AS Quotes: 479 - 446 BC Flashcards
According to Thucydides, what does Themistocles do regarding the Long Walls in reference to Sparta?
Thucydides discusses how Themistocles lied to the Spartans about the existence of the long walls, convincing Sparta to send delegates to view the non-existent walls. They were then detained in Athens, whilst Themistocles discussed the importance of Athens fortifying their city.
What does Thucydides say about the Athenians building the Long Walls?
Thucydides 1.92: After listening to Athens argue about fortifying their city, “the Spartans showed no open signs of displeasure towards Athens”.
In the early years of the Pentecontaetia, what does Thucydides say about the relationship between Athens and Sparta?
Thucydides 1.92: “Sparta was particularly friendly towards Athens” due to the courage they showed against Persia.
What does Thucydides say about the tribute in 477 BC?
Thucydides 1.96: “the total tribute per year to the Delian League was 460 talents”
What does Diodorus say about Sparta’s reaction to Athens taking over the league from Pausanias? (which became the Delian League)
Diodorus 11.50: the Spartans debated whether or not to go to war with Athens over command of the sea, but were convinced by Hetoemaridas not to.
What does Thucydides say about Sparta’s reaction to Athens taking over the league from Pausanias? (which became the Delian League)
Thucydides 1.95: the Spartans believed that the Athenians were perfectly capable of commanding the league.
What does Thucydides say about the revolt of Naxos?
Thucydides 1.98: the revolt of Naxos “was the first case where the original constitution of the League was broken and an allied city lost its independence”
What does Plutarch say about the allies? (2 Quotes)
Plutarch, Cimon 11: the allies “became accustomed to fearing and flattering the men”.
Plutarch, Cimon 11: the allies “failed to realise that they were turning themselves into subjects and slaves”.
What does Thucydides say about the aftermath of the revolt of Thasos?
Thucydides 1.101: Thasos requested Spartan aid and they agreed to invade Athens. “The Spartans promised to do so, and would have done so if they weren’t prevented by the earthquake”.
What does Thucydides say about Sparta’s opinion of Athens by 464 BC?
Thucydides 1.102: “the Spartans grew afraid of the enterprise and unorthodoxy of the Athenians”.
What does Thucydides say Athens did after they were sent home in 464 BC?
Thucydides 1.102: Athens denounced the original treaty with Sparta against the Persians and allied themselves with Argos, “Sparta’s enemy”.
What does Thucydides say about Megara in 461 BC?
Thucydides 1.103: “Megara also joined the Athenian alliance, abandoning her alliance with Sparta”.
What are the numbers Thucydides gives for both sides in the Battle of Tanagra?
Sparta; 1 500 hoplites and 10 000 allies
Athens: 14 000 men
What does Thucydides say about Euboea’s revolt in 446 BC?
Thucydides 1.114: Euboea revolted from Athens and the “Athenians, under the command of Pericles, crossed into Euboea and subdued them”.
What does Thucydides say about the Spartan’s “invasion” of Attica in 446 BC?
Thucydides 1.114: King Pleistoanax invaded Attica. “Then, without advancing any farther, they returned home”.