LGBT Diversity at work Flashcards
What was unsuccessful in the Same Sex Marriage Debate in Australia?
22 unsuccessful attempts between 2004 and 2017 to legalise same-sex marriage under federal law
What does LGTBQA stand for?
L: Lesbian - women attracted to women
G: Gay - men attracted to men ( this may also refer to
B: Bisexual – people attracted to men and women
T: Transgender – people who experience/express their gender differently from what others expect
Q: Queer – umbrella term for anyone who does not identify with traditional gender categories
A : Ally – someone supportive of LGBT Co- Workers/Friends
What is the difference between sex, gender and sexual orientation?
Your sex is your biological or physical sex.
◼ e.g. A male or female body.
Your gender is your identity, what is in your mind;
◼ How you see yourself socially and mentally.
◼ Male, female, androgynous, etc.
Your sexual orientation is what sex you are attracted to for physical and relationship partnering
◼ Basically unrelated to sex or gender per se.
What is the LGB population in the UK?
“roughly one in 80 adults under 75 would consider themselves gay/lesbian and one in 80 bisexual, but with the balance towards bisexual in women. That works out to a total of nearly 1.2 million in the UK – the population of Birmingham.”
Some facts of discrimination in the workplace for LGBT? (5)
- Data is far more limited in LGB than in other diversity dimensions
- 13% LGB workers felt discriminated against when looking for work
- 19% LGB workers felt discriminated against whilst at work
- Two-thirds have heard or seen negative comments or conduct towards a colleague perceived to be LGB or against themselves in the last 5 years.
- Some horizontal occupational segregation: gay men are far less likely to be in male dominated skilled trades, factory work and unskilled elementary jobs compared to heterosexual men.
Where is homophobia more likely to occur? (4)
Homophobia is found to be higher in some occupations including:
- Police service
- Armed forces
- Teaching
- Manual trades
What does it mean that LGB people have an advantage for vertical segregation? (1)
- that they are more likely to be employed in managerial and professional jobs.
Three facts in perspective of the human rights global view?
- Same-sex relationships are a criminal offence in 74 Countries
- Homosexuality is punishable by death in 12 countries
- The promotion of LGBT communities or identities is prohibited in 17 countries – meaning LGBT activists can be arrested.
What are the LGBT rights in Somalia, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi and Yemen?
- in Somalia, homosexuality is a crime=punishable by 3 years in prison.
- In Nigeria, it is illegal to be homosexual=Punishable by 14 years in prison or death by stoning in some northern states.
- In Russia it is legal to be homosexual= however LGBT couples have no protection from discrimination. LGBT “propaganda” is criminalised.
- In Saudi Arabia, Homosexuality and Transgender=is illegal. Punishable by death penalty, imprisonment, corporal punishment, whipping and chemical castration.
- Yemen official statement “there are no gays”. When LGBT individuals are discovered, punishments range from flogging to the death penalty.
What is the timeline from 2000-2014 of LGBT laws in the UK?
◼ 2000: Government lifted the ban on homosexuals to join army
◼ 2003: Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations discrimination on the grounds of any sexual orientation unlawful
◼ 2004:Civil Partnership Act 2004 giving same-sex couples the same rights and responsibilities as married heterosexual couples.
◼ 2010: Sexual Orientation protected by the Equality Act.
◼ 13 March 2014: same sex marriage for Northern Ireland has stated that it does not intend to introduce legislation allowing for same-sex marriage (consistently vetoed by the DUP).
What did a study found on the mental health of LGTB people? (2)
- Study compared the mental health of gay people and their heterosexual counterparts.
- Over 1000 lesbian and gay people took part; it found that discrimination and intolerance led to a higher rate of mental anxiety, substance misuse disorders and suicidal behaviour amongst gay people.
What did the US Trans survey in 2015 discover? (8)
✓ 30% reported being fired, denied promotion or mistreated at work due to their gender identity
✓ 46% had been verbally harassed
✓ 9% had been physically attacked
✓ 10% had been sexually assaulted
✓ 77% took steps to avoid mistreatment in the workplace, such as hiding or delaying their gender transition or quitting their job.
✓ 13% of all respondents reported losing a job because
of their gender identity or expression
✓ 40% had attempted suicide (compared with 4.6% for the general US population)
✓ 29% Living in poverty compared to 14% of the general US population
What are some career concerns for LGTB people? (3)
- Should I change my career goals because of homophobia?
- Should I list my leadership position in an LGBT organization on my resume?
- How “out” should I be during a job interview? How do I ask about benefits for my partner? How should I handle sexual harassment? How can I network with LGBT professionals?
What do LGBT employees want? (5)
- Equal and fair treatment in the workplace Non-discrimination policy
- Safe work environment
- Company-wide education
- Equitable benefits program Employee support group
- Participation in corporate life Public support
What are some challenges faced in the workplace? (4)
◼ Sexual Orientation is not readily identifiable.
◼ Do I come out at work? And if so, to whom?
◼ What happens if I stay in the closet at work?
◼ What happens if I come out at work?
What does staying in the closet signify? (2)
◼ Pretending (Bring friends to company picnics, Untrue Stories).
◼ Hiding (Withdrawing from social settings, Avoiding certain conversations).
What are some job attitudes to staying in the closet? (3)
◼ Lower Job Satisfaction
◼ Greater Job Anxiety
◼ Less pleased with Coworkers.
Whats the difference between coming out and outing? (4 and 1)
coming out: ◼ Most LGBT people prefer to come out in their own way and time – it’s a choice ❑ It is an act of trust ❑ It is based on honesty ❑ A never-ending process
◼ Takes the decision-making out of the individual’s hands
How do LGBT Employees describe a positive and negative climate? (4 and 5)
◼ Positive climate:
❑ Feel free to be themselves
❑ Voice opinions and engage openly in non-work-related conversations
❑ Feel safe from discrimination
❑ Believe they are valued, accepted and part of a team.
◼ Negative climate
❑ it is unsafe to be open
❑ vulnerable to harassment and hostility
❑ family and relationships are not recognized
❑ experience alienating situations
❑ fear that their sexual orientation or gender identity will overshadow their performance.
Did you know that…?
51% of LGBT workers hide their LGBT identity - the simplest indication that more work needs to be done to translate inclusive policies into an inclusive climate
What are some managerial implications for correctly handling LGBT Employees? (4)
1 Provide the language / tools for discussing LGBT topics in the workplace - recognize inappropriate language and behaviours
2 Identify how to create a safer and more inclusive environment - Foster an open workplace
3 Better Understand what it must be like to be “gay”, Bi- sexual and Transgendered
4. Identify Opportunities for Mentoring, Career Development and Recruiting
What are some good practices? (7)
1 Sexual orientation, gender identity/expression in non- discrimination policy
2 LGBT sensitivity and diversity training
3 Working with sexual minority organizations like
Stonewall for better understanding
4 Awareness of LGBT rights on issues such as marriage and maternity / paternity leave
5 Domestic Partner Benefits for same sex couples 6 LGBT employee resource group
6 Marketing to LGBT community
7 Use LGBT affirming symbols