Social Stratification Flashcards
What are the three basic emotional reactions to social class according to Nancy Davis?
1) Resistance, resistance to the system. “The rich should not be allowed to be this rich, as the poor should not be allowed to be this poor.
2) Paralysis, unmoving. “There isn’t much we can do.”
3) Rage
What is the difference between income and wealth?
Income refers to the economic gain attained by wages, salaries and income transfers from the government. Income is actually money, and in a way, it is quantitative.
Wealth refers to accumulated assets of goods such as buildings, land, farms, houses, factories, etc. Wealth refers to your ownership of goods, and in a way, could be considered qualitative.
How does Stats Canada measure incomes?
Using the median income, as the mean would appear lower. The median allows us to see the average without the extremes affecting the statistics.
Define net worth.
Net worth is the difference between an individual’s debt and assets.
What did Christopher Sarlo state about poverty?
Sarlo argues that we in Canada confuse poverty with a lack of access to middle-class amenities. Sarlo states that real poverty is “stomach-stretching”.
What are the two types of poverty?
Absolute poverty, refers to an inability to attain the basic necessities of life. It is measured by the basic needs measure.
Relative poverty, refers to an inability to secure an average standard of living. It is impoverish compared to others. It is measured by LICO.
What are the consequences of relative poverty?
Delayed vocabulary development, poor health and hygiene, poor nutrition, absenteeism and low scholastic achievement, behavioral and mental problems (crime/deviance), low housing standards, and a greater likelihood of being poor in adulthood.
Which social groups are more likely to face poverty?
People who are: Single parents, under the age of 25, females, visible minorities, and people who has minor disabilities.
What are the two types of stratification?
Open, allows for change in social class standings. Close, does not really allow for change in social class standings.
Define Meritocracy.
A system that awards us. It is the idea that you are at your social class standing because it is what you truly deserve.
What are the two types of status?
Ascribed, the status you are born with and stays relatively the same throughout your life. Examples include skin colour, your sex, ‘race’, etc.
Achieved, the status you have control over to change. Examples include your education, and your citizenship,
What did Davis and Moore state about society?
Davis and Moore where structural functionalists. They stated that:
1) Society was held together by consensus.
2) Inequality is functional for society.
3) Eliminating inequality would be harmful to society.
4) Inequality will continue because it is functional and necessary.
Davis and Moore believed we lived in a meritocracy.
What is intrinsic and extrinsic?
Intrinsic refers to the internal benefits/factors, such as how a job makes you feel.
Extrinsic refers to the external benefits/factors, such as how much money you make from the job.
What did Karl Marx state about social stratification?
Marx claimed that social class standing was related to the means of production, and that society can be divided into the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.
What is the Law of Accumulation?
Marx stated that wealth would become more and more concentrated into less and less hands (the bourgeoisie), and that all capitalist societies were doomed for alienation until the wealth is so unbalanced that the system collapses.
What are the two ways capitalism leads to alienation?
1) The proletariat are alienated from the very wealth they themselves create.
2) Social alienation, as capitalism creates an unhealthy competition, that causes individuals to be pitted against one another in an unhealthy manner.
What is the difference between the social stratification diagrams of Marx versus that of Wright?
Marx’s diagram consisted of the bourgeoisie on top, with the proletariat on the bottom. Wright’s diagram consisted of the capitalist class (controls the means of production) on top, following with the managerial class (controls the labour of others), the small-business class a.k.a. the petite bourgeoisie (purchased the labour of others), and finally the working class (sale on one’s labour).
Explain surplus value.
Surplus value refers to the amount appropriated by the bourgeoisie. It is profit.
What did Weber say about social stratification?
Weber claimed that one factor could not explain social stratification, as it is a multi-dimensional aspect of society. Weber argued that we must also look at class, status and party. Weber argued that bureaucracy will dominate forever.
What are the four types of feminism?
1) Liberal feminism, original feminism; suffragettes. Laws were changed so women could be one the same playing field as men. Women should be able to vote, run for office, and own property just like men.
2) Socialist feminism, women deserve to be economically and culturally equal as men
3) Radical feminism, fuck men, we hate men, all women are oppressed, kill the fucking patriarchy.
4) Postmodern feminism, fuck gender roles and norms.
Explain deference.
An idea of symbolic interactionism put out by Goffman, that states that we behave based on our social class. For instance, we tend to show respect to people with enormous wealth.
Relative to other OECD countries, where does Canada’s level of equality stand?
Somewhere in the middle.