Sociology Flashcards
unit 3
What is sociology
studies the interactions people in a society and their actions, beliefs and behaviours in order to understand the society
Sociologists also compare and contrast human interactions and behaviours between different society
Who is Ibn Khaldun
studied the muslim word in the 14th cenutry
Record of pre-modern history with observations on society and social conditions
Forefather of sociology
Discipline did not formerly exist until Industrial Revolution
Auguste Comte
First Defined sociology as the systematic study of society.
Believed society is always changing and observed individuals/ groups struggle to adapt
Believed change is ultimately positive for society
Comte also said that observations or field work of any kind must be measurable and concrete ie; quantitative= Theory of Positivism
Define Values
Values: shared ideas and standards that are considered acceptable and binding
Define Norms
Norms: expectations about how people should
Define Roles
Role: expected behaviour of a person in a
particular social position
Define Universality
Universality: breaking down cultural and geographical barriers in sociological research.
Define Objectivity
Objectivity: to set aside our own beliefs and avoid making judgements on others based on our personal views.
Macro Sociologists take the approach of studying society as a whole. They study social systems and populations on a large scale.
They study larger social institutions that individuals belong to, for example; one studying religion would try to learn a lot about religious worship as a large structure or institution in society.
Microsociologists study the role and interactions an individual or small group of people may have in society
For example; a microsociologist would study religious worship by looking at a single worshipper or small group of worshippers within a religion
What is the Theory of Positivism?
Strict application of the scientific method in order to obtain concrete, measurable, and testable data to understand society
Define in detail Structural Functionalism
Structural functionalism: States that a society is stable when social institutions/ structures meet the needs of its citizens
Eg. family, religion, politics, schools
These institutions or structures of society are interdependent and work together to meet the needs of individuals to help society function
Places emphasis on the power of social structures
Social structures are positive for society and they create harmony and happiness among its members
There is an idea that having optimism means that society can meet the diverse needs of its members
There are 4 Schools of thought in sociology, be sure to know the names of them.
- Structural Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Feminist sociology
- Symbolic Interactionism
What are some criticisms of Structural Functionalism?
Some say that it doesn’t account for the destructive forces within society
Issues that may be overlooked by structural functionalism are gangs, criminal behaviour, homelessness, racism, poverty, ageism, sexism (negative things in society)
What is the Theory of Social Darwinism and who created it?
Herbert Spencer applied Darwin’s theory of evolution to the study of society
Applied the notion of “survival of the fittest” to society
Spencer’s theory states that the fittest people in society should survive and flourish while the weak either live unfortunate circumstances or be allowed to die
Eugenics: advocates for the improvement of a species by either selective breeding or killing of undesirable humans
Who is Emile Durkheim?
French sociologist influenced by Compte
Formally established sociology as a discipline
Studied the forces that unite individuals in society
Observed that humans are social creatures and define themselves by their social interactions at home, work, play and worship
Durkheim researched the reasons why people commit suicide in his book called Suicide
Studied social facts (values, norms, and social structures) and concluded that although it’s the individual’s decision to commit suicide, the causes of suicide are deeply rooted in society
Who is Talcott Parsons?
Developed structural functionalist school of thought in the United States
Concluded that, although people act in their own self interest, there is still a strong desire among people to get along with each other and cooperate to achieve goals based on shared values
Believed in social evolution and social Darwinism
Ideas were controversial because they suggest that the negative aspects of society, such as discrimination serve a purpose
What is Conflict Theory?
Modelled after work of Marx
Studies competition between different groups for power (those who have economic and political power and those who don’t)
General focus is on economic balance, but it can also be applied to other imbalances such as gender and race
Who is Karl Marx?
Marx: German philosopher interested in economic history
His theories concentrate in class conflict and its role in social evolution and its usefulness in studying social issues
During the Industrial Revolution, Marx saw how factory owners exploited their workers, he predicted that one day the workers would revolt
Disruptions and revolts create the changes in society
According to Marx, class conflict equals change and evolution of one system to the next
Eg. feudal societies becoming capitalist, capitalist societies become communist