Social Studies Chapter 19 Flashcards
Agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country
People who are sent out to teach their religion.
Political order; under feudalism, nobles governed and protected people in return for services.
A low-ranking noble under the protection of a feudal lord.
A feudal estate belonging to a vassal. It was given by a lord to his vassal in exchange for the vassal’s military service.
A mounted man-at-arms serving a lord. They were lower-ranking vassals. Were first to use stirrups in the 700s.
Relating to soldiers, arms or war.
The system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood.
A member of the peasant class tied to the land and subject to the will of the landowner.
A system of principles or rules.
A group of merchants or craftspeople. Guilds controlled business and trade. Guilds set the prices for goods and services and enforced the good quality of products.
Grand jury
A group of citizens that meets to decide whether people should be accused of a crime.
Trial jury.
A group of citizens that decides whether an accused person is innocent or guilty.
An official or original paper used as the basis or proof of something.
The study of religious faith, practice, and experience.
A way of thinking that combined faith and reason.
The everyday spoken language of a region.
Religious worship service for Catholics.
Ideas that go against church teachings.
Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews.
A disease that spreads quickly and kills many people.
The Christian “reconquest” of the Iberian Peninsula.
What event started the Middle Ages (medieval times) and how long did this era last?
The Middle Ages started around 476 when the Roman Empire was overthrown. This was a 1,000 - year period between ancient and modern times.
What role did rivers and seas play in Europe’s growth?
The rivers were good for travel, trade and protection. Rivers flowed from inland Europe to the seas/oceans which allowed quicker travel to other parts of the world, fostered trade and provided protection.
What roles did mountain ranges play?
They separated regions so different cultures developed, and encouraged the growth of independent territories because they made it difficult for one group to control all of Europe.
A narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes.
Who are the Anglo-Saxons?
The Germanic groups that settled in England after the Roman armies abandoned the area.
Who were the Franks and what religion did they help grow into a major force? What was the name of the king that accepted this religion.
They were the strongest Germanic groups that first settled France and western Germany. King Clovis was the first Germanic ruler to accept Catholic Christianity.
Which German mayor of the palace halted the spread of Islam in Europe?
Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) defeated the Muslims at the battle of Tours with the support of the pope. This ensured Christianity remained the major religion in Europe.
How were the Papal States formed?
When the Frankish King Pepin forced the Germanic Lombards to leave Rome, he took that land and gave it to the Pope.
What were King Charles’ (Charlemagne or Charles the Great) major accomplishments?
Doubled the size of the kingdom to include Germany, France, northern Spain and most of Italy. Controlled most of the western Empire and made it an empire. He was crowned the new Roman emperor by the pope. He advanced learning by establishing a school for the children of government officials.
After Charlemagne died the empire was split into 3 Frankish kingdoms and each was weak. What groups invaded the kingdoms?
Muslims invaded France and Italy.
Nomads from Hungary called Magyars invaded eastern parts of France and Italy.
Vikings from Scandinavia raided the coasts of Europe.
Name some of the characteristics of the Vikings.
Also know as Norsemen (north men).
Lived in villages near fjords so they depended on the seas for food and trade.
Skilled sailors.
Were explorers and settlers. Settled Greenland, Iceland, Normandy, parts of Russia, Ukraine and North America.
In 936 Duke Otto of Saxony was elected king of Germany. What groups did his armies defeat?
His forces defeated the Magyars and freed the pope from the control of the roman nobles. As a reward the pope crowned him emperor of the Romans. His territory included Germany and northern Italy and was known as the Holy Roman Empire.
What two emperors try to unite Germany with all of Italy?
Frederick I and Frederick II. They did not succeed because the popes resisted.
How did Pope Gregory I or Gregory the Great help spread Christianity?
Inspired by Irish Father Patrick, Greg asked monks to become missionaries and they traveled all over Western Europe teaching their religion.
What contributions did monks and nuns make?
They provided schools and hospitals, taught carpentry and weaving, developed improvements in farming, and helped preserve knowledge of early Christian worlds.
Who headed monks’ monasteries?
Who headed convents?
There was a struggle between kings and popes around 1100 regarding the power to appoint bishops. Each thought they should have this power. This struggle continued until 1122. How was this solved?
A German king and a pope agreed that only the pope could chose bishops and only the king/emperor could give these bishops government posts. This agreement was called the Concordant of Worms (signed in Worms, Germany).
What did a vassal do?
A vassal helped his lord in battle.
What did the vassal get in return for helping his lord?
In exchange for the vassal’s military service, a lord gave him land called a FIEF.
How did knights train for war?
Knights trained for war by fighting one another in tournaments, or special contests.
Name one thing freemen could do that serfs could not.
Freemen could move when and where they wished. Free,met had to ask for permission.
What was the horse collar? What are some of the benefits from this?
The horse collar was this contraption that let a horse pull a plow. Horses could plow lows much faster than oxen. Peasants could grow more food. They learned how to rotate their crops.
Name 3 effects of the fall of the Roman Empire.
- Roads and bridges were not repaired
- People bartered for goods
- People stopped traveling
What was the Code of Chivalry and who followed it?
These were rules followed by knights that stated that a knight was to be brave, obey his lord, was to respect women of noble birth, honor the Church and help people.
What is a manor?
It was a farming community that a noble ran and peasants worked. It consisted of the noble’s castle, the surrounding fields, a peasant village and a church.
Describe the two types of peasants.
Freeman and serfs.
Freemen paid the noble for the right to farm the land, worked only on their land, had legal rights and could move when they wanted.
Serfs were tied to the manor, could not own property, move, marry without noble’s permission; however, they were not slaves,mother land could not be taken away and the nobles protected them.
Could serfs gain freedom?
It was not easy. They could run away and if they were not caught for a year, he was considered free. By end of MA, were allowed to buy their freedom.
What were some of the improvements in farming?
Use of heavy-wheeled plow with iron blade.
Use of horse collar which enabled it to pull a plow.
Crop rotation which meant they only planted two of their fields at a time and one was always left unplanted. This kept solid healthy and more could be grown.
After the fall of the Roman Empire trade had collapsed. Feudalism made Europe safer and trade started to increase. How did this help towns and cities grow?
As trade increased towns and cities grew and became wealthy from trade.
What Italian cities built fleets of ships and controlled the Mediterranean trade with the Byzantine Empire?
Venice, Pisa and Genoa.
What region in Belgium became a center of trade on Europe’s northern coast?
True or False.
As trade increased, people began to use gold and silver as payment.
What powers did townspeople under the feudal system want granted to them?
They wanted the nobles to stop collecting taxes, they wanted to make their own laws, the right to buy and sell property, and freedom from having to serve in the army.
Which English king united the Anglo-Saxons and halted the Viking advance? What did he name his Kingdom?
King Alfred of Wessex or Alfred the Great. The kingdom became know as “Angleland” or England.
William was the ruler of Normandy ( France), how did he become king of England?
William and his Norman knights defeated King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings. William became King and was known as William the Great.
William and the Normans bought many customs to England. What changed or didn’t?
The Anglo-Saxons kept their language (English) and some ways of running the government.
The Normans changed the language that officials and nobles had to speak to French and took land away from the English nobles.
King Henry II ruled for almost 40 years. What contributions did he make?
He established a court system with lawyers, judges and circuit judges (they traveled throughout England). This system helped create common law which meant the law was the same for everyone. He set up juries of citizens to settle disputes.
What is the Magna Carta and why did it come about?
King John (Henry’s son) raised taxes and punished enemies without trials. Angry nobles forced John to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) in 1215. This limited the king’s power, allowed the king to collect taxes only if the Great Council of Nobles agreed, forced king to uphold the rights of freemen and ensured the right to fair trials by jury.
What contribution did King Edward I make?
He established Parliament whose members were citizens of England. The growth of Parliament was the first step toward representative government in England.
What is the Estates-General of France?
When King Philip IV of France wanted to raise taxes he sought the approval of reps from the three classes (estates) of French society. This meeting was France’s first parliament which they called Estates-General.
Who are the Slavs?
People who established towns and villages in Eastern Europe. There were three groups - southern Slavs, western Slavs and eastern Slavs.
In the 800s eastern Slavs began to expand Kiev in Kievan Rus. Who conquered them in 1240?
They were conquered by the Mongols of Central Asia.
How did Moscow first start? Why did it become big?
When the Slavs of Kievan Rus moved north to what is now Russia when the Mongols ruled. Moscow became very prosperous because it was at the crossroads of several major trade routes.
Why did the rulers of Moscow work with the Mongols?
It was a way for Moscow to expand its power. The Mongols allowed Moscow to collect taxes from other Slav areas. If the Slavs could not pay it’s taxes, Moscow’s rulers could take over that territory.
When Ivan III became ruler of Moscow what title did he give himself? What was his biggest accomplishment?
He called himself “czar” which mean emperor. He drove the Mongols out of Moscow and Russia. It’s was the beginning of a great empire.
Why was Moscow important?
Had power to tax and conquer new lands.
Was a wealthy trade center.
Was headquarters of Eastern Orthodox Church in Russia.
Became center of a new Russian empire.
Why did Western Europeans go on Crusades (Holy Wars)?
When the Muslim Turks defeated the Byzantines, the Bs asked Pope Urban II for help to get their lands back under Christian rule. Pope Urban II asked European lords to recapture Jerusalem. This was the First Crusade.
How many Crusades were there?
There were 10 crusades. The Muslims were the ultimate winners. They recaptured all the lands that had been conquered by the Crusaders.
Who was Saladin?
A Muslim General that recaptured Jerusalem from the Crusaders in the Second Crusade.
The Crusades changed Western Europe. How?
Through their contact with the Byzantines and Muslims they gained new knowledge:
Learned how to build better ships.
Make more accurate maps.
How did the Crusades affect feudalism?
It weakened feudalism because nobles who joined the Crusades had sold their lands and freed their serfs. This reduced the lords’ power and as a result kins were able to build stronger central governments.
True or False:
The Crusades created good feelings and a strong partnerships between Christian Western Europe and the Muslims/Islamic world.
False. It created very bitter feelings between the two groups.
New way of thinking called ___ changed the study of theology. Aristotle had used ___ instead of faith to understand the meaning of life.
scholasticism, reason
What 2 cultures did Romanesque combine?
Roman and Byzantine.
When was the Cistercian order founded?
In 1098.
What are 3 things basic degrees required?
Grammar, logic, math, music, and public speaking
Name 3 things a doctors degree studied
Law, medicine, or theology
In what architectural styles were churches and cathedrals built during the Middle Ages?
First they were Romanesque and later during the MA the construction was gothic.
How did universities develop during the MA?
Groups of students and teachers created the first universities. To get a degree they took oral exams. The first universities were in bologna, Italy - Paris, France - Oxford, England - Cambridge, England.
Who was the greatest scholasticism thinker of the MA? What were his goals and what did he write?
A friar named Thomas Aquinas. His goal was to find agreement between Aristotle’s teachings and Christian teachings. He taught that truths arrived through reason could not conflict with faith. His work was summarized in “Summa Theologica” (summary of theology). Taught also about “natural law”. This gives people certain basic rights like right to live, learn, worship and marry.
What was the language of educated people, the Church and of university scholars?
What are 3 of the vernacular languages that were used?
English, Italian, Spanish,French and German.
Name two vernacular styles of literature.
Troubadour poetry which were love songs.
Heroic epics were stories about brave knights fighting in service of lords. A famous one was “The Song of Roland”.
Did the Catholic Church have power during the MA?
Yes. It became very wealthy and powerful.
Why were new religious orders formed?
They were formed when the Western Europeans thought the Church had too much power and they wanted the church to return to its Christian ideals.
Name 3 religious orders and a characteristic of each.
Cistercian order was started by monks who were unhappy with the wealth of the church. Most famous monk was Bernard of Clairvaux.
Franciscan order was started by Francis of Assisi. They were known for their love of nature. Members were called friars.
Dominican order was started by Dominic de Guzman. Their chief goal was to defend the teachings of the church.
How were friars different from monks?
Monks stayed inside the monasteries praying and working, separate from the world. Friars left the monasteries to preach, serve as missionaries and aid the poor. Friars could not own anything.
Did the Catholic Church affect everyday life?
Yes. People went to mass and received the sacraments.
Was heresy considered a crime during the MA?
Yes. The church had a court called the Inquisition whose task was to deal with people accused of heresy. People found guilty could confess and repent or if you didn’t you would be severely punished or executed.
True or false:
Jews were discriminated and became scapegoats and were accused of causing famine, plague or economic decline. Many of their rights were taken away.
True. Jews were even driven out of Western Europe and they settled in Eastern Europe.
Was there a great famine in 1315? What was the effect?
Yes, it lasted 7 years and killed many people. Was due to miserable weather conditions so crops and animals died.
Explain the plague called The Black Death.
It was a disease carried by fleas and rats. Thought to have started in China in 1330s. Trade bw China and the rest of the world expanded greatly and the disease spread when goods that were traded were infested with rats. The more they traded, the more people and regions that the plague came into contact with. Killed one out of every two Europeans. About 25 million.
What were the effects of the Plague?
People thought they were being punished by God for their sins. Jews were blamed. With so many deaths, trade declined, wages rose steeply (because there were less people alive to perform jobs) and food prices fell sharply (because there was less demand due to there being fewer people). It also weakened feudalism and serfs gained more rights.
What is The Great Schism?
A dispute that divided the Church. Three men claimed to be the rightful pope. A council of bishops met in Constance, Germany and elected a pope that everyone agreed on. The schism lasted about 40 years.
What was The Hundred Years’ War?
It was a war bw France and England over lands in France controlled by the English. French wanted lands back but King Edward II of England instead invaded France and declared himself king of France. Eventually France won its lands back and drove the English out of their lands. This victory strengthened the French kings’ powers.
Who was Joan of Arc?
A French peasant girl that guided by the voices of saints went to Prince Charles to ask permission to join the French army to capture Orleans back from the English. The French victory in Orleans lead to coronation of Charles as king. Joan was eventually captured by the English and accused of being a witch (heresy). She was burned at the stake. Became a French hero and a catholic saint.
How did The Hundred Years’ War affect the English?
The English nobles were bitter about the loss to France and fought in a civil war known as the War of Roses over who should be king of England. Henry Tudor became King. Henry VII.
What was The Reconquista?
It was a struggle between the Christians and Muslims that lived in the Iberian Peninsula. The Christians drove out the Muslims except from Granada. Once they were driven out from Granada, the Christians united to form the catholic country of Spain.
What is The Spanish Inquisition?
It was put in place by the Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella to force obedience from the Jews and the Muslims still left in Spain. They believed that Jews and Muslims that said they had converted to Catholicism in fact still practiced their own religions secretly. They tried and tortured thousands of people. The rulers ordered those that wouldn’t convert to leave Spain or face death.
What was the first step of the church for design with heretics???
- Send friars to preach to heretics