Minded
Open-mindedness is a combination of intellectual humility and openness to
experience, that is, a willingness to seek out and engage with different
viewpoints, and the ability to let those experiences change your beliefs
When one consider the culture of another group as inferior to his own, this
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Cultural relativism
c. Assimilation
d. Acculturation
Answer: A. Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism - is the attitude that one’s own group, ethnicity, or nationality is
superior to other.
When a supervisor is tasked to report unsatisfactory performance of her coworkers who are also her friends. She may experience
a. Role play
b. Role conflict
c. Role ambiguity
d. Role strain
Answer: B. Role conflict
Role conflict happens when there are contradictions between different roles that
a person takes on or plays in their everyday life. And for this scenario, the
supervisor is having a conflict between her role to her work and her role to her
The process by which a member learns the norms of the group
a. Accommodation
b. Aggregation
c. Compartmentalization
d. Socialization
Answer: D. Socialization
Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be proficient
members of a society. It describes the ways that people come to understand
societal norms and expectations, to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of
societal values.
Social control is imposed in the society to maintain what?
a. Social stigma
b. Social strata
c. Social order
d. Social mobility
Answer: C. Social order
The underlying goal of social control is to maintain social order, an arrangement
of practices and behaviors on which society’s members base their daily lives.
Research that investigates a population at several intervals over a relatively long
period of time is called?
a. Cross-sectional study
b. A residual analysis
c. Secondary Analysis
d. Longitudinal research
Answer: D. Longitudinal research
A longitudinal study is an observational research method in which data is
gathered for the same subjects repeatedly over a period of time. Longitudinal
research projects can extend over years or even decades. In a longitudinal
cohort study, the same individuals are observed over the study period.
A sociologist would be most interested in studying
a. Artifacts of the fast civilization
b. Group behavior
c. Psychological problems
d. Economic institution
Answer: B. Group behavior
Sociologists study group life and the social forces that affect human behavior. A
central goal is to gain insight into how our lives are influenced by the social
relationships around us. Since all human behavior is social behavior, sociology is
a very broad field of study
It is a kind of mentality that makes Filipinos think that imported products are
superior than Filipino products which does not help the country’s economy at all.
a. Spendthrift
b. Passivity attitude
c. Colonial mentality
d. Luxurious living
Answer: C. Colonial Mentality
Colonial Mentality is when a certain society thinks that foreign talents and
products are always better than their local products. The term colonial is because
of our Spanish and American colonizers that caused the Philippine country to
practice the said colonizers’ culture.
It describes concentration in thinking as a constant, unbroken line of thought.
a. Disturbance
b. Focus
c. Vacillation
d. Diffusion
Answer: B. Focus
Focus helps people pay attention in the midst of distractions and setbacks and to
sustain the effort and energy needed to reach a goal.
It is a deliberate deception made by advertisers who say “Everybody use Gugo
skin whitener and so you should do the same.”
a. Falsehood or the Big Lie
b. Circular thinking
c. Personal attack
d. Bandwagon
Answer: D. Bandwagon
Bandwagon - the fallacy of arguing that because “everyone,” “the people,” or “the
majority” (or someone in power who has widespread backing) supposedly thinks
or does something, it must therefore be true and right.
It is a fallacy or direct deception made by a politician who puts an ugly, unfair and
defamatory label on people, e.g. “Activists are all terrorists.”
a. Distraction
b. Name-Calling
c. Rationalizing
d. Loaded Words
Answer: B. Name-Calling
Name-calling, also called stereotyping or labeling is another propaganda
technique. This technique is often used in politics.
Errors that creep into news reporting and is shown by a newspaper space.
a. News stories
b. Erratum
c. News photos
d. Commentary
Answer: B. Erratum
Erratum is a mistake in a printed or written document.
The anthropologist who discovered the Tabon Cave man in Palawan was
a. H. Otley Beyer
b. F. Landa Jocano
c. Robert Fox
d. Donald Johanson
Answer: C. Robert Fox
In 1962, Dr. Robert B. Fox, Chief Anthropologist of the National Museum,
discovered the fossilized Pleistocene skull of the oldest man in the Philippines
inside the Tabon Caves of Quezon, Palawan. The discovery drew international
attention and recognition, thus placing Philippine Anthropology in the limelight.
The British scientist who wrote “On the Origin of the Species” which contributed
largely to the concept of evolution was
a. Richard Leakey
b. Louis Leakey
c. Charles Darwin
d. Herbert Spencer
Answer: C. Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species (or, more completely, On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle
for Life), publish ed on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by
Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
Which is an example of a fossil?
a. hand axe
b. skull cap
c. ornaments
d. polished stone tools
Answer: B. Skull cap
Fossil is a shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved
in rock for a very long period. Therefore, among the options, only skull cap is the
fossil which belongs to the category of bones
Social relations based on impersonal ties, as duty to a society or organization.
a. Communal
b. Gesellschaft
c. Gemeinschaft
d. Folk society
Social relations based on impersonal ties, as duty to a society or organization.
a. Communal
b. Gesellschaft
c. Gemeinschaft
d. Folk society
It is a position occupied without a choice by an individual for example gender and
a. Role
b. Social status
c. Achieved status
d. Ascribed status
Answer: D. Ascribed status
Ascribed status in society means a status which is not achieved on the basis of
merit or skills. It is something which you are assigned by birth. Many of the
statuses which are assigned by birth are due to sex, caste or age in many of the
Mr. Dumancas was teaching something on mores, folkways, customs and beliefs
in his Social Studies class. What was his lesson about?
a. Material culture
b. Tangible culture
c. Non-material culture
d. Hereditary culture
Answer: C. Non-material culture
Nonmaterial culture refers to the abstract ideas and ways of thinking that make
up a culture. Examples of nonmaterial culture include traffic laws, words, and
dress codes. Unlike material culture, nonmaterial culture is intangible
A typical social structure which describes a pattern through which relationship at
work has division of labor is termed –
a. Capitalistic
b. Bureaucratic
c. Technological
d. Communistic
Answer: B. Bureaucratic
Bureaucracy is a specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of
labour, permanence, professional management, hierarchical coordination and
control, strict chain of command, and legal authority
The reward and punishment in a society as a means of social control is known as
a. Adaptation
b. Function
c. Sanction
d. Socialization
Answer: C. Sanction
Sanctions, as defined within sociology, are ways of enforcing compliance with
social norms. Sanctions are positive when they are used to celebrate conformity
and negative when they are used to punish or discourage nonconformity
All people have culture and therefore share a common humanity. This shows that
a. Culture is universal
b. Culture is organized
c. Culture is a product of change
d. Culture is the sum total of the human experiences
Answer: A. Culture is universal
Cultural universals are elements, patterns, traits, or institutions that are common
to all human cultures worldwide.
On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga capitalized and at the same time
a. Repect for elders
b. Self-reliance
c. Bayanihan spirit
d. Joy and humor
Answer: C. Bayanihan spirit
Bayanihan is a core essence of the Filipino culture. It is helping out one’s
neighbor as a community, and doing a task together, thus lessening the workload
and making the job easier. It is also called the ‘community spirit’.
It was Frank Lynch’s contribution to the study of Filipino values. It connotes the
facility of getting along with others so as to avoid outward signs of conflicts, even
under difficult circumstances.
a. Smooth interpersonal relationship
b. Reciprocity
c. Bahala na
d. Utang na loob
Answer: A. Smooth interpersonal relationship
Pakikisama is another Filipino value that has been misinterpreted by foreign
psychologists. For Frank Lynch (1961), it is maintaining “smooth interpersonal
relations by going along with the majority; conformity
Teacher Loy credits his basketball team’s success to their “never say die”
attitude. They are showing the Filipinos indomitable spirit in their –
a. Friendliness
b. Self-reliance
c. Utang na loob
d. Ability to survive
Answer: D. Ability to survive
Ability to survive is a survival instinct is related to the Filipinos other strengths. A
basic optimism, flexibility and adaptability, hard work, and a deep faith in God.
which is manifested in our capacity for endurance despite difficult times in our
ability to get by on so very little.
The obligation to repay a person for whom one has received a favour with
undefined qualification is –
a. Pakikisama
b. Kusang loob
c. Magandang loob
d. Utang na loob
Answer: D. Utang na loob
Utang na loob or recognizing a personal indebtedness owed to the one who has
bestowed favours.
Sir Paul reprimanded the students who were not working as a group and chided
them for having the crab mentality. What was he trying to correct?
a. The tendency to be careless and carefree
b. The tendency to pass the work to others
c. The tendency to pull down one who has gained success
d. The tendency to be uncooperative
Answer: C. the tendency to pull down one who has gained success
Crab mentality is a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it,
neither can you.” The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs in which one tries to
escape over the side, but is relentlessly pulled down by the others in the pot.
A small face-to-face group in which contacts are direct, personal, and immediate.
a. secondary group
b. primary group
c. in-group
d. out-group
Answer: B. primary group
A primary group is typically a small social group whose members share close,
personal, enduring relationships.
A collection of attributes said to be associated with one’s sex. It is a cultural
matter as compared with sex which is a biological matter.
a. generation
b. descent
c. age
d. gender
Answer: D. gender
Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural
roles that are considered appropriate for men and women.
Which of the following are determinants of social stratification?
a. wealth, prestige and race
b. prestige, wealth and age
c. power, prestige and wealth
d. wealth, social class and power
Answer: C. power, prestige and wealth
Social stratification refers to the unequal distribution around the world of the three
Ps: Normally property (wealth), power (influence), and prestige (status) occur
The agent of socialization which is considered as the most important
a. School
b. Family
c. Peers
d. Workplace
The agent of socialization which is considered as the most important
a. School
b. Family
c. Peers
d. Workplace
A system of social organization frequently associated with India, which is
characterized by limited mobility and rigid structure.
a. Sati
b. Caste
c. Class
d. Estate
Answer: B. Caste
India’s caste system is a social structure that divides different groups into ranked
categories. Members of “higher” castes have a greater social status than
individuals of a “lower” caste.
The residence that refers to new residence; a married couple takes up residence
independent of their respective kinsmen refers to –
a. Avunculocal residence
b. Bilocal residence
c. Patrilocal residence
d. Neolocal residence
Answer: D. Neolocal residence
Neolocal residence happens when a married couple live together in a new
residence instead of with the husband’s family (patrilocal residence) or the wife’s
family (matrilocal residence).
What is the sociological foundation of the Philippine life under the 1987
a. Cultural heritage
b. Arts and sciences
c. Folklore
d. Family
Answer: D. Family
The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total
It is the prolonged state of hostility between different families or groups of kin.
a. Small scale warfare
b. Large scale warfare
c. Raiding
d. Feuding
Answer: D. Feuding
Feud, also called blood feud, a continuing state of conflict between two groups
within a society (typically kinship groups) characterized by violence, usually
killings and counter killings
A family structure consisting of parents and children is the –
a. Nuclear family
b. Stem family
c. Extended family
d. Joint family
Answer: A. Nuclear Family
The nuclear family is a unit composed of husband, wife and their unmarried
children. This is the predominant form in modern industrial societies
A form of family which includes the close relatives of both husband and wife. It is
a form of family which includes three generations, that of the grandfather, father
and son.
a. Extended family
b. Truncated family
c. Joint family
d. Stem family
Answer: A. Extended Family
The term extended family is used to indicate the combination of two or more
nuclear families based on an extension of the parent-child relationships. In an
extended family, a man and his wife live with the families of their married sons
and with their unmarried sons and daughters, grand children or great grant
children in the paternal or maternal line.
The belief about belief in spiritual being like gods, souls and demons is –
a. Animism
b. Mana
c. Magic
d. Rituals
Answer: A. Animism
Animism is the belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human
affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests.
A type of behaviour usually negative or hostile feeling or attitude towards a
person that belongs to a particular group because he/she is presumed to have
negative qualities ascribed to the group.
a. Discrimination
b. Stereotype
c. Prejudice
d. Racism
Answer: C. Prejudice
Prejudice refers to the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds
about a group.
This refers to the sexual relation with close relatives.
a. Taboo
b. Incest
c. Endogamy
d. Exogamy
Answer: B. Incest
Incest means sexual intercourse with the closely related persons of one’s family
like brother and sister, mother and son.
The first alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians about 1000 B.C. This
alphabet consisted how many letters?
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 25
Answer: A. 22
The Phoenician alphabet developed from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet consist
of 22 letters and there was considerable variation in their forms in different
regions and at different times.
One of the outstanding achievements of prehistoric man was the development of
language. Where does Russian, Latvian, Czech, Polish, Ukranian belong?
a. Slavic
b. Semitic
c. Indo-Iranian
d. Ural-Altaic
Answer: A. Slavic
Slavic – Russian, Latvian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Ukranian
Semitic – Arabic, Aramaic, Jewish, Egyptian, Moroccan, Syrian, Yemeni
Indo-Iranian – Hindu, Pakistani, Urdu, Iranian
Ural-Altaic – Finnish, Magyar, Mongolian, Turkish
What is a comprehensive list of important or relevant actions to be completed in
a specific order so that no step is forgotten?
a. Report Card
b. Survey
c. Checklist
d. Questionnaire
Answer: C. Checklist
Checklists are used to encourage or verify that a number of specific lines of
inquiry, steps, or actions are being taken, or have been taken, by a researcher.
These surface in a variety of forms throughout data collection and analysis and
thereafter as part of either writing or review.
Which is a tentative answer to a research problem?
a. Theoritical Framework
b. Recommendation
c. Conclusion
d. Hypothesis
Answer: D. Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a research problem that is advanced so that
it can be tested.
In which part of the research do you find the answers to research problems?
a. Recommendationt
b. Conclusion
c. Hypothesis
d. Theoritical Framework
Answer: B. Conclusion
Conclusion should begin from the main question that your thesis or dissertation
aimed to address. This is your final chance to show that you’ve done what you
set out to do, so make sure to formulate a clear, concise answer.
Which comprises what the researcher wants to discover and the best way to do
a. Paradigm
b. Hypothesis
c. Methods
d. Research design
Answer: D. Research design
Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen
by a researcher. The design allows researchers to hone in on research methods
that are suitable for the subject matter and set up their studies up for success.
A good research is one that can be repeated to obtain similar, if not,
identical results. Which attribute of a research is explained?
a. Replicability
b. Parsimony
c. Precision
d. Falsifiability
Answer: A. Replicability
Replicability in research refers to the possibility of replicating someone else’s
work or results to establish its validity.
Which is referred to as the cause variable?
a. Dependent variable
b. Moderator variable
c. Independent variable
d. Extraneous
Answer: C. Independent variable
The independent variable is the variable expected to account for (the “cause” of)
the dependent variable.
Which is a short (about 100-500 word) summary of the entire research
paper that includes goals and objectives, results, and conclusions?
a. Abstract
b. Synopsis
c. Conclusion
d. Extraneous
Answer: A. Abstract
Abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major
aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall
purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic
design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis;
and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions
Which of the following can become an issue in qualitative research?
a. By-the book approach
b. Formulation of research design and data collection techniques
c. Generality
d. Gathering data that are based in facts
Answer: C. Generality
Generalization, which is an act of reasoning that involves drawing broad
inferences from particular observations, is widely-acknowledged as a quality
standard in quantitative research, but is more controversial in qualitative
How can assumptions support your inquiry?
a. They assume you are right
b. They are accepted as true without proof
c. They make your inquiry scientific
d. They are prepared by mentors
Answer: B. They are accepted as true without proof
Assumptions are accepted as true, or at least plausible, by researchers and
peers who will read your dissertation or thesis.
How does a hypothesis support inquiry?
a. They refer to evidence already proven
b. They restate the thesis question
c. They are tentative answers to what is true or false
d. They provide body of literature
Answer: C. They are tentative answers to what is true or false
A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a research problem that is advanced so that
it can be tested.
In order to protect the participants on serious issues like use of drugs, the
researcher can adopt _______ of respondents.
a. Custody
b. Anonymity
c. Open Testimony
d. Subpoena
Answer: B. Anonymity
Anonymity refers to data collected from respondents who are completely
unknown to anyone associated with the survey.
Participants in a research should not be forced to reveal sensitive
personal information, e.g. sexual behavior because they have the right to _____.
a. Protection from harm
b. Informed consent
c. Coercion
d. Privacy
Answer: D. Privacy
Privacy refers to “persons and to their interest in controlling the access of others
to themselves,” and no participant should ever be forced to reveal information to
the researcher that the participant does not wish to reveal.
What was violated by a researcher who administered lethal drugs to
determine their effect on users?
a. Right to privacy
b. Protection from harm
c. Coercion
d. Informed consent
Answer: B. Protection from harm
Researchers must ensure that those taking part in research will not be caused
distress. They must be protected from physical and mental harm. This means
you must not embarrass, frighten, offend or harm participants
What method of thinking-and-learning draws the general qualities of a
person from particular traits?
a. Problem Solving
b. Inductive
c. Deductive
d. Discovery
Answer: B. Inductive
Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning
makes broad generalizations from specific observations. Basically, there is data,
then conclusions are drawn from the data
What should a researcher do in case he/she is not yet familiar with the
a. Set Assumptions
b. Explore the topic
c. Chronicle activities
d. Draw up a hypothesis
Answer: B. Explore the topic
Collecting a little background information on your topic idea can to help you
define and focus your interest into something researchable. You can also find out
if your topic is something you want to spend some time with, and if it’s
To further clarify the subject, what can be done to ensure that it does not
overlap with irrelevant matters?
a. Perform pilot testing
b. Formulate a hypothesis
c. Consult experts
d. Set limitations and delimitations
Answer: D. Set limitation and Delimitations
Limitations are influences that the researcher cannot control. Delimitations are
choices made by the researcher which should be mentioned. They describe the
boundaries that you have set for the study.
What mistake is committed by a researcher who installed a hidden camera
in order to gather data on family between parents and child?
a. Protection from harm
b. Coercion
c. Informed Consent
d. Right to Privacy
Answer: D. Right to Privacy
Privacy refers to “persons and to their interest in controlling the access of others
to themselves,” and no participant should ever be forced to reveal information to
the researcher that the participant does not wish to reveal. In this scenario, the
participants were not informed that they will be recorder and there might be data
that will be collected by the researcher that they do not want to reveal.
In research, if I reason out from particular to general or broad patter, I
apply the ______ method.
a. Deductive
b. Inductive
c. Ideographic
d. Nomethetic
Answer: B. Inductive
Inductive reasoning makes broad generalizations from specific observations.
Basically, there is data, then conclusions are drawn from the data.
In the 1988 Family Code, at what age do couples need parental consent
to enter into a valid marriage?
A. 21-25
B. 18-21
C. 18-21
D. 25-28
B. 18-21
What is/are the purpose/s of a review or related literature?
I. Point the way in fulfilling a need for additional research
II. Locate your own research within the context of existing literature
III. Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort.
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I only
D. II and III
A. I and II
What kind of penalty based on RA 9165 shall be imposed to anyone who
commits unlawful prescription of dangerous drugs?
A. Death Penalty
B. Imprisonment of 20 to 30 years
C. Fine of P100, 000
D. Life imprisonment to death
D. Life imprisonment to death
Among the ANCIENT CIVILIZATION, which was most superior in its
philosophy governance, art of war, and culture the influence of which
has effects even on modern days societies?
A. Mesopotamian
B. Persian
C. Greek
D. Roman
C. Greek
To whom does many parts of the MODERN WORLD owe its system of
politics and public life through written codes of law, contracts, trial by
jury and social institutions?
A. Romans
B. Athenians
C. Greeks
D. Spartans
A. Romans
What is the PRIMARY core value sought by sovereign nations?
A. Freedom
B. Progress
C. Peace
D. Wealth
A. Freedom
What is great body of salty water SMALLER THAN AN OCEAN and
more or less locked by land?
A. Sea
B. Lake
C. Gulf
D. Bay
A. Sea
Of the mineral wealth of the Philippines, which is the largest in the Far
A. Coal as in Mindanao
B. Natural gas as in Palawan
C. Copper and chromite as in Mankayan
D. Gold deposits as in Northern Luzon
C. Copper and chromite as in Mankayan
What is great body of salty water SMALLER THAN A SEA and more or
less locked by land?
A. Sea
B. Lake
C. Gulf
D. Bay
C. Gulf
Who rules the Roman Empire in Europe in the 6th century giving
him honorary rule over all German state?
A. Ferdinand
B. Charlemagne
C. Charles V
D. Ivan the great
C. Charles V
Which is a set of the principles to guide and assist researchers in deciding
which goals are most important and in reconciling conflicting values when
conducting research?
A. Research ethics
B. Deontological approach
C. Utilitarianism
D. Research confidentiality
A. Research ethics
Which of the following is necessary in obtaining informed consent?
A. A description of the purpose of the research
B. A description of the reliability and validity of test instruments
C. A description of the statistical analyses that will be carried out
D. A list of publications that the researcher had in the last ten years
A. A description of the purpose of the research
Which of the following is a function of theory?
A. Making predictions
B. Explaining phenomena
C. Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
D. All of the above are important functions of theory
D. All of the above are important functions of theory
Which of the following statements is TRUE about research theory?
I. It simply means “explanation”.
II. It answers the “how” and “why” questions.
III. It can be a well-developed explanatory system.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and III
Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for
educational and social science?
C. Chicago
D. Harvard
What should a researcher do when he cites an author within text of the
A. State the first and the last names of the author.
B. Use the author, date citation method.
C. Use and asterisk and a footnote.
D. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis.
B. Use the author, date citation method.
Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research
with humans?
A. getting informed consent of the participant
B. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been
C. Keeping participants’ identity anonymous
D. Telling participants they are free to withdraw at any time
B. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been
Which of the following BEST describes a quantitative research?
A. Research that is exploratory
B. The collection of non-numerical data
C. Research that attempts to regenerate a new theory
D. An attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
D. An attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
In validating the data gathered it is important for the researcher to
maintain _______ of the results of the interviewer or focus group discussion.
A. anonymity
B. confidentiality
C. discretion
D. Ethics
B. confidentiality
Which is the most common and stable measure of central tendency is
commonly used by researchers in analyzing the data gathered?
A. Median
B. Mean
C. Pie graph
D. Bar graph
B. Mean
In which part of the research output are your results presented in
graphical form or through a diagram?
A. Analysis of Data
B. Processing of Data
C. Interpretation of Data
D. Presentation of Data
D. Presentation of Data
Which of the following is NOT a method of data collection?
A. Experiment
B. Interviews
C. Observations
D. Questionnaires
D. Questionnaires
Which of the following statements is TRUE in constructing closed-ended
questions in qualitative research?
A. Closed-ended questions provide qualitative data in the participant’s
own words.
B. Closed-ended questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”.
C. Closed-ended questions directly provide quantitative data based on the
researcher’s predetermined response categories.
D. Closed-ended questions directly provide qualitative data in the
participants’ own words.
B. Closed-ended questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”.
Miss Generali is writing her daily observation of a student and writes,
without interpretation, that the student is not completing the class work and
is constantly speaking out of turn. Which of the following objectives does she
appear to be using?
A. Description
B. Prediction
C. Explanation
D. Exploration
A. Description
After reading the method section of a qualitative research report, you
should know _______.
A. how the researcher analyzed the data
B. the researcher’s interpretation of the statistical results
C. what the researcher did to collect the data
D. which literature supports the researcher’s hypotheses
C. what the researcher did to collect the data
Quantitative research only works if _______.
A. you talk to the right people
B. you talk to the right number of people
C. you ask the right questions toa number of people
D. you ask the right questions and analyze the data you get in the way
D. you ask the right questions and analyze the data you get in the way
What is the goal of all scientific endeavors?
A. To compare sources of knowledge
B. To explain, predict and/or control a phenomena
C. To entail recognition and definition of a problem
D. To collect different data and make some conclusion
B. To explain, predict and/or control a phenomena
Which kind of research is the collection and analysis of numerical data in
order to explain, predict and/or control a phenomenon?
A. Quantitative
B. Qualitative
C. Narrative
D. Ethnographic
A. Quantitative
When can we say that the research topic is good?
A. It involves practices that may harm or affect the participants.
B. The topic is stated with an effort to determine what should be done.
C. It holds the researcher’s interest throughout the entire research
D. It may not contribute to the improvement or understanding of
educational theory or practice.
C. It holds the researcher’s interest throughout the entire research
Statistical analysis is heavily focused in making the final report of a
A. qualitative research
B. quantitative research
C. ethnographic study
D. phenomenological study
B. quantitative research
The following are found in the writing of the methodology EXCEPT
A. problem
B. participants
C. instruments
D. research design and procedure
A. problem
A. descriptive
B. visual
C. numerical
D. narrative
C. numerical
In a quantitative research method, which means data trustworthiness?
A. Validity
B. Reliability
C. Triangulation
D. Validity and reliability
D. Validity and reliability
Which describes all the steps in conducting the research study?
A. Design
B. Procedure
C. Instruments
D. Methods
D. Methods
In descriptive research, which of the following is considered in the
A. Careful selection of variables
B. Validation of the questionnaires
C. Well-defined criterion variables
D. Critical identification of extraneous variables
B. Validation of the questionnaires
Which of these quantitative data-gathering is effective when researcher
needs to prepare structured and unstructured questions?
I. Interview
II. Questionnaires
III. Survey
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II and III
D. I, II and III
In reading a quantitative research article you should _______.
I. independently assess the results in addition to reading the researcher’s
interpretation in the discussion section
II. refer back to the method section to determine how the data were
collected when assessing the researcher’s interpretations in the
discussion section
III. assess the link the author has made from the results to the supporting
theory or framework.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II and III
The following are key components of data analysis EXCEPT _______.
A. analyzing the techniques used
B. determining the purpose of evaluation
C. presenting the data
D. drawing conclusion
B. determining the purpose of evaluation
Which is the numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample?
A. sample statistics
B. sample parameters
C. population mean
D. drawing conclusion
A. sample statistics