Social Structure Flashcards
What is the polis?
- Flaceliere : Polis “a community of citizens, wholly independent, with sovereign power over the individual citizens who compose it, bound by cults and regulated laws.”
What was the Areophagus?
A group of ex-senators. Council of the Elders
Where was the Areophagus located?
North-west of Acropolis.
When was Areophagus stripped off it’s power?
Archaic period: most powerful.
But 462-1BC: Stripped off political power and became judicial court for homicides and religion.
Who was Solon?
Solon (594 BC): Social structure determined by wealth instead of aristrocratic lineage.
Who was Cleisthenes?
Cliesthenes reign (508-7 BC): Democratic reforms.
What was the highest social class?
Pentakosiomedimnoi (Aristotle)
Who were the Hippeis?
Second highest social class (Aristotle)
Who were the Zeutigai
The Third highest social class (Aristotle)
Who were the lowest social class?
Thetes. (Aristotle)
What are the requirements for Pentakosiomedmnoi?
500 measures of dry produce or more per year. (Aristotle)
What were the requirements for Hippeis?
300-500 measures of produce per year(Aristotle)
What were the requirements for Zeutigai?
200 measures of produce per year. (Aristotle)
What were the requirements for Thetes?
Less than 200 measures of produce per year(Aristotle)
What are the oppotunities of a Pentakosiomedimnoi?
Assess to highest ranking officers, vote, jury member and assembly and Boule. (Aristotle)
What are the oppotunities of a Hippeis?
Assess to highest ranking officers, vote, jury member and assembly and Boule. (Aristotle)
What can a Zeugitai be allowed to do?
Pericles reform (459: Zeugitai can hold archonship. Assess to highest ranking officers, vote, jury member and assembly and Boule. (Aristotle)
What are the oppotunities of a Thete?
Right to vote, be in assembly and jury(Aristotle)
Who has to spend two years in military training and service between 18-20 years?
Pentakosiomedimnoi, Hippeis, Zeugitai and Thetes.
Why did Solon divided people of Athens accordingly?
- It reflected on the military organization of Athens. Separated out the riches citizens from the hippeis as a new class, define precisely the economic terms of specific qualifications for each class.
When was the Solon social reform?
594 BC
Who was the father of democracy?
Cleisthenes 508/7 BC