Social Structure of Sparta Flashcards
What are the requirements to be a Spartiate?
- Both parents have to be a Spartan.
- Had to have completed the agoge
- Had to have been accepted into a syssition by existing members.
What does Plutarch say about the work the Spartiates weren’t allowed to do?
Plutarch, Agesilaus: “they were not allowed to work in or learn a manual trade”.
What does Plutarch say about the work the Spartiates did? [In reference to Lycurgus]
Plutarch, Lycurgus 24: Lycurgus didn’t allow the Spartans to engage in any manual trade at all.
What number does Thucydides give for the total number of Spartiates?
2 560 Spartiates (excluding Brasidians and Neodamodeis)
Who are the Perioikoi?
Mostly inhabitants of the towns and villages of Lakonia and Messenia
What did the Perioikoi do for Sparta?
- They were assumed to have manufactured goods used by Spartiates.
- Required to fight
What does Herodotus say about the Perioikoi?
Herodotus says that as many perioikoi fought at the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC than Spartiates
What does Thucydides say about the Perioikoi?
Thucydides 4.8: “the perioikoi who lived closest went immediately to help at Pylos”
What does the drawing of the tombstone of Eukalkes from 418 BC show?
It shows evidence of perioikoi fighting alongside the Spartans at the Battle of Mantinea.
What does Xenophon say about the Perioikoi and what does it show?
Xenophon says that some perioikoi were wealthy, showing that the Perioikoi were not considered helots but also not considered Spartans.
Who are the Helots?
The enslaved people living in the Peloponnese
What did the Helots contribute to Spartan society?
They contributed materials and resources to Sparta, such as clothes and food.
Some worked as household slaves and attended young Spartiates as they went through the agoge.
They acted as servants for Spartiates when they went to war.
What does Plutarch say about the helots?
Plutarch, Lycurgus 24.3: “The helots farmed the land for them”.
What does Xenophon say about female helots?
Xenophon: female helots made clothes.
What does Strabo say about the helots?
Strabo, Geography: “For the Lacedaemonians held them as state-slaves in a particular way, assigning certain settlements for them and particular duties”.
What does Herodotus say about the helots?
Herodotus, Histories 9.28: “5 000 were Spartiates who were guarded by 35 000 light armed helots - seven serving each man”.
What does Thucydides say about the helots?
Thucydides, 5.64: “and they mustered all their forces, Lacedaemonians and helot alike, to go to their aid with the largest army they had ever raised” at the Battle of Mantinea.
What are Brasidians? [According to Thucydides]
Thucydides 5.34: “Brasidians were helots armed as hoplites whom the general Brasidas had taken with him to Thrace in 424 BC”.
What did the ephors do in relation to the Helots?
Each year the ephors upon entering office would declare war on the helots so that they could be murdered at any time without violating religious scruples.
What was one method of preventing a helot revolt?
They could prevent a helot revolt by sending helots away to fight to decrease the population.
This has been seen with Plataea and Mantinea, as well as with Brasidas.
What does Thucydides say about preventing helot revolts?
Thucydides 4.80: They sent some of their helot population out of the country in case the capture of Pylos might encourage them to plot revolution.
According to Thucydides, why did Sparta send the Athenian hoplites away in 464 BC?
Thucydides 1.102: “the Spartans grew afraid of the enterprise and unorthodoxy of the Athenians”.
What was the clause in the Peace of Nicias relating to the helot revolt? (Thucydides)
Thucydides 5.23: if the helots revolt “the Athenians must come to help the Spartans will all their strength as far as they can”.
What is the Krypteia?
A secret service where young Spartan men were tasked with killing potentially troublesome helots at the dead of night (Plutarch)
What does Plato say about the Krypteia?
Plato: He describes them as being unsupervised and as depending on themselves alone for survival.
What does Plutarch say about the Krypteia?
Plutarch, Lycurgus: describes the brutal killings of helots on behalf of the Krypteia.
Plato, Laws doesn’t mention these killings.
What was the most important role for a Spartan woman?
The most important role for a Spartan woman was to produce children.
What does Xenophon say about the role of women?
Xenophon: “the most important task for freeborn women was producing children”.
What kind of ‘powers’ did Spartan women have in relation to their husbands?
- An elderly husband of a young wife could allow a younger man to have sex with his wife to produce children
- An unmarried man could ask permission for someone else’s wife to have his kids. The woman could take control of BOTH men’s houses.