Social Studies FlashCards
What is the definition of Global Community?
Describes a world that is considered to be closely connected politically, economically, and socially.
What is the definition of Responsible Citizenship?
What is a Responsible Citizen?
Someone who acts against social, environmental and economic injustices.
Name the 4 types of Global Issues?
Political issues, Social issues, Environmental issues, and Economic issues.
What is the definition of Human Rights?
Human Rights are universal rights that everyone is entitled to, regardless of age, race, gender, and cultural differences.
What is an Import?
When one country buys something else from another country.
What is an Export?
When a country sells something to another country.
What are the 4 goals of the United Nations?
1.To keep peace throughout the world,
2.To develop friendly relations among nations,
3.To help nations work together to improve the lives of the poor people to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms
4.To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
What are the basic rights of children?
1.Protection (e.g. from abuse,exploitation and harmful substances).
2.Provision (e.g. for education, health care, and an adequate standard of living).
3.Participation (e.g. listening to children’s views and respecting their evolving capacities).
What are NGO’s?
NGO’s are not-for-profit organizations that work towards addressing issues around the world.
What is WHO?
The World Health Organization is an organization made of 194 countries around the world with the objective of achieving better health for everyone across the globe.