AS Quotes: 421 - 412 BC Flashcards
What does Thucydides say about Athens’ new alliance in 420/419 BC?
Thucydides: Athens agrees to an alliance with Argos, Elis and Mantinea for 100 years.
According to Thucydides, what does Nicias say against the Sicilian expedition?
Thucydides 6.12: “We should spend our new gains at home and on ourselves instead of on these exiles”.
What does Thucydides say about Alcibiades arguing in favouring the expedition?
Thucydides 6.15: a victory would “bring him personally more wealth and honour”.
When Nicias tried to sway the assembly, what does Thucydides say about the Athenians’ response?
Thucydides 6.24: The Athenians became “more enthusiastic about it than ever”.
What were the numbers of the First fleet sent to the Sicilian expedition?
- ~ 100 Athenian warships
- ~ 50 ally warships
- 4 000 Athenian hoplites + 1 000 allies.
What does Thucydides say about the Desecration of the Herms and who was “responsible”?
Thucydides 6.28: Alcibiades was accused and “this fact was taken up by those who disliked him most”.
What does Thucydides say about the defeat at Sicily?
Thucydides 7.85: “…the army had been utterly destroyed…Nicias surrendered himself to Gylippus”
What were the numbers of the Second fleet sent to the Sicilian expedition?
- ~ 60 warships
- 1 200 hoplites + support
What were the aftermath numbers for the Athenians at the Sicilian Expedition?
- 160 to 200 warships
- 45 to 50 000 men
What does Plutarch say about the aftermath of the Sicilian expedition?
Plutarch, Nicias 30: “it is said that the people could not believe it”.
What does Thucydides say about the Occupation of Decelea?
Thucydides: Alcibiades urged the Spartans to set up a fort in Decelea
What does Thucydides say about the impact of the Occupation of Decelea?
Thucydides 7.27: “in fact this occupation…was one of the principal causes of their ruin”
What does Thucydides say about Miletus struggling against the Athenians in 412 BC?
Thucydides 8.17: “The Athenians sailed up close on their heels with 19 ships”
What does Thucydides say about the joint Peloponnesian-Syracusan fleet?
Thucydides 8.26: “55 ships from the Peloponnese”, “20 ships from Syracuse”.
What is the Decree of the Athenian assembly from 412/411 BC?
A decree that thanks the Samians for not revolting and removing their oligarchy. It praises them for throwing out “those Samians who had invited the Peloponnesians into Samos”.