Social Science Flashcards
What does education technology include?
use of media to deliver
-streaming video
-includes technology applications and processes (TV, computer-based learning, CD, etc.)
What are three elements that define complex informational texts?
-qualitative features: type and depth of vocab, levels of meaning, language conventions, and clarity and knowledge demands)
-quantitative features: readability levels and measures of complexity
-matching reader to text and task: reader variables (motivation, knowledge, experiences) and task variables (purpose and complexity generated by task and questions)
What types of question should teachers ask?
-task dependent questions (require students to read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate content)
What is realia?
objects or activities that can be used to relate classroom content to real life
What graphic organizer can help teachers focus instruction and identify key questions for each social science concept?
-political (who is in charge?)
-economic (how do people make a living?)
-religion (what do people believe?)
-social (how do people relate to each other?)
-intellectual/arts (how do humans learn and express themselves?)
-area/geography (how does where humans live impact how they live?)
What are two elements a classroom has?
-physical (layout, lighting, organization of resources, comfort)
-affective (sense of safety, inclusion, and community)
What is Social Science?
a set of disciplines that provide knowledge about societies and people
What are teachers’ jobs when teaching history?
-relate important info about past happenings
-ensure info is authentic and accurate
-engage students in exploring evidence from various sources
What are some tools that support causal analysis?
What were Africa’s contributions and impacts on technological developments?
-first place humans are know to have existed
-migration of early humans from Africa to all parts of the world formed basis for the nations and civilizations of today
What were the Americas’ contributions and impacts on technological developments?
-indigenous Native Americans contributed almanacs of meteorological and astronomical info, calendar, and agricultural domestication of plants and animals
-first colony to gain independence from a mother country
-understanding of astronomy contributed to understand of our place in the world
-domestication fostered agricultural endeavors that allowed civilizations to develop cities
-independence became an achievable goal for other colonies
What were Asia’s contributions and impacts on technological developments?
-extensive trade routes developed within Asia and across Europe, which gave access to spices and other rare goods
-discovery of the Americas by Europeans due to desire for a faster route to the East (led countries to send ships West)
What were the Middle East’s contributions and impacts on technological developments?
-first civilizations with tools led to achievement in building and craftwork with metal
-first system of alphabetic writing, mathematical principles, agriculture, art, music, and healing arts (surgery; medicine)
-origination of Jewish, Islamic, and Christian religions
What were Europe’s contributions and impacts on technological developments?
-first established democracy in Greece where education was value and political theory debated
-art, music, and architecture from Middle Ages
-European nations colonized the Americans and other areas of the world
-education, political concepts, and appreciation of the arts contributed to development of colonies around the world
Approximately how old is Eart?
4.5 billion years old
What were the earliest known humans called and where did they live?
-lived in Africa (3-4 million years ago)
What are the 3 periods prehistory is divided into?
-Paleolithic: Old Stone Age; emergence of first-known hominids (until ~10,000 BCE); small groups (10-20) of nomadic people; made tools and weapons from stone + bones of animals; foraged for food; took shelter in caves + other natural formations; painted and drew on walls of caves; ~500,000 years ago started using fire
-Mesolithic: Middle Stone Age (10,000-7,000 BCE); beginning of major transformation aka Neolithic Revolution; domesticated plants; shift away from reliance on hunting large game and foraging; able to plant and harvest some crops; began to stay in one place for longer periods; improved toolmaking techniques; developed various weapons + tools
-Neolithic: New Stone Age (aka agricultural revolution); systematic agricultural practices; domesticated animals; settled in farming villages or towns; population and community increase; structured social system; more organization within societies; development of crafts; increase in exchanges of goods among groups
What is the beginning of recorded history?
-existence of written records (end of prehistoric history)
-writing developed between 4000 and 3000 BCE (during Neolithic period)
Where did the first civilizations emerge?
in Mesopotamia and Egypt
-ancient civilization of Sumer (4000-2000 BCE) + included city of Ur
-Sumerians constructed dikes + reservoirs
-established loose confederation of city-states
-probably invented writing (cuneiform - wedge-shaped letters)
-after 538 BCE, absorbed into other empires and dynasties (insufficient natural boundaries)
-~3200 BCE, Menes or Narmer probably unified upper + lower Egypt
-capital moved to Memphis during Third Dynasty (~2650 BCE)
-pyramids built during Fourth Dynasty (2613-2494 BCE)
-under successive control of Assyrians, Persians and Alexandra the Great after 1085 BCE (Post-Empire period)
-under successive control of Roman Empire in 30 BCE
Palestine and Hebrews
-Phoenicians settled along present-day coast of Lebanon
-established colonies at Carthage and in Spain
-spread Mesopotamian culture through trade networks
-probably moved to Egypt ~1700BCE
-suffered enslavement until ~1500 BCE
-Hebrews fled Egypt under Moses
-returned to Palestine ~1200 BCE
-Kind David (1012-972 BCE) defeated Philistines and established Jerusalem as capital of his kingdom
-Chaldeans transported Jews to Chaldea as advisors and Slaves (Babylonian captivity)
-Persians conquered Babylon (539 BCE) + allowed Jews to return to Palestine
-Greek society organized around polis (city-state) ~500 BCE
-oligarchs controlled most of polis until end of 6th century (democratic govs. replaced them)
-5th century (Classical Age) = high point of Greek civilization
-Persian Wars (560-479 BCE)
-Athens organized Delian League (Pericles [~495-429 BCE] used money from league to rebuild Athens + construct Parthenon + other buildings on Acropolis)
-war with Sparta due to Athens’ political + cultural dominance
-revolution in philosophy
-Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (Plato’s student)
-traditional founding date of Rome = 753 BCE
-Greek tribes colonized southern Italy (between 800-500 BCE); brought their alphabet and religious practices
-Etruscans expanded southward and conquered Rome (6th + 7th centuries BCE)
-Pompey and Julius Caesar emerged as most powerful men (70s + 60s BCE)
-Caesar convinced Pompey and Crassus to form First Triumvirate (60 BCE)
-Caesar and Pompey fought for leadership when Crassus died
-Senate proclaimed Caesar dictator (47 BCE) and consul for life
-Brutus and Cassius formed a conspiracy (believed Caesar destroyed the Republic)
-“ “ assassinated Caesar on March 14, 44 BCE (Ides of March) in Roman forum
-Octavian (Caesar’s nephew + adopted son) succeeded him (27 BCE - 14 CE); new title in 27 BCE: Augustus
-“ “ introduced many reforms (new coinage, tax collection, fire and police protection, etc.)
What is the origin of Christianity in the Middle East?
-Jesus born in Bethlehem (now Palestine)
-Christianity based on his life, teachings, death, and resurrection
-3 major branches of Christianity: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism
-BC = before Christ
-Anno Domini (AD) = Latin for “in the year of the lord”
-BCE = Before Common Era (formerly BC)
-CE = Common Era (formerly AD)
Byzantine Empire
-Christianity spread through Empire (1st century)
-Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity (~312 CE); ordered toleration in Edict of Milan (~313 CE)
-Emperor Theodosius I proclaimed Christianity as Empire’s official religion (391 ce)
-Emperor Theodosius II divided Empire between his two sons (one ruling East and other ruling West)
-Constantinople became undisputed leading city after Vandals sacked Rome (~455 CE)
-Constantinople fell to Ottoman Turks (1435 CE)
Islamic Civilization
-Mohammed born 570 CE
-“ “ marched to Mecca (630 CE)
-Sharia (code of law and theology) outlines 5 pillars of faith for Muslims
-Koran consists of 114 suras (verses) and Mohammed’s teachings
-Omayyad caliphs (aka Shiites) governed 661-750 BCE, believed they were Mohammed’s true successors
-most Muslims were Sunnis
-Abbasid caliphs (750-1258 CE) moved capital to Baghdad + treated Arab and non-Arab Muslims as equals
-Genghis Khan (or Chingis) invaded Abbasids; seized Baghdad + murdered last caliph (1258 CE)
Feudalism in Japan
-feudalism began with mounted nomadic warriors from throughout Asia during Koran Era (300-710 CE)
-hereditary military aristocracy arose during Heian Era (794-1185 CE)
Minamoto no Yorimoto forced emperor to award him title of shogun (“barbarian-subduing generalissimo”); used this power to found Kamakura Shogunate (a federal military dictatorship lasting 148 years)
-great military governors augmented their power enough to become a threat to Kamkura (14th century)
-“ “ led a rebellion that overthrew them (1333 CE)
-warriors gradually became scholars and bureaucrats under bush idk (code of chivalry) and principles of neo-Confucianism
-under Meji Restoration of 1868, emperor received power; samurai class lost special privileges
What was the Thirty Years’ War?
-between 1618 and 1648
-European powers fought a series of wars for religious, dynastic, commercial, and territorial rivalries reasons
-ended with Treaty of Westphalia in 1648
-changed boundaries of most European countries
The Napoleonic Era
-on December 25, 1799, a new government and constitution concentrated supreme power in the hands of Napoleon
-French-ruled peoples viewed Napoleon as a tyrant who repressed and exploited them for France’s glory and advantage
-enlightened reformers believed he betrayed the ideals of the Revolution
-downfall resulted from inability to conquer England, economic distress caused but the Continental System (boycott of British goods), Peninsular War with Spain, German War of Liberation, and invasion of Russia
-actual defeat of Napoleon = Battle of Waterloo 1815
What is Marxism?
-aka scientific socialism created by Karl Marx (German Scholar)
-intended to replace utopian hopes and dreams with a militant blueprint for socialist working-class success
-had 4 key propositions:
1. economic factors determine all human history (who controls the means of production and distribution);
2. belief that there has always been a class struggle between rich and poor;
3. theory of surplus value (true value of product is labor. works receive small portion of value and the difference is surplus value “stolen” from workers by capitalists);
4. socialism is inevitable because capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction (rich grow richer and poor grow poorer until the gap is too great that a revolution starts to overthrow the rich). creation of a classless society
What is geography?
-study of spatial distribution
-stresses analyzing info based on distribution, location, and interactions of diff humans and physical features of Earth
What are the two main areas of geography?
-physical geography: explores natural process of Earth
-human geography: explores impact of people on physical world (e.g., how humans alter their environments)
What are cardinal directions?
north, south, east, and west
What is absolute location?
describes a location identifiable by specific geographic coordinates (e.g., longitude and latitude and addresses)
What is relative location?
describes where a place is situated in relation to another place(s) (e.g., Illinois is located in the Midwest)
What are political features?
towns/cities, country, state, national borders or significant bodies of water
Where can tropical rainforests be found?
in the equatorial lowlands in Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Amazon basin
What are the best known deserts in the world?
Sahara Desert, the Australian Outback, and the Arabian Desert