Sociological perspective - Marxism Flashcards
A structural theory of society which sees society divided by conflict between 2 main opposing social classes, due to private ownership of the means of production.
The means of production
Are the key resources necessary for producing society’s goods
The relations of production
The relations such as shared ownership or private ownership, between those involved in production and those who control production. And the relationship between owners and non owners. (e.g slaves or paid for work).
Surplus value
Workers produce more than is needed for employers to pay them their wages; this extra provides profit for the employer.
The bourgeoise
Small wealthy and powerful class of owners of the means of production.
The proletariat
Large poorer class of workers who have to work for wages as they don’t own the means of production.
Labour power
Refers to people’s capacity to work. People sell their labour power to the employer in return for a wage.
Class conflict
The conflict that arises between different social classes. Generally describes the conflict between the bourgeoisie and proletariat in Marxist views of society.
The ruling class
Is the social class of owners of the means of production, whose control over the economy gives them power over all aspects of society, enabling them to rule over society
The dominant ideology (Ruling class ideology)
Is the set of ideas and beliefs of the most powerful groups in society, which influences the ideas of the rest of society.
False consciousness
The failure of the working class to realise they are being exploited and hence not rebel against the bourgeoise. This lack of awareness by the w/c of their own interests.
Class consciousness
An awareness of their real interests and their exploitation.
Refers to an equal society, without social classes or class conflict, in which the means of production are the common property of all.
Althusser - The repressive state apparatus
Institutions within society that suppress and control the proletariats through force e.g. the army
Althusser - The ideological state apparatus
Institutions within society that suppress and control the proletariats through manipulating and conditioning the way they think e.g. the media, education and religion.
The idea that people’s behaviour is moulded by their surroundings, and that they have little free will, control or choice over how they behave.