AS Quotes: 421 - 412 BC Flashcards
What does Thucydides say about Athens’ new alliance in 420/419 BC?
Thucydides: Athens agrees to an alliance with Argos, Elis and Mantinea for 100 years.
According to Thucydides, what does Nicias say against the Sicilian expedition?
Thucydides 6.12: “We should spend our new gains at home and on ourselves instead of on these exiles”.
What does Thucydides say about Alcibiades arguing in favouring the expedition?
Thucydides 6.15: a victory would “bring him personally more wealth and honour”.
When Nicias tried to sway the assembly, what does Thucydides say about the Athenians’ response?
Thucydides 6.24: The Athenians became “more enthusiastic about it than ever”.
What were the numbers of the First fleet sent to the Sicilian expedition?
- ~ 100 Athenian warships
- ~ 50 ally warships
- 4 000 Athenian hoplites + 1 000 allies.
What does Thucydides say about the Desecration of the Herms and who was “responsible”?
Thucydides 6.28: Alcibiades was accused and “this fact was taken up by those who disliked him most”.
What does Thucydides say about the defeat at Sicily?
Thucydides 7.85: “…the army had been utterly destroyed…Nicias surrendered himself to Gylippus”
What were the numbers of the Second fleet sent to the Sicilian expedition?
- ~ 60 warships
- 1 200 hoplites + support
What were the aftermath numbers for the Athenians at the Sicilian Expedition?
- 160 to 200 warships
- 45 to 50 000 men
What does Plutarch say about the aftermath of the Sicilian expedition?
Plutarch, Nicias 30: “it is said that the people could not believe it”.
What does Thucydides say about the Occupation of Decelea?
Thucydides: Alcibiades urged the Spartans to set up a fort in Decelea
What does Thucydides say about the impact of the Occupation of Decelea?
Thucydides 7.27: “in fact this occupation…was one of the principal causes of their ruin”
What does Thucydides say about Miletus struggling against the Athenians in 412 BC?
Thucydides 8.17: “The Athenians sailed up close on their heels with 19 ships”
What does Thucydides say about the joint Peloponnesian-Syracusan fleet?
Thucydides 8.26: “55 ships from the Peloponnese”, “20 ships from Syracuse”.
What is the Decree of the Athenian assembly from 412/411 BC?
A decree that thanks the Samians for not revolting and removing their oligarchy. It praises them for throwing out “those Samians who had invited the Peloponnesians into Samos”.
What is a problem with the Decree of the Athenian assembly?
Thucydides never mentions this.
What does Thucydides say about the Athenians’ response to the Allied revolts in 412 BC?
Thucydides 8.15: the Athenians voted for a proposal for using the 10 000 talents which they had avoided touching throughout the war.
What does Thucydides say about the Persian support of the Allied revolts in 412 BC?
Thucydides 8.29: Tissaphernes passed Miletus and distributed a months pay.