Sociological and psychological perspectives on Diversity Flashcards
What are the dimensions of diversity? (3)
- Primary
- Secondary
- Organisational
What elements does the primary dimension include? (6)
- Age
- Sexual orientation
- Physical and mental ability
- Ethinicity
- Race
- Gender
What elements does the secondary dimension include? (9)
- Appearance
- Language/accent
- Location
- Hobbies
- Educational background
- Religion
- Social status
- Nationality
- Martial/parental status
What elements does the organisational dimension include? (6)
- Level
- Sector
- Division
- Location
- Function
- Career motivations
What other dimensions set human beings apart from each other? (3)
- Interacting: How we communicate, how we see ourselves, what we focus on (task vs relations)
- Problem solving: How we process info, give explanations, give conclusions.
- Decision making: How much control, how we see times how we organise power.
When managing diversity in organisations what are the key things to consider? (6)
- Focus on the individuals
- Encourage all to achieve
- Driven by business needs
- Concerns all organisational functions and members
- Emphasises individual potential
- Develops an inclusive culture
What are two factors that influencing why organisations are becoming more diverse?
- Environmental factors
2. By design
What environmental factors are contributing to why organisations are becoming more diverse? (5)
- Globalisation
- Social Mobility
- Opportunities for women
- Flexible working
- Changes in retirement age
What design factors are contributing to why organisations are becoming more diverse? (9)
- Maximise people potential
- Better understand customers
- Wider candidate pool
- Positive company image
- Greater discretionary effort
- Greater engagement
- Greater Innovation
- Less Risk
- High Team performance
What are the challenges and benefits of the Social Justice case for diversity? (2 & 3)
- not the prime concerns for org’s and hence low on the priority list
- Org’s and driven by profit and efficiency. a business plan guided by social justice might be detrimental to the bottom line.
- Employers have a moral obligation to treat employees with fairness and dignity
- Ensure decisions are made without resorting to prejudice and stereotypes
- Less chance of an individual feeling discriminated against
What are the challenges and benefits of the Business case for diversity? (3 & 8)
- Hard to quantify
- Return on investment can’t be easily measured
- Benefits take a long time
- Maximise people potential
- Better understand customers
- Wider candidate pool
- Positive company image
- Greater discretionary effort
- Increase employee engagement and retention
- Greater Innovation
- Higher Team Performance
What are the barriers to diversity? (1)
- Social categorisation and stereotypes:
- Categories economies or cognitive resources
- we categorise people based on group membership and tend to discard individual information
Define Stereotypes?
” A set of beliefs about the members of a social group, usually consisting of personality traits, behaviours, and motives.”
” Stereotypes are also assumed to be overgeneralised beliefs about people from social groups”.
What are the different conditions which make us more prone to social categorisation and stereotype thinking? (5)
- Pressure
- Cognitive overload
- Tiredness
- Overall Impressions
- Need for closure (make decision quickly)
Define Unconscious bias?
” The bias we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgements and assessment of people and situations, influences by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences”.
What is System 1 thinking? (6)
- Fast
- Instinctive
- Emotional
- Intuitive
- Automatic
- Error prone
What is System 2 thinking? (6)
- Slow
- Deliberate
- Logical
- Rational
- Considered
- Reliable
When we rely on system 1 thinking, we use biases. What is the Confirmation bias? (3)
- Tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of our existing beliefs and theories
- Stereotypic beliefs seek confirmation and resists disconfirmation
- We see what we expect to see
What is the contrast effect? (3)
- A perception will appear greater or lesser depending on what came immediately before it
- The memory of one affects the perception of the other
- The tendency of people to compare one another rather than against a set of criteria
What is the Horns and Halo effect? (2+ ex)
- The tendency to like or dislike everything about a person, including things you have not observed
- The tendency of one impression we’ve made about one aspect of a person to influence the opinion we have about them in other areas.
e. g. if know a person is good at doing A, we assume that they are good at doing A.B.C or vice versa.
What is Priming? (3)
- Exposure to one stimulus influences the response to another stimulus
- in the work place we can prime others or be primed ourselves.
- We can unintentionally prime others about individuals, about what they expect from them and what they are like to work with.
What is Group Think? (2+ ex)
- Occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgement.
- more likely to occur when there is a charismatic leader and there is pressure for consensus.
Ex: Lehman Brothers collapse
What is the Mini Me Bias? (3)
- The tendency to to prefer others who are similar to ourselves. Also known as “homophile”
- The manifestation in recruitment where employers prefer candidates who are similar to themselves in characteristics including age, style, experience, gender and ethnicity.
- Hiring in ones own image can give a greater level of comfort and feel less risky.