socialism branches Flashcards
what is the socialist view of collectivism?
- society should put the needs of the collective over the needs of the state
- individuals are naturally sociable beings
- fraternity, humans are best fulfilled when they work together
- believe that collectivism promotes equity
- naturally leads to the promotion of a large state that distrobutes resources equitably
- inequalities in society e.g class leads to conflict and harms collectivism
what is the revolutionary socialist position on collectivism?
- complete collectiism and the eradication of capitalism
- production should be collectively owned
- collective action by the proletariat is method by which change can be achieved
what is the social democrat position on collectivism?
- the state should intervene in the economy to persue collecitivism through the redistrobution of wealth
- support some nationalisation- these industries would be run in the collective interest
- support trade unions
what is the third way position on collectivism?
- emphasis on indivdual oppertunity and equality of oppertunity
- focus on equiping individuals to compete in the free market
what does common humanity mean?
- humans are social creatures
- human nature is maluable- individuals cannot be understood outside of society
- capitalism has caused the negative aspects of human nature
- humans are cooperative, sociable and rational
what is the social democrat view of human nature and the economy ?
- believe that human nature is inherently positive
- do not believe that the iradication of capitalism will correct the issues with human nature
- believe that the negative effects of capitalism can be. offset by keynsianism
what is the third way view on human nature and capitalism?
- they recognise the social/ collective human nature but place greater emphasis on allowing the individual to reach their potential in a market economy
- a market economy can coexists with social welfare
- community and cooperation can exist under capitalism
what do revolutionary socialists believe about equality?
- advocate absolute equality
- equality of outcome can only be acheivee through the overthrow of the capitalist system
- the end goal is a classless, stateless society with equal distrobution
what is the social democrat view of equality?
- seek to promote equality within capitalism
- equality of oppertunity e.g comprehensive education
- support some equality of outcome e.g through redistrobution
what is the third way view of equality?
- complete rejection of equality of outcome, support equality of oppertunity
- much more comfortable with individuals becoming wealthy
- under a merticoracy, inequality was a reflection of hard work
what is the revolutionary socialist view of social class?
- believe that class conflict is the driving force of social change
- want to empower the proletariat to gain class conscioness and revolt
- importance of trade unions in overcoming false conscioness
- class was embedded in capitalism and the state (which acted in the interests of the bougoise)
- ultimate aim is a classless, stateless society
what is the social democratic view of class?
- champion the cause of the working class
- believe class has become more complex: growth of the managerial and professional classes
- focus on equality of oppertunity
- advocate a degree of redistrobution (equality of outcome)
what is the third way position on class?
- focus on individual empowerment and equality of oppertunity rather than class conflict
- want to transcend class divisions (reduce the focus on divisions), focus on community and shared future
- ## believe that the old ideas of class struggle are no longer relevant
what is revolutionary socialist position on workers control?
- workers control is seen as a step in the revolutionary process
- argue that the superstructure (the state e.c.t) aims to serve the interests of the borgoise
- belief that proletariat dictatorship will lead to an equal allocation of resources
how do evolutionary socialists believe common ownership should occurr?
- abolition of capitalism can be achieved gradually rather than through radical overthrow
- argued that gradual expansion of the state would allow for a transition to socialism
- beatrice webb ‘inevitability of gradualism’ believed that if the working class were given the vote, they would support socialist parties, allowing for the implementation of socialist policies
what is the social democrat position on workers control?
- gradual approach to change
- dont want complete workers control
- nationalisation of some but not all industries
- they supported capitalism and believed that trade unions and collective bargaining rights could counter their negative effects
what is the third way position on workers control?
- promoted entrepraneurship and individual responsibility within free market capitalism
- reduced workers control under the third way govt of tony blair