Sociological Theories On Polices Relating To Family Flashcards
Functionalism + criticism
• the designer family was to benefits society
• reinforced with NHS and their development of welfare
• feminist argue policies reinforced position of men but the expense of women
• the march of progress makes family gradually improve but also be punished by having benefits withdrawn reversing any progress
New rights + criticism
• males are the provider and children and mothers are self-reliant
•welfare policies have taken away responsibilities from families
• Production of benefits would also reduce taxation and give people instinctive to work
•feminist say attempted to bring back traditional patriarchal families
• cutting benefits would create a greater poverty and social problem
Feminist + criticism
• tax benefits married couples which discourage cohabitation
• People who don’t fit the state new normal family (cereal box family)
• women are unable to tame benefits as men are providers
• no all policies are patriarchal (equal pay act, discrimination act, divorce act )
Marxism + criticism
• social policies have the interest of capitalism
• Low level pension are given as capitalist cannot exploit them anymore
• policies benefit capitalist as women are being used for army labour to fill in the shortage
CRITICISM: state policies welfare protected the vulnerable working class family from property